
Woodstock Anniversary 2nd Day

Woodstock Anniversary 2nd Day

Today we celebrated the 2nd event of our 50th Woodstock anniversary celebrations. We went again on our new festival place  before it will be dismantled tomorrow. We opened this place yesterday for our first event for Woodstock Anniversary Celebration. I have changed some at the stage, there is a new cover and some new lighting effects and fog machines.  And celebrate another rock night in the spirit of the music of the late 60s and the hippies. We were flower childs again and felt the power of this very special feeling of life. 

DJ Yuimetal prepared a special set with a lot live stuff for this set. She wanted so much gems in the history of music that she started some minutes before. Most of us met before in the Club Room of Valantine for a Pool Party with DJ Vanny. We had much fun and danced together. The excitement grew with every minute, and some of us were already changing clothes for the next event. Or were already inspired by our Woodstock event. So the time until the event flew by.

I'm a quarter of an hour before 4pm to the Sunshine Realm and have checked everything. DJ Yuimetal had already announced to start an hour earlier because she had found so many songs from that time. I don't know now if she really started an hour before. But she changed short before her plans andput together the set other. But at least she was there when I came. So everything was ready for our 2nd Woodstock anniversary event. A last look over the festival place and then it started right on time at 4pm, and also the others followed from the Club Room. And DJ Yuimetal started her stream for the sim.

And today it got fuller faster and the visitors stayed longer. So after one hour we had already exceeded the number of the previous day. It quickly became fuller, and again most of them followed the theme and came with hippie clothes. So it quickly became fuller on our meadow and it was really colorful to look at. Also the stage in the background provided for colorful variation. We really had a lot of fun together.

So at the end of the main event we were 42 people together. In total there were 55 visitors to our event today. It can't always be more than 60 visitors, and especially in summer it's more difficult. Maybe we will reach a few more of our guests with next week's themes. We are also very satisfied with this number. And also today we had 3 new visitors who found to us. 

Of course we also opened our contestboard again. We charged it with 1,000 L$ for the start. But then we paid 250 L$ in the second half, because more than 30 participants were registered for the contest. So in the end it was about distributing 1,250 L$. After we had opened the voting, and the board worked reasonably well, we started a big fireworks display. Especially with the stage and the trees in the background it looked breathtaking. And that was the finale of the main event. A total of 29 of the 34 participants voted. Unfortunately, two had to leave us shortly before, two we took out of the contest because of everyday clothes during the voting. We said goodbye to the guests and paid the winnings as DJ YUimetal finished her wonderful set at 6pm.

But that's when we really get started. DJ Polpeta provided her stream and continued it with music from the Woodstock Festival. After the event we can relax and everything is done. We danced and laughed. Most of us pulled out and took the tops off. Also the long colorful skirts, which are annoying while dancing. So it was sexy to look at again. The Sunshine Girls are already unique, and you don't get that in many of the clubs. And here we don't do it because a gst pays, but because we have fun being together and dancing and taking off our clothes. So you should stop by when the Sunshine Realm says "After-Party time" again.

That's how we stayed together after two hours. But one after the other we all found our bed. Some are from Europe, and there it was earlier tomorrow. So we became less and less and at the end only some of us women are left and let a wonderful evening fade away. 

And again the known ending. I should finally copy it, but I like to write. Everyone who knows me knows that my 2nd passion in Secondlife is photography. So there are many more pictures than the ones I used here in the blogpost. I have put together a Google Images Album for you, and invite you to browse through it. It was a nice event, maybe I can convey it to you with these pictures. A lovely place, pretty girls and many guests in wonderful costumes, there were some nice motives. If you would like to drop by yourself, here is the landmark to the Sunshine Realm. 

You can find teleporters at most spots and take a look around. Maybe you also like to take pictures, and the backdrops of the Sunshine Realm animate you. You are welcome to share these pictures with our Sunshine Realm's Flickr Group. Of course you can also send me a message if you are not a resident of SecondLife. You will find my Flickr Account with this Link. I am happy about any message, inworld or about Flickr, or as a comment here in my blog. If you are a resident and you want to drop by, here in the blog is the page "Upcoming Events" which we update regularly and where you can find information about the next events. So it's worth saving the page as a bookmark.

At the bottom of the "Upcoming Events" page you'll find a list of all 98 public events we've organized and hosted this year. Take a look at it and you will get an impression of the variety, the different topics, partly time travel or current topics. Also in the next week amazing events are planned again, and on Friday the 100th event will be in this year. Motorcycle Mania in our street in front of Sunshiner's Pub and in front of the stage in the alcove. We had some awesome events at this spot and look forward to host this special event there. Maybe we can welcome you soon.

With this event, another week at the Sunshine Realm ends. It was much too fast again. We will all meet again tomorrow in the Club Room.  But also next week impressive events await us here in our Sim. 

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