
Buried Treasure / Pirates

Buried Treasure / Pirates

Something very special happened today. It's still hard to understand, and many of those who took part in our event tonight probably felt it too. We had invited to a time travel, and then it really happened. We are together at a beach in SecondLife, there are many. But we really were together there, together with friends, and together as pirates gals and wenches and pirates.

But let's start chronologically, at the beginning is an idea. Couldn't we do a pirate event? And what name do we give it? That was more a spontaneous idea to call it "Buried Treasure / Pirates", and to set the Caribbean beach as the scene. 

Then the beach had to be prepared. We moved the beach hut to the front side, and moved the shipwreck from the dock to the back side. The ship then moored at the beach, so it got denser. In addition a new shipwreck, it should have been off sim, but somehow it didn't work. So we put it near the mouth of the small brook that separates the front and back half into the beach. A few more decorations, barrels, a treasure map, the treasure chest, the pirate flags, old cannons with the bullets and flotsam and our beach was finished. There is something to do every week, but it is something wonderful to develop an idea together. 

And we're really doing this together. Sometimes Misty doesn't have time, another time I'm tied to the RL, then we can rely on it to work anyway. But mostly we prepare the places together. Buying new stuff together, complementing our ideas. We mix our fantasies with real experienced backgrounds. And that often, without the need for many words. I think some spectators would be disappointed if they'ld see us building. Until the two individual pictures, which seem to develop independently, suddenly form a common picture.  

Then there are also events where one of us lacks access to the experienced experience and the responsibility lies with one of us.  But then we share the thoughts, take the others with us into our fantasy world and exchange ideas. In this way, we look beyond the famous edge of our plate, grow together and broaden our view.

Ok, we now had the idea, we had the place ready, and then the invitations were still missing. Some may see it as a waste of time, but we want to get our friends and guests in the right mood right from the start. So we plan the events in advance and write the information on the blog page "Upcoming Events". Anyone can get information there, and I get angry when a Sunshine Girl asks: "Do we have an event today?". In addition there are the notes in the Sunshine Cove Group. And mostly we also write an entry in the SecondLife calendar. So also everything this time. 

The teaser for the event was fast written. "Under the protection of the setting sun, the wild pirates have landed at the tropical Sunshine Realm Beach and are searching for the hidden treasure of Captain Blackbeard. When they couldn't find the treasure, they took some of the Sunshine Girls hostage.  Come to the Sunshine Realm and help us free the hostages before the pirates defile them and sell them into Berber slavery. Come to this special event tonight and follow us back to the days of sailing ships when pirates made the seas unsafe.". Now we could only wait.

We wanted to meet at 5pm, but the first ones were already in the sim before. Some used them to take pictures or just looked around. It was nice to see how the theme was taken by everyone, and what fantasies each of us had. And after the difficulties in the last weeks, that really each of us is now participating and actively participating. A wonderful and creative group of friends. And it really seems as if everyone is growing beyond themselves.

So we had some pirate brides and Wenches, many pirates and captains. Some had lost their hands experimenting with gunpowder and came with a hook for a hand, others had sabres and other weapons. It is really breathtaking to see what SecondLife makes possible when the fantasies are unleashed.  

At 5pm came Yezika and the Nightwish Family and took over the entertainment, they played a wonderful set. Everyone danced, did it alone, many in the group and some as a couple. We talked and laughed a lot in the lcal chat, and it quickly got fuller at the booth. And each one came with an outfit that matched the theme.

So we really travelled back in time. Actually, we had prepared a trivia and had some questions about the pirate topic. But we were all so impressed, so speechless that we really forgot. But that certainly didn't break the mood on this special evening. 

In total more than 50 visitors came that evening. And did I already say it? All had suitable clothes on. Since not everyone could stay until the end, 42 people were together in the Sim. Not bad for an event on Tuesday, probably the topic has addressed many. We can only thank everyone who thought about it in advance and came with the right outfit. And there were again new guests who didn't know our Sim until then. 

So of course we loaded our contestboard with 1,000 L$ and started it in splitmode. After a little more than one hour we reached 6 pages (more than 30 participants), so we increased it to 1,250 L$. Only a few minutes later Fiona donated another 1,000 L$, and we reached the final amount for the jackpot of 2,250 L$. This also happens sometimes at the Sunshine Realm, and shows that the atmosphere here is special, and also our friends are often captured by it. Thanks to all of you. In the end 32 people voted, so at least as many were registered in the contest. And although it was a bit more laggy, the voting went relatively well. The usual warning words, and still we had to remove 2 from the contest, because they clicked on the board several times in quick succession. 

Already during the event it got hotter and hotter on the beach and we started to take off our heavy clothes. So the titties flashed and it was for many an even hotter evening. It also makes the Sunshine Realm special. It's an adult rated place. That excludes us from the advertising in SecondLife, but it is the prerequisite that it gets hotter at the end of every event. 

We finished the contest and the main event at 7:30pm. Most of the guests left us after we had wished everyone a (virtual) good way home and invited them for the next event. And then it got even hotter at the Sunshine Realm, when the family stayed together and moved closer together. 

We all had fun and laughed a lot. We danced together and let the wonderful evening end. 

There is a Google Images Album like usual with more pictures.Here the landmark for the Sunshine Realm. You can visiting the Sunshine Realm later too, maybe you find some corners to relax or a backdrop for wonderful photos.

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