
End Prohibition / Speakeasy

End Prohibition / Speakeasy

Today we wanted to travel back in time with our friends and guests. After we went back to prehistoric times last weekend with our "Dinosaurs Day" and celebrated as pirates on Tuesday with "Buried treasure / Pirates", we wanted to go back to the time of prohibition today. Or better, the end of this era, when the Speakeasies formed a flourishing subculture in the USA. This follows Burlesque, which was popular in the USA in the first third of the 20th century, in terms of time and content. Since Burlesque and Prohibition overlap, we have chosen our Burlesque Palace for this event. This is a new venue, which we had planned for our first Burlesque Night, and which was supposed to be deleted afterwards.

Odette during our first Burlesque Night

But also our Jazz Night with the "Mobster & Molls" theme follows this theme, because Al Capone and the Chicago Mafia belong to this time, got rich with alcohol smuggling and ran establishments and hotels. So jazz belongs firmly to this period. So we could be curious which music Valantine would choose.

Misty & Bic during the "Mobster & Molls" Event

So we could be curious and looked forward to this event. But everything starts with the preparation. We had to deal with the topic in terms of content, learned some new things, and prepared the venue.

Our theme for that night was prohibition and nightlife at that time that took place in Speakeasies. Prohibition was an attempt to stop alcohol consumption. Instead of really gaining control over the alcohol with the ban, the Mafia flourished and there were a lot Speakeasies nationwide. I didn't know this word before, I knew that there was a prohibition, and that the illegal distribution or smuggling of alcohol was booming, and I heard about Al Capone too.  But I heard the word "Speakeasy" for the first time, and until I read that it is derived from "Speak easy shop", I could at least write it. 

And the Mafia's bad guys were there too. Alric at our event today

A short explanation for those of you who feel the same way as I did. Unknowingness as to what this is all about. A Speakeasy, is an illicit establishment that sells alcoholic beverages. They is often also called a blind pig. Such establishments came into prominence in the USA during the Prohibition era between 1920 and 1933. During that time, the sale, manufacture, and transportation of alcoholic beverages was illegal throughout the United States.  

Our Speakeasy in the Sunshine Burlesque Palace

From the beginning the speakeasy was relatively small with little or no entertainment involved. Speakeasies did not need to be big to operate. Daniel Okrent wrote in Last Call: The Rise and Fall of Prohibition that "It didn't take much more than a bottle and two chairs to make a speakeasy." But through gradual growth it popularized and expanded to many different areas with new additions of entertainment and eventually made the speakeasy one of the biggest businesses during Prohibition. 

The Event is opened, Celi, Misty & Me

Here wasn't only drunk alcohol there, there were musican, people danced, them were gambled and there were women and whores.  There were sometimes cheap places to stay, but sometimes also exclusive establishments. So this theme leaves us a lot of room for the clothes. Flapper Dresses and hat for women and sexy suits, ties and tuxedos for the men. In addition to preparing the venue, putting together the outfits was exciting and a lot of fun for many of us. We could also look forward to varied music, Valantine would entertain us this evening. 

That's how we know Bic

Our time travel back to the golden age could begin. We were before again in the club room and arrived only around 4pm. Some had already worn the clothes in the Club Room, others surprised us when they arrived at the Sunshine Realm. The first minutes are always exciting. Would the group members accept the theme? Would you come and what would they wear? Would this theme inspire our friends and the other Sunshine Girls like us? So we waited anxiously at the beginning and talked.  Of course we also started another contest with 1,000 L$ in split mode. We had prepared everything, now we had to wait and see.

Odette, Phil and me waiting for guests

It quickly filled up and from the beginning it was clear that it would be a special evening.  With one exception everyone came in a matching outfit and Valantine's music selection was simply breathtaking. Many confirmed later that they enjoyed this evening too.

Valantine in Black & White, and with short hair

It filled up quickly. As I wrote before, there were lots of matching and beautiful outfits to see. We had more than 40 visitors that evening, at the end there were 37 people in our ballroom. We danced together in groups, and some danced with their partner.  I've already mentioned the right music to go with it?

Odette & Phill dancing together

Polpeta & Alric close together

Time flew by. It was so much fun. So the contest was also coming to an end, but the Sim ran very calmly, so we were very relaxed. We were able to collect the 31 votes quickly. After the farewell of the guests, and the invitation for our "Casino Royal" event tomorrow at 4pm, which will take place again in the Sunshine Burlesque Palace, we paid out the winnings.

And so the after-party starts at the Sunshine Realm. Even though most of the guests leave us after the main event, this time is special. Not only do we know if the preparations were worth it and the event was successful, we also spend time with our friends. But of course everyone is invited to stay, because it is certainly the most erotic part of the event. Valantine continued to entertain us with the appropriate music and we started to take off our superfluous clothes or put on sexy lingerie. So we continued dancing and laughing together, and ended a wonderful evening.

Misty & Me at After-Party

Odette dancing at the After-Party

Like usual are more pictures of this event in a Google Images Album. You can watch them, maybe you was there and we shoot you. Or you can get an impression about events at the Sunshine Realm. If you want visitng us, here is the landmark to our Sim. And at the special blogpage "Upcoming Events" can you find informations about the next events.

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