
Pirates, the Return

Pirates, the Return

Maybe you read that every year on August 16th the National Rum Day is celebrated. Originally planned we this event for the 16th, but moved it forward. But back to the rum. It is a sweet spirit and comes from sunny Papua New Guinea. The rum made its way to the Caribbean via the West Indies. It awakens images of sandy beaches and colorful umbrellas in fruity drinks. And there was something else. It was also a very popular drink with the pirates. Who doesn't know the song "Yo, ho, ho and a bottle of rum"?
Fifteen men on a dead man's chestYo, ho, ho and a bottle of rumDrink and the devil had done for the restYo, ho, ho and a bottle of rum.

All right, the pirates are gone. Do you really believe that? Through a rift in the time structure they came back to the Sunshine Realm once and searched for their lost treasure. Now they also heard about the rum day and remembered that they buried some barrels of the delicious drink in the sand. And they used the gap in time to land their ship in front of our beach. So began our 2nd pirate event on our beautiful and idyllic Caribbean beach

We met us short before 5pm and quickly come the first friends and guests. It was again a colorful group, because everyone came in suitable costumes. Tonight we were the pirates, wenches or boatmen. It was really great to see what everyone had done with this topic. So the atmosphere was very good from the beginning. And when DJ Yezika came at 5pm and Ruby and Vanny Nightwish had brought along, the party could really start. We used her music stream and she entertained us very well tonight.

I'm pretty sure that most of the Wenches were sexy and turned their heads on the men, but they were still veiled. And also the female pirates weren't really lsziv dressed. But SecondLife is a fantasy world. With us many of the Sunshine Girls were really sexy and it still fit perfectly into the theme. So we twisted the heads of some of the men present, and the rum did the rest. We all danced together on the beach and could laugh a lot. And so many will probably remember an unforgettable evening.

Of course, we were curious again how many would come. Our first pirate event "Buried Treasure / Pirates" in June was a great success, but that was before summer and it was holiday time. But our worries were superfluous, because even today more and more guests came. So in the end there were again more than 50 visitors, and shortly before the end of the main event there were 44 people together at our beach and the adjacent beach club. And they all wore matching costumes. So it was again a very good event. 

And we also had another contest which we opened as usual with 1,000 L$ in split mode. But as there were more than 30 participants who joined, we increased the jackpot to 1,250 L$. So we went into the voting. Unfortunately there were again guests who didn't learn it and clicked on the contest board in a quick succession. Funnily enough, they complained that they only did it because it was laggy and the board didn't answer right away. The fact that they are the problem themselves, and through their ruthless behavior a large part of this lag only produce, does not go even months into the heads. The main thing is that they can quickly switch to another ALT, so they can go there and click on the board 15 times. Then they are sure taht it will have worked somehow and they switch to them ALT. And when you then switch back from the other ALT there are 14 unvote windows that have to be closed, and almost cause a stagnation when voting for all the others. Today they were only warnings, and even if some will not understand it and perhaps even find it unfair. But we will do the work and throw offenders out of the contest again. After a few weeks of really smooth running and everyone behaving reasonably, the effect seems to fade away and the mass clicks on the board starts again. Well, we finished the contest good and timely and 33 participants voted.

We said goodbye to the guests and wished them a good way home. Of course we all pointed out that you should always drink carefully and never drive when you have drunk. We also pointed out the upcoming events before we paid out the winners and the main event was over. 

And also today there was a short after-party. And many of the Sunshine Girls and some guests stayed and there were sexy tits to see again, which moved to the rhythm of the music. Sexy pirate brides so revealing and a nightly beach, who wants more? DJ Yezika played a few minutes longer before we went to bed and looked forward to the next event. We ran out of rum. Who knows where some dreamed of.

And I've written that many times before. I've taken more pictures and made them available to you in a Google Images Album. Have fun looking through them, and in the end pictures are often more meaningful. Maybe they will help you to get an impression of this event and you will want to drop by. The blog page "Upcoming Events" contains all information about the next days. Just have a look at the page, maybe there is something that interests you, and where you can also find the special atmosphere during the events here at the Sunshine Realm. Of course you can also come by, here is the landmark of our Sim in the Grid. 

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