
St. Paty Saturday

Saint Patrick Preheading at Saturday

And now our event on Saturday is finished. After the preheading event yesterday, expectations were high. We were really looking forward to the evening. It was a wonderful evening, with a lot of good music, many friends of the Sunshine Family were together and we also had many guests. It was a successful evening, even if it looked like it was going to be a more difficult one at the beginning. Already the general conditions seemed bad, the SL servers were unusually slow, so there were not only problems when logging in, it was also everywhere very laggy. Fortunately our Sim had been restarted in the morning.

As planned we opened the evening on the new fairground in front of the Sunshiner's Pub. We were like every Saturday before in the Club Room of Valantine, and have already talked a lot and laughed. DJ Vanny had entertained us well. Then we got dressed for the event and moved to the Sunshine Realm. That evening I had decided on a long dress from Son!a, which I had already bought last year for the "Formal Green" Ball, but had not worn. But the "Son!a Nihan Jet Dress" with the deep green was very good for this evening. And I had dyed my Magika hair red from the evening before, and freckles on my face. Only shoes, and my outfit was complete. Also some other of us had decided today for a long dress. And of course the place was green again. And we had a lot green beer again too.

And at the beginning there were some problems. We were all there at 4pm to start the event. But the DJ Board and the Tipjar didn't work as expected. And although Joaquin Gustav had already performed the week before, it didn't work out that way today. We tried to solve the problems. The DJ board was still in the Pub. We moved it closer to the stage.  Than we checked and adjusted the configuration of the TipJar again. And finially we reset everything. Then the equipment worked well and we could start with a delay of 5 minutes. At last we reset the contest board to avoid problems as much as possible.

Joaquin Gustav had prepared well and inspired us with a mix of traditional and contemporary Irish music. It was an unforgettable hour with beautiful music, and each of us could feel how much fun Joaquin himself had. The time ran out much too fast, and after an encore it was time. DJ Yuimetal opened her set and we all went to the pub to continue. The equipment was quickly brought to the pub and this time everything went very well.

DJ Yuimetal also played traditional music. It was a great set. Most of the guests had followed us to the pub, and the good mood continued. We listened to the music together, laughed and danced a lot. Of course it was fun again to see all the costumes. It is always wonderful that so many follow our themes. Of course most of the Sunshine Girls, but also many guests have fun with it. It is really a good feeling that we have so many friends and visitors to the events. 

And of course we had again a contest in slitmode in which 28 people took part. During the contest there were some problems. Unfortunately some don't learn it, probably they come with alts, and want to change from one to the other quickly. And they want to do that quickly and want to be sure that they voted. What are the other participants interested in? It was a bit Laggy, so the confirmations for the vote take a bit longer. And some are always outrageous, ruthless and make it more difficult for everyone else. Every day we remind you to click only once on the vote and wait for the confirmation. The contestboard registers every click, in case of multiple votes it has to create and display the dialog window for the unvote. And the board waits for the answer, delays it for all others. And these resources are very critical for LSL scripted things. So you don't just load the board because it has to process more clicks, especially the many unvote windows make it almost impossible to do the contest properly. And once again some have clicked on the board several times in a row. So we took action again this time and excluded 2 participants from the contest. We are seriously thinking about temporary bans for some visitors. In the end everything worked again and 24 participants cast their votes.

And even if the event was a bit longer today, there should be a follow-up party then. DJ Polpeta has taken over the entertainment program for this. She had also prepared herself very well and continued the thread for the evening. She played trational Irish music, some current news from the Celtic Girls and epochal celtic music. In the end, she picked out fitting music from the different countries where the Sunshine Girls come from. Once again it was a very successful set.

And, it wouldn't be the Sunshine Realm if in the end most of us hadn't pulled out and shown the tits. We danced and there was a lot to see again. That also belongs to the Sunshine Realm, you shouldn't miss it.

Thanks to all who helped to prepare or to run the event. To Misty, Bic, Valantine, Polpeta, Joaquin and YuiMetal. Thanks to the friends who once again followed the theme and made sure the atmosphere was good. I would like to mention just a few, Phil, Lorica, Black, Celibaterre, Odette, Miumiu, Lily, Travi, Skye and some others. And the guests who came and celebrated with us. Of course there are also more pictures from this event. You can find them in my Google Images Album for this event. And if you are ever curious and want to visit us. Here is the landmark for the Sunshine Realm in the grid of SecondLife.

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