
Your Favorite Jeans

Your Favorite Jeans - Party

Today we wanted to get some air. And we haven't been to the Trails End Music Hall Club for a while. So we were looking for a theme that everyone could follow without much effort, and for which we didn't have much to prepare either. 

Mardi Gras was just over after all, and it's not that far to Saint Patrick's Day. So we invited to a "Your Favorite Jeans" party. It's also the first week after the change to the daylight saving time in the USA, Europe moved one week closer to the USA and therefore also to the SL time, but many of our friends from the USA were very tired.

But we were very happy that most of them were there anyway and celebrated with us.

We tried to start on time at 5pm. The first ones were also there early, but DJ Yezika hadn't considered the time change. Should we wait, or look for a new DJ. Fortunately there was suitable music on the selected radio station "Star FM Berlin", so we waited. Most of the visitors followed our theme and came with jeans and jackets. And with a little delay Yezika also came and entertained us with rocking tunes. A total of 52 guests came to the event. Special for a tuesday a good count. 

Of course we did a contest again. We started with a jackpot of 1,000 L$, because we had so many participants, but we increased it to 1,250 L$. The voting went without any problems, and in the end 29 people had voted. 

Yezika played a bit longer. So of course there was an after-party again. And also in jeans you can dance topless. Especially this part of the party is always something special. 

But it was to be noticed nevertheless that some of our friends had to fight at the time change and were visibly tired. So we ended the event earlier than usual, so that everyone could go to bed on the right side.

As always you'll find some pictures of this event in a Google Images Album.

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