
Lingerie Party for Father's Day

Lingerie Party (belated Father's Day)

The 16th of June is Father's Day in many countries of the world. And like the Mother's Day we wanted celebrate it with our Sunshine Family. Because we are closed at Sundays celebrated we it today belated. How could we make the father's a special favor to say thanks? We decided to make a lingerie party. All women were asked to come in sexy lingerie, the men were of course free, and could also come with a suit or tuxedo. Only it was supposed to be festive.

On Mother's Day we were also in our garden, but there we danced in lingerie only towards the end. Now we would start in lingerie and everyone could be curious what would happen. We were very much looking forward to this event. And since the garden is not only beautiful, but has its own atmosphere, we didn't have to prepare much this time.

We met before 5pm in the garden, and all Sunshine Girls came in lingerie. After a few minutes the Sim didn't run stable, we clearly felt the lag, and also the freshly reset contestboard reacted very slowly. Not really a good sign for the event. We could only hope that everything would work out. And with this topic we expected some guests.

At 5pm it started. Yezika, Ruby and Vanny Nightwish came and opened the party. Of course they also came in lingerie and entertained us with a stunning music set. We all danced and quickly the first guests came. Some of them we had to admonish, we posted again in the group, that today lingerie is obligatory for all women, and the men, if they didn't want to come in underwear or naked, please choose a formal outfit. So suit with tie or tuxedo. It was supposed to be a special evening for the men in our group. For all who are fathers, but also for all who could be. 

That's how we danced together. Some in groups, but we also had many couples, Fiona and Lorica, Sekhmet Emor and GianAngelo, but also some guests. Unfortunately we missed some. It is always a pity when friends are not there. After all, we don't do all this for ourselves. But everyone should feel comfortable, and nobody should just come to please someone else. Not even for me.

Events start for us days before the event. It starts with the idea. We then post it on the blog page "Upcoming Events". Then everything has to be prepared. And our friends and other guests have to find the right outfit and put themselves in the right mood. So it's wrong to reduce everything to the later event and to the behaviour of individuals who aren't even caught in the special spirit of the event. We should always focus on what's good. On the fun friends have together. And there is a lot fun at this special Place which we call Sunshine Realm.

But of course such an event also has to be supervised. It's not only fun, sometimes it's even a lot of work. Of course, we often don't try to show it that way. Always it is not possible, therefore today a somewhat different description of the event.

It quickly filled up, and we had 55 guests that night. For an event in the week really good. Not everyone could stay, some left us before. So at the end 45 people were together in our garden and celebrated. Also today there were some new ones, we are happy when our group becomes better known. Many took part in the contest. So we increased the jackpot from 1,000 L$ to 1,250 L$. 

But this also increased the tension. We really had problems in the region and the lag value was more than 20% shortly before the voting. We had already suspected that something had not worked with the restart of the Sim. A later check showed that the restarts the week before were only sporadic. We lost one more second in the simulator in 3 seconds before the voting. The reaction time of the contestboard was almost 10 seconds, even though nobody had voted yet. Maybe it would be better to cancel the voting and finishing the event. But in our history we did this only one time, an event during Halloween 2019. 

Also at that time the landlord did not have the care of the Sim any longer under control. Normally it works very well here. But it also shows how important it is to rent land in a reasonably maintained region. Even if this is then a bit more expensive. 

The single values at the monitor weren't even bad, the outfits weren't as complex as in our "Asian Paradice Night" on Saturday, where there were even more people (more than 65 guests, 60 were in the temple at the end together). So it was clearly due to the region, and we were relatively powerless. The following chart shows the performance on Friday (Pride in your Country Flag with more than 50 guests), Saturday (Asian Paradice with more than 65 guests) and today. You can also see that it was not a general problem in SecondLife and the peak lasted longer. 

So we could only appeal to the guests to behave sensibly. All of them should first put down unnecessary things. Why not dance naked? But especially superfluous HUDs can burden the Sim. We needed every bit of Sim resources for the contest. And then, of course, the warning. Especially people who come with ALTs get nervous when the board responds delayed. They want to quickly switch to the other ALT in order to vote with it. And then they click on the board several times in quick succession. Since this works off however each click, they get a row of Unvote windows.

And, of course, some of them didn't. One click, a few seconds later another 2 or 3 clicks, the nervousness rises, followed by a firework of clicks shortly before switching to the next page. We always wait and give enough time to vote. But does this person with the first ALTs want to go to the next Sim and the next contest? This cheeky and ruthless behavior is really the last one. And makes it more difficult for everyone else. This time we didn't just take 2 avatars out of the contest, but banned them from our sim for a few hours. Because these people often keep trying to vote even though they are no longer in the contest, and often are completely surprised in the local chat because the votes are no longer counted.

To clean everything up and give the board some time to work through the superfluous votes, we covered the board for a few minutes and appealed again to everyone to stay 

After we had cleaned up and the board was accessible again, we continued the contest. Fortunately most of our guests are considerate and the warnings did not miss their target. So the rest of the voting was slow, but it worked. So in the end everyone had the chance to vote and we had 33 votes. Also the payout ran then, and we breathed a sigh of relief to have survived this difficult evening and were looking forward to the after-party, for which even new guests came.

But that wasn't the end of it. A visitor reported that he had received a confirmation from his voting partner, but had not received any payment later. However, the board indicated 0 votes for this. Now it is difficult to clarify, normally the board also processes the confirmed votes. I guess there was a multiple click here, too, and later one of the following Unvote windows was closed with the wrong switch. But what does the discussion bring? I paid out an additional share of the Jackpot. But that was an exception, and nobody should try to repeat it. But at first we want satisfied guests and no stress.

Now we could enjoy the after-party. Like most Tuesdays we all disappeared into bed after 20 minutes. Not only for me it was already bright outside, everyone has to get up on Wednesday morning and go to work. So we said goodbye and in 8pm the event was over. 

As always, there are more pictures in a Google Images Album. Maybe you'll look through them. If you want to visit us, you can find information about upcoming events on the blog page "Upcoming Events". Or just drop by and explore our Sim, maybe you want to take pictures and need a nice backdrop for them. You can also share these pictures with our Sunshine Realm Flickr group. Many pictures in my Flickr account are taken here in the Sunshine Realm. Here is the landmark to the Sunshine Realm. Or you can join our Sunshiner Group in SecondLife and get messages about new events about this.

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