
Lumberjack Day

Lumberjack Day

Today was our first Lumberjack Day and we wanted to use the summer again and went with our guest and friends back into nature. And the big meadow in front of the "Trails End Music Hall Club" is perfect for that. Let's be honest.  A sun-tanned and well-built lumberjack, the play of his muscles and a sweaty body, our hearts beat faster. And not only that happens. And there are these special chequered shirts that stretch around the muscular bodies. And who doesn't even look at his friend's shirt? And maybe only the shirt with a sexy thong. We prepared the meadow with some stacks of wood and axes and invited all to chop them own wood. 

This time the anticipation was particularly high again, and many of us thought about it and looked for suitable outfits. Also our men surprised us once again. So the first ones met a few minutes before and Odette was even there to take pictures. She shared it with us at her Flickr- Account and in our Group. Maybe you'd like to come by and use our Sim as a backdrop. You can also share them with our Sunshine Realm's Flickr- Group and ask us if you need help. And if your picture match with our event themes, maybe I will use it here in the blog too.

Photo taken by Odette and shared in our Sunshine Realm's Flickr- Group

We were curious. Unfortunately, the bad trend has continued with events that focus on craftsmen. Already with our construction worker event we had the worst attended event in 2019. But that didn't stop our fun with this topic. I have shared my fantasies on the subject in an erotic story "construction worker" here in the blog. Well, with 31 guests, 23 of whom were together in the Sunshiner's Pub at the end, this is the event with the fewest guests this year who were together at one venue. And also our "Thank you service workers" Event was not better attended, on the contrary. There were 26 guests together in the Sunshiner's Pub, but in total there were only 29 guests. Now these two events were also on Tuesdays, and it is more difficult to get a full house. On the other hand, DJ Yezika is always good for a surprise, and provides a good atmosphere. So we had very well visited Tuesdays this year. Well, it's summer and holiday time, but I've often written that.

But let's get to the event. We had met before and laughed a lot. It was really impressive what some of our friends did with this topic. It was fun to see that and we laughed a lot. At 5 pm the Nightwishes came, DJ Yezika had brought Ruby and Vanny. She started the music entertainment for this event with her stream. And the first thing, as we are know it from her, she entertained us also today very well. And of course the Nightwishes also came as woodcutters, and Yezika even had her chainsaw with her. 

We are really happy that there are still trees left around the Trails End Music Hall Club and Sunshine Garden. Unlike what happened in Brazil actually, everyone really respected nature and didn't destroy important resources of our nature. This beautiful place in our sim is healthy, self after the invasion of lumberjacks.

I had already written it. This time we have fallen a bit short of our expectations. Well, it can't always just go up. So only 32 guests came today, so not really more than at the other two craftsman events, and there were 25 friends and guests together on the meadow. Also the number of members in our group stagnated. But that won't stop us from using such themes for our events in the future. Because even if there were not so many guests this time. We do the events primarily for our friends and we all had a lot of fun, already during the preparation and also during the event. And some of us had a colored head radio in bright colors and with Dolby Surround Sound.

So we also had less participants in our contest, today there were only 14. We had started the contest with 1,000 L$ in split mode, and this time this was the final jackpot too. And 13 of the participants voted. Since none of our neighbours were there, and the club with the bots fortunately disappeared from the Sim at least for the time being, there were no lag this time. So the voting went in a few minutes without any problems. So we could say goodbye to the guests and of course point out the upcoming events in our Sim.

And also today there was a short after-party. Unfortunately it is always very late on Tuesdays, and most of us have to go to bed or are tired. So it was only 30 minutes today. But as always we were very cheerful, and the first ones had already taken off their clothes during the event. At the end most of us danced topless. It really is always one of the highlights. Come and see us. 

And of course there are more pictures than I could use here in the blog. I always put them together in a Google Images Album and shared them. So you can look inside and get an overview.  I started this blogpost with a picture of Odette, which she posted in her Flickr. Some of us have Flickr accounts, me too. My Flickr- Account have meanwhile a lot followers and is a great possibility to share wonderful moments with a lot people. And there's the Sunshine Realm's group on Flickr, wherever there are pictures of our events and of our friends. We invite you, if you also like to take pictures, come and visit us, and you are welcome to share the pictures you made in our Sim with this group.  There are really some nice locations in our Sim, here is the landmark to our Sim in the Grid of SecondLife.  There are teleporters that take you to most of the spots in our Sim. And if you ever want to come to an event, we publish the Upcoming Events in this blog and update the site regularly. and the first ones had already taken off their clothes during the event.  At the end most of us danced topless. It really is always one of the highlights. Come and see us. 

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