
Thank you Service Workers Day

Thank you Service Workers Day

National Waitstaff Day is observed each year on May 21 in the USA. This day was created to show appreciation to and thank all waitstaff for making our dining experiences enjoyable ones. We wanted extent this to a more common Service Worker Day. A lot persons in each country are service workers and help us in our real life. In addition to the waiters, these may be janitors or nurses, cleaners and house keeper, stewardess and pilots and much more. Sometimes we hardly notice them, or take them for granted. After all, they are paid. But compassion and politeness are priceless. Hence the "Service Worker Day" at the Sunshine Realm.

Now we already had our construction worker day a few weeks ago, and then we were rather disappointed. A wonderful topic with many possibilities, but only 30 guests came at that time. And some couldn't or didn't want to stay, so we ended up with 23 guests at the event with the fewest guests so far in this year. And that at that time with 2,000 L$ in the jackpot. So we were nervous, would only a few guests accept our invitation again? 

Anyway, we had prepared everything. The pub had redecorated Misty the night before, we had sent out the invitations and had chosen a suitable outfit ourselves. I was  really a waitress as a "Broken Girl", Misty came as a chic and sexy pilot. We had loaded the contestboard with the promised 1,000 L$ and could only wait.

I was in the pub a little before time and greeted the first guests. At 5pm the Nightwishes and Misty came and the party could begin. Of course you can be as well prepared as you like. Something can always happen. So also today, the musicstream of Yezika caused problems and she changed to Vanny's. Good that beside Ruby and Vanny was there, and so everything could be solved very uncomplicated. So the event started almost on time, and we were looking forward to a nice evening together with our guests and friends.

It was a nice party and we had a lot of fun. There were a lot of beautiful costumes, of course some hot waitresses, but also some other things. Odette came as a nurse, and next to her Phil was a plumber with the dump. Most of them came with appropriate outfits and it was just beautiful. But like at our construction worker event it was empty again. At the end there were 25 guests in the pub together, that's 2 more than at the Bauarbeiter Event, but in total there were even less guests. So it seems that the event ideas around topics like service personnel, craftsmen and construction workers don't become our ratings hits. But that didn't break the mood that evening, we had a very nice party together with our friends and some guests.

And of course we also held our contest with the few guests. At least we didn't have to worry about too much lag today. We opened the voting late and already after 10 minutes we had collected all votes. All 13 participants had voted and after paying the prizes most of them left.

Of course there was also a short after-party and sexy lingeries or naked titties to see. Even if we usually don't stay together that long on Tuesdays. For one thing, we start an hour later, and most of us have to get up on Wednesday and go to work. But it was still nice to stay together for a few more minutes. Unfortunately even some of the Sunshine Girls don't really participate and still don't understand why they actually get tips. But we can only get better, and maybe you will come and visit us. 

Around 8pm we all said goodbye and wished you a good night and disappeared into our beds. And some of them may have continued the party in their dreams. If you are curious, you can take a look at this Google Images Album first, here are some pictures from the shooting before, and the party itself. 

And luckily we didn't need the plumber, and we could also enjoy the end of the evening. The attempt was big, just to clog the toilet to watch him work with the pipes. But this was also how he was able to make his well-earned retirement. 

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