
Sunshine Baseball Day

Sunshine Baseball Day

May is when Baseball is in full effect in the USA. We also want to take up this topic and celebrate on this day our Sunshine Baseball Day with our friends and guests.  Today we finally had our first baseball day at the Sunshine Realm. Days of preparation were behind us, and we were very curious. How would our friends and guests welcome this event, would many come and how would the mood be. But here is the magic of SecondLife, we can create illusions, dreams and fantasies. So also a baseball court. And for me it was something completely new. I wasn't really interested in the sport before. 

That's how I searched and watched videos. I talked to some friends. Why is baseball so popular in the USA, but here in Europe it's mostly unknown. And in the end it is probably best explained by family. That you grew up with these sports events and that the fathers and their children threw balls again and again. And with it just good memories connect, which are shared later again with the own children. It is a part of the family, and in our special case the Sunshine Family in SecondLife is a perfect theme. So the bar was very high for us again. Would we be able to do this?

We always have sports themes. There weren't just the Super Bowl events in the last few years, we had some events around American Football, like for example the Tailgate Party and College Game Days. And we had our Soccer Stadium for the last soccer world cup, where we did some events. Also our Motor Sports Day some days ago is in line here. And besides our Sunshine Gym and the workouts there, we also took the Wimbledon Women's Final as an opportunity to build up a tennis court and make wonderful events last summerHere we naturally wanted to continue this successful tradition.

Now such events are particularly difficult for me, because I have no connections to this topic in my real life. I already wrote that I had watched videos. Of course it is also important to look in SecondLife how others have implemented it. And I found the Chicago Cup stadium in SecondLife, and after putting my outfit together, I virtually stood on a baseball diamond for the first time in my life. That would help me?

We had 2 new events to prepare this week. Because also the Dinosaur Day was something new. Misty had been really looking forward to building the baseball field, but was on Wednesday to a baseball game, and before we did not get to build everything. There wouldn't be enough time for both places. So I asked Bic if he could do the texture for the baseball diamond. Once again, Bic helped us a lot and made a fantastic floor for our baseball stadium out of four separate prims. Thanks for your help. 

I quickly assembled our scoreboard and of course the home team, our Sunshine Girls, should be in the lead. I also had to have a perimeter wall and since I've always heard that most home runs had the ball hit over the fence behind the outfield, I also had a fence. The tipjars were of course enlarged baseballs, and the official baseball channel ran over big TV walls. On the other side wall were the logos of the current clubs of the Sunshine Family, but also some of the former clubs that Misty had run, and where many of us met for the first time. 

Then it finally happened. We opened the new place at 4pm and started with the event. And the first guests came quickly. Unfortunately Misty could not participate. After storms and thunderstorms her internet was down. Of course we all missed her, and our thoughts were with her. But it should be our first baseball day, so we can repeat it again. And after the success today, we should definitely do that. After the first minutes we could already see that we were right with our idea. More and more guests came and they all had wonderful outfits matching the theme. And most of them had fun. And DJ Valantine entertained us with wonderful music. It was a successful evening.

Of course, such an event also offers the opportunity to show your solidarity for the home team in real life. In the case of Phil and his little Odette it was clearly the Seattle Mariners. SecondLife is really fantastic, and brings us all close together. especially if we don't run through the virtual world with ALTs, and just want to get advantages. But if we get involved in this experiment, open ourselves up and have no walls of ignorance in our heads.

And what would a baseball day be without Streaker? Ok, I didn't know about it before, but Alric had taken over the role and came to our game in the birthday costume. A welcome change, of course. Altogether we had 50 guests that evening. Some couldn't stay until the end, but in the end there were 43 avatars on the baseball field together. As we approach the summer, it gets emptier in SecondLife, a good result. 

We have successfully completed the event. The contest with 1,000 L$ (S) went well and in the end 36 participants voted. We could change to the after-party, and there were some streakers on the way. We took off our shirts and danced to the music Valantine played. 

If baseball has something to do with common memories in the family, then we have laid a first building block for us. And we will certainly have our second baseball day soon.

You will find the pictures of the event in this Google Images Album. Here the landmark to the Sunshine Realm in the SecondLife Grid. This will bring you in the Sunshine Realm.

More informations about more upcoming events in our Sim in my Blog.

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