
Motorcycle Mania

Motorcycle Mania

It's been a while since we had our last biker event. Today we symbolically open the "Sunshine Biker Club" with our motorcycle Mania Event. Ok, we are no MC, but somehow the Sunshine Family is also a club. We are looking forward to an event with bikers in leather and boots. We invited everyone to put on a vest and boots and to come out on the street in front of Sunshiner's Pub. We wanted to rock the niche with the big stage together.

We prepared everything, decorated and set up some motorcycles. And of course we were curious what our friends and guests would do with this theme. And of course, if the bad series of the last weekend and especially of Tuesday would continue and if the summer slump would catch us. We had a lot of visitors but also a high fluctuation, so that we had on average only 37 visitors at the end at the same time in the Sim.

We came from the Club Room just before 4pm. Odette was already there as we arrived. After Valantine had put her stream in the sim, we could start punctually at 4pm. She had put together a rock set and created a good atmosphere right from the start. And of course the Sunshine Girls came at the beginning. Here it is noticeable that the summer is slowly coming to an end. We were already 8 before the first guest arrived. Everyone had a matchable outfit, so it could be a wonderful party. But would the guests also come?

But every worry was for nothing, because even the first guests came shortly after 4pm and it became very fast full in our alcove. And all came as bikers, with a lot of imagination you could smell the leather of the vests, and maybe also the exhaust fumes and the rubber abrasion of the tires. It got full very quickly and we knew that it would be a good event again. And of course we freed ourselves from the summer slump. In total there were 60 guests at our event and the after-party tonight. And of these 46
 were also together at same time to the end of the main event. Some came later to the After-Party, others had to go to bed before and left us. That's the difficult thing about SecondLife, our Sunshine girls, friends and guests come from many different countries of the world. But with that we have again achieved a very good result for an event. That was almost double as many visitors as we had on Tuesday for our "Lumberjack Day" on Tuesday on the meadow in front of the Trails End Music Hall Club.

So we had everything, a good place, fitting good music and a crowd. We all danced together. But somehow some of them seemed rather tired. It was still a successful evening, and in the end also an incentive to make it better at the end, to learn more. We also had lag again, although it doesn't even seem to be the Sim itself. It is noticeable that the textures load slowly, so it was also difficult to take pictures. And somehow some of them seem to move closer and closer together.

Our group is getting smaller and smaller during the week, and last weekend had an effect, so the new members couldn't make up for this loss this time, and for the first time the number is lower than last week. But we are sure that this is only temporary. We started our contest as usual and at the end 29 voted. The voting was really quiet and without any problems, so that we could finish the main event punctually at 6pm. Of course not without inviting everyone for our event "Venice at night".

And of course we had an after-party again. We had already started to take off some of the heavier clothes during the event, but now it really started. Valantine kept us entertained with rock music. And many of the Sunshine Girls danced topless and in lingerie. Why not all of them? I really can't say. But some guests fortunately follow the example again and again and pull us bare. So it was a nice evening, and a very nice conclusion of this. We all look forward to tomorrow when we meet again in the temple.

Images of the preparation and the event are in this Google Images Album.

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