
Savannah Rain at New Santorini Temple of Thera

Savannah Rain at Calas' New Santorini Temple of Thera

Today I got an invitation to Savannah Rain's performance in the new underwater world of Calas and I was curious. Those who know me may also know that I like Savannah very much, she has a wonderful voice and a very open, funny way. And I like underwater worlds in SecondLife and sometimes I'm a mermaid too. I like the colors, but also the "flying" through the water. And a new world in Calas that connects everything, the possibility to go as a mermaid to a Savannah Rain concert, that made me forget the time, because 7pm in SecondLife is 4am for me. Around this time the sun almost rises here.

In the invitation was written that the New Santorini Temple of Thera is a breathtakingly beautiful sunken temple filled with amazing under water life and colors just off shore from New Santorini. Everyone was invited to come and dance as a mer or sea creature tonight! I was really curious about this new world. I'm always surprised when some people tell me they've never been underwater in SecondLife before. Some don't even know that there are beautiful and colorful underwater worlds here.

So I got ready and started my transformation to mermaid. A fishtail with fins, the shell shells to cover my titties, the ears and blue lips, the scales on the skin and of course the gills. So I quickly became a mermaid and jumped into the floods to swim down to the sunken temple. And already in the first seconds I was overwhelmed by the beauty of this underwater world, and once again it turned out that Ty and Truck are among the best builders in SecondLife, and we can all learn from them. And than I heart the laughter of Savannah and her amazing voice with the first of a row of beautiful songs.

When I arrived at the bottom, I discovered Savannah, too. And she didn't just sing in this underwater world, of course she also came as a mermaid herself. So she was a part of this world. Unfortunately most of the guests were wearing casual clothes and danced at the bottom of the sea. So little imagination. At least as a diver one could have come, or with swimming trunks. And even with a Swim HUD you can dive and move authentically in the water. But Savannah was the best singing mermaid I ever met. And I was careful not to get too close to her trident. 

I then looked around to find Ty and Truck, and of course both were there as sea creatures. That's what makes SecondLife so wonderful. You can live imaginations, you can paint fantasies in a virtual world and make it visible and "real", you can create complete pictures of your dreams and fantasies. The wonderful world under water, the gig of Savannah and amazing mermaids and men. It was a awesome night there at the bottom of the ocean in the sunken temple. 

Maybe the "Safe Waters Foundation" will discover the world and members will come by. And so that more guests than sea creatures come. And maybe we will have more marine creatures in SecondLife again, get more infected by the beauty of these creatures under water. Maybe we can inspire some more.

I hope there will be many more events here under the water in the sunken temple.

It was a really good show and time flew by. It was over much too fast again. But there will be wonderful memories. And this breathtaking underwater world will hopefully stay with us for some time. I will definitely come back. Thank you so much Ty and Truck for creating this world and make this wonderful night possible. Thank you for inspiring me and touching my soul. It was 5am for me as the show finished and the Sunset was done about my home.

But I didn't leave right away but explored the underwater world a bit. I was much too excited to sleep right away. I also wanted to swim for a few minutes and enjoy my freedom as a mermaid. You should also try it sometime. 

Now some may wonder what a mermaid does after such an evening. I swam home and reappeared from the ocean. The fishtail disappears when a mermaid rises from the water. And I also left the mussels behind. It takes some time for the scales and gills to recede. But I have enjoyed the rising sun, and the cool water is dripping from my skin. 

I sat down for a few minutes in the flat water on the shore and let the waves run over my legs. I had to get used to my legs and my own weight after swimming and being light in the water. The night was over, I urgently needed my bed to find some sleep before the everyday life caught me again. Maybe in my dream I would glide back into the sea and float through the water. Who knows who I would take with me, -). I will not betray it.

If you want to stop by in this fantastic world, here is the landmark for you. We would Ty and Truck say? Your seahorse ride to this world. 

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