
PRIDE Days 2019

PRIDE Days 2019

We started the preparations for our #PRIDE Days 2019 at Sunshine Realm. This week is always something special. Already last year we used this topic before the PRIDE Days 2018 to draw attention to the problems that people in many countries have on our earth. That there is discrimination and persecution, that media are used to rush against those who are different, and that in some countries even the death penalty threatens. In other countries, reactionary populists are trying to reverse the successes achieved and ban same-sex marriages again. So it is also a very important issue in 2019. 

And it is very important for us to draw attention to this important topic. So we hope this weekend of course for many visitors who celebrate the #PRIDE Days with us. The concept for the days is ready, we have two very good themes and will celebrate the weekend at the Alkoven of the street in front of Sunshiner's Pub. A street festival seems best for the #PRIDE Days, which are also often street parades in RL. 

I am what I am! The next two days are our #PRIDE days in Sunshine Realm. We follow the theme month in SecondLife and the LGBT movement in the real world. We are committed to ensuring that every person, regardless of gender, race and orientation, can be who they want to be. Than Love is never wrong! And this in every country of the world and of course also in our common virtual home SecondLife. And every adult should be allowed to love the adult person she or he loves.  

Are you ready for our #PRIDE Days 2019? We will celebrate our #PRIDE Days 2019 at 6/28 and 6/29 here in Sunshine Realm. We will start at 4pm at both days. Come to our colored decoreded Sunshine Realm and join us to show that you open minded to let each person in this world, regardless of gender and sexual orientation the free  choice of the partner who they love. Love must be free. We are PRIDE tonight. Without restrictions for a gender, the choice of a partner or a new personality. Come and be "PRIDE" with us this weekend. And this is the theme for friday too, "Tonight we are all PRIDE!". No one needs to be ashamed of being or feeling what he or she is. And the opposite of shame is PRIDE today. No one should hide and, as is still customary in some countries, fear for their lives. Everyone is more than their sexual orientation, and should be proud of it.

DJ Valantine will entertaining us this night and we will starting at 4pm. And we will open a contest with 1,000 L$ in splitmode like usual.

And we will continue on Saturday with the 2nd event and PRIDE Days. Again it starts at 4pm, and DJ Yuimetal will entertain us. This time the theme is "rainbow colors" and we want to dive together with our guests our Sunshine Realm into a sea with rainbow colors. 

The Sunshine Realm stands for openness and tolerance. This applies to people from all countries, all religions and cultures, but also all sexual orientations. We are an open world without prejudices and without excluding anyone. And so the PRIDE Days are something special for us every year. Together we make the world more colorful and richer. 

This is the 1st part of a german song of Kerstin Ott. And its match to our day. Come and join us and show the rainbow flags.

Have you ever seen a black and white rainbow?
Children who are always quiet?
Those don't exist

Do you have dreams you can't reach?
Feelings you can't show to anyone?
Those don't exist

Turn around, then you'll be able to see the bigger picture
Everything colorful, you just have to go a little farther
I play the air guitar and we sing!

Come, let's paint the world
With the colors of the rainbow
We want them everywhere: rainbow flags
Come! Come, make the world gleam
With the colors of the rainbow

You can see them everywhere: rainbow flags

We ill start an After-Party Set with DJ Polpeta at 6pm. 

We look forward to see you this weekend to our PRIDE Days.

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