
Back to the 70s with Disco

Back to the 70s with Disco

After the great successes of our last time travels we wanted to try it again today. And since we celebrated our "Back to the 80s" party at Sunshiner's Pub, we wanted to use it again as a time machine. This time we went back a decade more with our friends and guests and celebrated a night in the disco fever of the 70s. 

Again it was a lot of fun to decorate the pub for it. In any case, it should be colorful again, and the twitching light of the disco balls should flare up in Sunshiner's Pub. Misty had chosen matching pictures, and also the texture for the big dance floor. Also Bic was there again and made a poster for the "Disco Invasion". And I bought a new Disco Ball and added some more Strobe Lights. So the Sunshine Realm was finished and we were ready to go. 

But preparing the venue for such an event is only half the battle. Like all other friends and guests we also need outfits for our events. It is always a special challenge, and we are glad that most of our friends take part. We are always curious what our friends will do with the topic, we are happy if we get feedback and pictures beforehand, and are often surprised what breathtaking outfits some find. And it's really fun and you can laugh a lot, and that's exactly what should happen in SecondLife. And what would the room we prepared be if it wasn't filled with friends and guests in matching outfits? Exactly then the idea becomes a special moment. But the way is the goal, already this preparation time is something special, if one gets involved with the challenge. And so we have thrown ourselves into this task. I looked for pictures from that time, and then I looked for the outfit.  And I bought some outfits and accessories and tried them out. 

And SecondLife is of course more than clothing and decoration. There are also poses and dances. And since the 15th birthday of the vendor "Abranimations" is also being celebrated, and 40% discounts are being offered here, I also bought new Bento Disco Dances, and increased my rich stock of dances. So now there are more than 690 dances for women in the red INTAN gender ball. And also while trying out the dances in the prepared Sunshiner's Pub we could laugh a lot. Besides some medleys there are also dances like "Staying Alive", "Strut", "The Sprinkler", "Bus Stop" and "Rolls". The party was about to begin. I was sure and a lot of our guests would have a lot fun with the new dances. 

And as always we were curious. Would our friends like the theme as much as we do. Would guests come? And what would Yezika and Ruby Nightwish as DJ do with the theme? The last hours before we starts an event are exciting. 

Unfortunately the problems of the last week have continued in the Sim. A new neighbour who is currently building is often a problem in itself. But he is one of the breeders and sellers in SL and has between 80 and 100 horses in a stable in the Sim. After the problems with the contest on Tuesday and Friday because of an extreme delay in the script system and the extremely bad FPS rate on Saturday with frozen screens and the crashing DJ, a part of the INTAN system failed today. So our friends and guests could not use the central system at first. And this although I had invested some thousand L$ in new dances especially for this event. We had asked Lunasea for help, one of the real fit land managers of our landlord. And he came right by and tested a lot during the event, but the performance wasn't so bad today. So I talked to Lunasea while hosting the event to narrow down the problems. I also brought the femal INTAN ball from the Trails End Music Hall in the Skybox to the club to reset it several times, until after a few times I managed to get it back online. At least one problem was solved that way. 

We were significantly fewer people, and of course a club and event place like the Sunshine Realm causes short-term problems for a sim. Especially the new arriving guests create a high upload of the textures, which are then cached. And we have 2 big club Sims in the region. Beside the Sunshine Realm there are also lyrics.  But Lyrics and we have our events at different times. And there have been no problems here in the region for months. We can only hope that the land managers will keep an eye on the problem. You could say now, if the club cause problems, what is other to horse breeding? We share the performance with to 80 guests, the breeder use this for his virtual horses.

Well, it's not always easy to prepare an event, but even during an event there can be problems, especially when there are a lot of guests. I've often written how important after-parties are, because we can really enjoy them and don't have to pay attention to everything anymore. Well, but how did the event itself go? 

When I entered the Sim at 4:30pm, the first guests were already there. This prevents the lag problems. When you get together with the crowd and everyone starts loading the new textures, there are significant delays. So the load of the club is greatest in the first hour of an event, and the performance normalizes towards the end, although many guests are together in the sim. So if you want to have a nice event, you should always come a little sooner, not wait until everyone else comes. 

At 5pm Yezika, Ruby and Vanny Nightwish came and opened the party. Again DJ Yezika was just breathtaking and completed our preparations perfectly. She played a wonderful set with the matching disco music from the 70s, but also some of the 80s. So it was an evening that we all enjoyed very much and where we all had a lot of fun together. 

It is always difficult to predict events during the week. And even if we had new guests, and with it the decrease of the group members, which always takes during the week, something soften. But with only about 30 guests this evening, and only 24 of them were together in Sunshiner's Pub at the end, we fell far behind our expectations. Also the summer doesn't pass us by without a trace, there are many events in SL itself through SL16B and the PRIDE week, and even though we loved this topic and had a lot of fun, it doesn't have to be something for everyone. Nevertheless it was a successful event and we all had a lot of fun together. 

But of course we kept our promise and started our contest with 1,000 L$. There were fewer guests, so also considerably fewer participants. So the voting went very well today and we could select the winners punctually and pay out the winning sums. And that was of course higher for everyone who was there. So this event was also over. And, what follows after a successful party at the Sunshine Realm?

Of course we also didn't give up an after-party today and again we took off some clothes for it. So there were also some jumping tits to see to the disco rhythms. We continued dancing and laughing, and the problems of tonight were forgotten. At least until the next event, because the preparations for our PRIDE Days have already begun. And with this topic and weekend we can count on a lot of guests again. And we will do everything we can to make this event a success and an unforgettable experience for our friends and guests.

All pictures of this event and the preparation are in a Google Images Album. Maybe you was there and started with us to the travel back in time and we "shoot" you. Or you are curious. Her is the landmark of the Sunshine Realm. And you can join our Sunshine Rocker Group to take part at the events and gets notices about actual events. Informations about the Upcoming Events are here too. 

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