
Rock the Realm

Rock the Realm

After three days of celebrating Saint Patrick's Day Friday, Saturday and Sunday (Club Room)and lots of green beer we wanted something different today. So we had cleaned up yesterday and thought about it. Misty had already started to redecorate the Sunshiner's Pub into a Rock Pub, had changed the pictures and the carpet and had cleaned up other decorations. So yesterday we thought about what kind of event we could do. It should be something easier after the weekend, as we wanted to have a big spring ball in our Temple on Mount Olympus next Saturday.

It is quite impressive what we have already done in Sunshiner's Pub. At the beginning it was only planned for one event. Now it has been an important part of our Sim for one year. Then we thought about what to do with the rock pub.  The choice fell then on "Rock the Realm" or even briefly RtR. We all love rock music, and after some very successful new formats like Salsa and Havana Nights, or our Jazz Night, we wanted to go back to the roots. We had already done very successful rock events in the garage before, "Rock the Garage". So it was decided. We invited everyone to a rock night, comfortable rocky and groovy clothes were the order of the day.

We met at the pub today at 5pm. How often on Tuesdays it was a bit quieter, the first ones really came at 5pm and it was slow. It only looked like a really quiet evening, but somehow we wanted to get some air after the weekend.  DJ Yezika brought the pub up to operating temperature with rock music and we had fun. And, how else could it be, more and more guests came.

So we had more than 40 guests again today. Some couldn't stay for the whole time, for some it was already very late, others had to go to dinner, that's at events in Secondlife, it's difficult to find a good time for everyone. But in the end there were 35 people who were together in the pub.

We also opened another contest. As usual we started it with 1,000 L$. Because the Tuesday event is longer with 2.5 hours, we increased the amount after one hour to 1,250 L$, and called all again to invite friends. Such events should always be spent together with friends. That's the "secret" behind the Sunshine Family, fun together with friends. After the usual admonitory words about considerate behaviour we opened the vote at 7pm. At the end 22 participants voted.

Yezika played some more music for us. So there was an after-party again. But it's noticeable that we meet later on Tuesdays, and everyone has to work again the next day. So we all said goodbye shortly after 8pm and most of them disappeared into bed. It was a nice evening, we were happy that everything worked so well. And there was some praise for the newly decorated pub.

Of course you can find more pictures in one of my Google Images Albums. And if you feel like it, are curious, have a look at us. Here at this landmark you can find the Sunshine Realm in Grid. And you can also stop by one of the other venues, be it Temple or Sunshine Gym, or Trails End Music Hall or Sunshine Garden. And soon we will start with our new project, a garden as spring land, opposite the street and the Sunshiner's Pub. Maybe you'll find a place to rest, dream or dance. Or a nice backdrop for photos. 

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