
Let's go Bowling

Let's go Bowling

Sports events have a long tradition at the Sunshine Realm. In addition to our Sunshine Gym, we have also hosted events on footballbaseballsoccertennis and, most recently, a roller derby. And today it was sport again and we had come up with something new. Even if it is a bit forgotten now, bowling was a kind of folk sport for a long time. Teams were formed and competitions were held. So we also built our bowling alley in our Roller Derby Hall and are looked forward to this special event. We asked "Who wants to compete against the Sunshine Girls today?" and hoped that many Guests would follow our invitation?

At first we wanted to build another location, but then we decided to use the Roller Derby Rink and just change the interior. We only wanted a decoration, not a functioning bowling alley. This would require that guests could rezzen objects in the sim.  So on Thursday we built everything up and then we could only wait how this event would work. Many of us had problems finding a suitable outfit this time. I don't really have much in common with bowling either, and as far as I can remember, I've never seen a bowling hall from the inside. So I got myself from an episode of the TV series "Bones". But that wasn't much information. So I was curious what the others would do with this topic.

And of course many surprised us again and everyone came with new ideas and sexy outfits. It was so nice to see what our friends and the Sunshine Girls did with the theme. And of course also many of the guests who thought about it. That's the secret of the Sunshine Realm, the creativity that we bring out with our always new events and ideas and it's wonderful to see what our friends do with this topic.

But let's start with the event. Like most Saturdays we were in the Club Room before and were all excited. When we came to the Sunshine Realm at 4pm, DJ Yuimetal was already there and had started their music stream. Yuimetal entertained us that evening with a colorful mix of fresh music. We gathered and danced in the area in front of the bowling lanes. The hall was really big, but luckily the first guests came quickly and it got fuller.

And already after the first half hour there were more than the day before. So it quickly became clear that things would be better this time. So more than 50 guests visited us tonight, and shortly before the end of the main event we were with 44 people in the new bowling hall. But it was really so huge that even twice as many visitors would have easily fitted in. So it was a good night for us and we were able to continue the weeks before.

Of course we had organized another contest. As always we started the board at the beginning of the event with a jackpot of 1,000 L$ in split mode. Since it was fuller today, and most of the visitors participated the most in the contest, we increased the amount early on to 1,250 L$. But that was just a start today. A little later we received an anonymous donation and raised the jackpot to L$1,500. This happens more often at the Sunshine Realm. While I was still writing in the Group Chat about the first raise, this news was no longer up to date. Sometimes things happen faster than I can write about, and still it's not fake news. What's true always stays true, what others may think. And we still weren't at the end yet. Because Phil also donated and with that we could raise the jackpot to 2,500 L$. Thank you Phil for your support, and thank you for always being at the forefront of the challenge for a good outfit for the events.

Time really flew by and the voting started at the end of the main event. Now we were a bit more, and crossed our fingers that all this would work. We had opened the voting only 15 minutes before the end. But everything went smoothly and everyone was very disciplined. And already after 10 minutes all had voted, so that we could say goodbye to all of them and select the winners punctually at 6pm and pay everything out. So we had another week behind us and could all look forward to the after-party.

We danced together and most Sunshine Girls and some guests pulled their tits bare. This is also part of our parties, dancing topless or naked. Some change to sexy lingeries at the end. And meanwhile come some guests only to our After-Parties. We had a lot of fun, and also the men took off some clothes. It is always fun to flirt and spend time together. DJ Polpeta was back after a short break in the last days and tried to find matching music for each of us. So it was a colorful mix of music in different languages. So this week really came to an end and at 8pm we are all finally in bed. Maybe some of you have already thought about the events of the coming week.

And also this weekend brought us new members in the group. It was a clear step forward. There are now 938 members in the Sunshine Cove Rocker Group. Of course we are happy about every guest who comes back. But new members in the group are important to organize events of this size in the future.

And also today there is a Google Images Album with more pictures from the event. Have a look, maybe you'll want to drop by. Already on Tuesday we have our next event and meet again the pirates at our Caribbean beach. You can find all information about the upcoming events on the page "Upcoming Events" here in the blog. Of course you can also drop by and explore everything. Maybe you want to take some pictures, the Sunshine Realm has some nice backdrops for your pictures. You can share them with our Flickr Group. In any case I give you here the landmark to the Sunshine Realm. 

1 comment:

  1. Ah it works like this..
    I guess we're all too lazy to drop a comment :D
