
Asian Paradice (Oriental Formal)

Asian Paradice (Oriental Formal)

Today we wanted go with our friends and guests to the temple at the Sunshine Realm's Mount Olymp. And when we choose this place, we also want to celebrate a special event. Because this place is really something special. And we wanted another formal dance ball, and since we always mix themes from different cultures, we wanted to organize an Asian night this time. Asian Paradice, the name was found. An aisiatic night mixed with a formal dance ball. That was the plan, and we could be curious what happen.

The Temple is always a good place for formal dance balls, and a place where different cultures met together. We celebrated Valentine's Day here with our Hearts on Fire Event, then we went to the Greek Gods with Garden of Gods, later we celebrated the four Elements with Air Earth Water Fire. Then we started the spring there with an Indian Holi festival. And also our Jewish Passover festival was here. Now we returned to the temple again and went with our guests to Asia.

We already had a lot of fun preparing and decorating the temple. We have removed the remains of the last festival here, replaced the burning torches with Japanese lamps. I really wanted a temple bell, Misty a Torii, a typical Japanese archway. So the direction was soon clear, it would develop into a Japanese festival. We filled the gaps between the columns with Japanese room dividers, and then hung some red curtains with Asian characters. We rolled out a carpet matching the marble of the temple floor and put some red lamps on the stairs to the temple.  The flower vases are still very Roman and Greek, but colorful flowers fit to Japan. The same goes for the climbing plants on the pillars of the temple.

The place was prepared, now we could only wait and hope that our friends and guests would feel the spirit, and of course many would come. But on a Saturday and just before the summer our expectations were not so high. 

All we had to do was find an outfit. But this is also an important part of the events that some of us and some guests enjoy.  Unfortunately not all of our friends are enthusiastic, and some just come unprepared. They don't care that it's not only disrespectful, but that they destroy the "picture" that we create before with effort, and fill it with extras via the contest, and thus also spend L$. They think that you shouldn't waste L$ for it, but then they want to be there.

Fortunately this is the exception, most of them came with stunning outfits and had thought about it before. There were so many different wonderful costumes this time, that sometimes I was speechless.

If you think we going straight ahead to the summer time and lesser and lesser people spend time in SecondLife and so lesser guests will join our events too, than such nights happen. There's no other way to describe it. So I guess, many guests came and filled the Temple Mount, almost all had chosen wonderful costumes and it was a cheerful and exuberant atmosphere. An evening in SecondLife can hardly be better.

It almost couldn't be better, because not all of our friends could be there this time either. So we missed Bic, but also Phil was missing. Alric wasn't there too tonight. But it's always the same, the real life comes first. Also Miumiu was missing, and Fiona (1) is just starting a new chapter in her life and can probably not come the next weeks. So some have been missing. And we also missed some dear guests today, so Sekhmet Emor and GianAngelo were not there and we missed Renato Akiri, Eros and Craig Paolino to spend this special evening with us.  Of course, we hope to see all the others again soon.

But some new guests came today, and some who were missing the last weeks came back again. So our group has grown again before the summer and we have 893 members in the group after the event, that is 12 more than the day before and our growth continues.

As always we started our event on Saturday at 4pm. DJ Yuimetal had some problems at the beginning but was able to solve them with a relog. Not only did she look charming, with a mix of japanese music, pop and country, which she had enriched with some atmosphere music, she put us in a good mood and gave us a lot of joy. So the first 2 hours flew by. And almost all of them had matching outfits.

We had 65 guests that evening, and most stayed will be the main event. So at the end there were 60 people in our temple waiting for the end of the contest. We had started the contest with 1,000 L$ at the beginning, then we increased the jackpot to 1,250 L$ at the rush of participants. And although weekends in SecondLife are often more difficult, our Sim went very well this evening, so that even with the many guests and the partly elaborate clothes we had no problems with the voting. We had 54 participants in the contest, but 2 had to leave us shortly before the end. The remaining 52 participants could vote in only 15 minutes, so that we could finish the main event punctually.

Of course there was an after-party again. DJ Polpeta took over the entertainment and played romantic rock music. It was very well matched to the atmosphere in our temple. And as always we got rid of our clothes and danced in sexy lingerie or topless and naked. So it was again a very nice final for a breathtaking evening. Many will surely remember this special moment in the Sunshine Realm.

There are more than 100 pictures from this evening, which I put together in a Google Images Album for you. If you were there, maybe I could "shoot" you. Have a look at the album. If not, maybe the pictures will give you a better insight than my text here. Have a look at it.

And if you want to drop by, you can find information about the next events at the Sunshine Realm in my blog page "Upcoming Events". You can also stop by in between. Most of the time the sim is empty, we are a typical event place. So you can explore everything in peace, and use one of the spots to spend time with your friends. There are also romantic corners to discover. Or you can use it as a background for beautiful photos. Many pictures in my Flickr- Account were taken at the Sunshine Realm. And we also have a Sunshine Realm Flickr- Group where you can share your pictures with us later.

If you want to stop by and explore the Sunshine Realm, you'll find us at this landmark. We would be happy to receive your comments and suggestions, ideas for new parties and other remarks.

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