
Preparing for Memorial Day

Memorial Day

Monday 5/27 is Memorial Day in the USA this year. This is an important holiday and will celebrate every year on the last Monday in May in honor of those killed in war for their country. Memorial Day dates back to the American Civil War. Originally on this day the dead soldiers in this war were commemorated, after the First World War this was extended to all American soldiers killed in war.

Landing Point for our Memorial Day Party 2019

And because this also refers to the Second World War, and especially the American armed forces guaranteed the security of all free and democratic states during the Cold War, it should be reason enough to celebrate this weekend with our friends from America. And to make this party for them. And SecondLife should be a world without borders, and without walls.

Memorial Day Party 2018

Last year were the parties for the Memorial Day 2018 in the Urban Skybox. This place is no longer available to us today, since the beginning of this year Mount Olympus with the Sunshine Temple has been located here. First we thought about going to the Sunshien Garden instead, because last year we celebrated the 4th of July. But then we decided to go to the street in front of Sunshiner's Pub.  We prepared the alcove and street in front of the Sunshiner's Pub for a special party. We organized 2 DJs and Joaquin Gustav a live singer to entertain us about the time.

The Stage for the event

We got there a few minutes before we started. We started with DJ Yuimetal's set at 4pm. She started with harder tunes and rock, but then changed in the second half to a bit more romantic and calmer music. Since it was a bit laggy, we reset the contestboard again.  It got fuller quickly and most of the guests came already in the first 30 minutes. Unfortunately, the problem of lags remained throughout the evening.  After 2 hours we had almost 50 guests on our festival place. 

View about the festival Place

We asked the participants several times during the evening to follow the theme. I even took out my zombie cage and pushed some incorrigible ones out of the crowd and to the side. That finally helped, and after an hour we only had visitors in the contest who had suitable outfits. Unfortunately, some others are unteachable, and simply don't want to invest any Lindens  in sweetable outfits. And it is especially surprising when they also work as dancers. Even if not in our club. Although I am sure that they will get some when they are with us. It's really sad. But some are perhaps too anxious to subtract as much as possible from SecondLife through small expenditures, and then confuse SecondLife with real life. But some of the guests more than compensated us. Some had really wonderful outfits. 

Amazing Outfits of Sekhmet Emor and GianAngelo

I'm honest, I was afraid of the voting. At a first test we had a response time of 30 seconds. Would our guests really stay reasonable, or would some start clicking wildly on the board again? We all gave a reminder, and then the voting started. I had to admonish some again, but then it went very well and we had already collected all 31 votes after 20 minutes. So we could finish the first part on time.

Lorica (man with kilt) and Fiona dancing together 

Of course many of the guests left us then, but it really went on. The next item for our Memorial Day Party was one hour of live music. We had asked Joaquin Gustav to sing for us that evening. Joaquin is a friend and a very talented singer from Argentina. And he accompanies himself on the guitar. Wow, and how he plays guitar. It is simply indescribable. He had put together an hour of American country music and enchanted us with his voice. A big firework display formed the finale of this special hour at the Sunshine Realm. 

Joaquin Gustav at the Stage

And the Sunshine Realm, a topless after-party is a must. At 6pm DJ Polpeta took over and inspired us with a wonderful set. Some guests came even later today. Even a friend who had not been seen for a long time was suddenly there. It was a wonderful end for a breathtaking evening. We will certainly all meet again tomorrow in the Club Room, but now it was time for all of us to find our bed.

Topless After-Party

course there are also many more pictures from this event. You can find them as always in a Google Images Album for this event. Have fun looking through them, maybe I shot you, too, if you were at this party. Or you get desire and want to visit us also times. You can find the upcoming events on the blog page "Upcoming Events".

And here again a short review of the week. With our Service Worker Day on Tuesday and the Tanning Contest on Friday we had wonderful events. Once again the colourful variety of events at the Sunshine Realm is evident. Surely also possible by the different event places in our Sim, but also because our guests accept the events prepared by us with a lot of love and awaken to live with colorful costumes. So it is also worth taking a look at the group. The number always fluctuates, but the tendency is upwards. So this weekend we reached the 870 members for the first time. Even if the summer lies ahead of us, and a difficult time in SecondLife begins with it, we hope to continue this trend also in the summer.

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