
Mobsters and Molls

Mobsters and Molls

After we went yesterday after the party on the 2nd floor to celebrate his 1st RezDay with Phil, we had prepared a surprise for today. What does Phil like? Ok, his favorite color is blue, but was that enough for a party? But he also likes jazz music, and you don't find that so often in SecondLife. Yes, before some protest now, in SecondLife there is actually almost everything you can imagine, or sometimes even can't imagine.

But would that be enough as a theme for a party? The roots of jazz go back far into the previous century, beginning 1910 it reached a zenith in the golden age of the 1920s. And that was the time of beautiful dresses, eye-catching jewelry, pompous hotels, and it was the time of Al Capone and the Chicago Mafia. And that was exactly the inspiration for today's event: "Mobsters & Molls". We wanted to go back to the roaring time with Flappers Dresses and Gatsby gowns.

It should be a challenge for everyone to prepare for this evening. But simply is often also boring. And preparing, shopping and trying it out is also a part of the parties that most of us enjoy, long before the party self start.

Together with Odette we prepared this evening, and we could engage Joaquin Gustav for a gig, an hour of live music. He is an amazing musician from Argentina, with a sexy voice and a wonderful guitar playing. 

And we talked to the DJs, not only to change the order for this evening, but also to really make sure it would be an evening of jazz and swing music. 

And the Sunshiner's Pub is a cosy pub where you can meet friends. Even though the pub was still decorated in Havana style, it was the best place for this event. So we were all curious, and I think all of us had a bit more trouble preparing herself for the event this time. Shortly before 4pm we came from the Room Club and the evening could begin. Joaquin Gustav was already there and we started punctually at 4pm our "Mobsters & Molls" party, our surprise gift for Phil. And the most of us were there, to spend this evening together with him.

Many were there from the beginning, some came later. Unfortunately this time some couldn't stay until the end. So in the evening there were more than 50 visitors in the pub, even if there were only 25 in the peak. Everyone came with suitable costumes, and it was a wonderful evening. 

We danced together, many also as a couple, and we laughed.  Joaquin Gustav was simply wonderful, he had chosen the right songs, and took us all with his voice, accompanied only by his guitar. Also a serenade for Phil could not be missing.  So at the end he also gave encores, so that the evening has shifted. Fortunately we knew that Joaquin would play at the Room Club again tomorrow, and the next special event is not far away. Also here we could engage him in the course of the evening.

With a little delay DJ Yuimetal took over the entertainment program for us at 5:15pm. She had also prepared a set with jazz music, so we all stayed in this mood. In the end we all agreed, a special evening, and unfortunately you can't hear Jazz in SecondLife so often, so we will certainly repeat it soon. Anyway, we all enjoyed it.

We also had another contest, and as usual in the Sunshine Realm we opened it with 1,000 L$ at the beginning of the event. And there was again a donation, Travi and Skye gave us 500 L$ for the contest. I hope they haven't robbery a bank for this before. Orfound them Al Capone's tax money? So after 2 hours it went into the vote with 1,500 L$. Everything went well, participants voted and we were able to finish the official part.

We went up to the 2nd floor again and DJ Polpeta took over the DJ desk for us. She had also prepared herself very well, and we continued with jazz and swing. 

The room was still decorated for Phil's RezDay, and this was his surprise party. So we kept partying. We really had a lot of fun together and also today there was a lot of naked skin to watch. And we laughed and danced together. It was a great end for this special evening. 

Of course we also talked about the next events. Everyone was curious and asked. It is always a special challenge to prepare oneself, but also a lot of fun. Next weekend is Saint Patrick's Day, and thus an important day for the Sunshine Family for many years. So there will be Saint Paty parties this weekend as well. On Friday we will have a street party at 4pm in front of Sunshiner's Pub, and on Saturday we will go to the pub at 4pm. We added it last year for Saint Patrick Day, so it's definitely the best place for the party. 

And because Joaquin Gustav visited our After-Party too, we used the chance and could engage him again for the Saturday Party next week and a set with Irish and Pup music. We are all very much looking forward to this evening. 

But before that we will go to the Trails End Music Hall on Tuesday at 5pm. Choose your best jeans, because the theme is "Favorite pair of Jeans". DJ Yezika will rock the barn for us.

If you are curious now, here are a lot of pictures from the party and the after-party. Just have a look at my Google Images Album for this day. And if you want to drop by here the landmark to the Sunshine Realm.

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