
South of the Border Music Festival

South of the Border Music Festival

Ever since I've known Misty and been in their clubs, Yezika and Ruby Nightwish have been a part of it. Later Vanny joined as part of the Nightwishes and supported Yezika and Ruby. She is also a DJ in the family clubs. That hasn't changed as Misty and I run the Sunshine Realm together. Yezika comes from Guatemala and is a real Latina, and our Vanny is from Brazil. Reason enough to look over the southern border of the USA, and as a thank you for the three nightwishes to do this event. We are glad that you belong to our club family.

And since Yezika is a Latina, we also want to do a Latin Night, with the matching clothes and music. This is a follow-up to the first Salsa Night and the Havana Night, and we will go to Sunshiner's Pub again. We're requesting hot Latin American dresses and suits. 

We met at 5pm in Sunshiner's Pub and of course Yezika, Ruby and Vanny were there. And many followed the invitation, we had more than 45 guests, and that on Tuesday. So we could be satisfied. At the end 39 were together in the pub, and many had really thought about what to wear to a hot Latina party. It was really hot.

We had also opened our contestboard again. Again 1,000 L$ had to be distributed and many of the participants registered. Unfortunately SecondLife was in big maintenance, much was much slower and some reported that they came late because they couldn't log in to the grid. So again we appealed to everyone to behave appropriately and to click on the board only once per run. But it worked very well and we were able to finish the voting in the planned time. At the end 28 participants had voted. And also the payout worked well.

It was not only a colorful and funny event. You will find all pictures like usual in my Google Images Album. Yezika played the right music and took us all to Central America. Thanks for this set, and your work in all the years for the Sunshine Realm. Well, the after-party would actually start. Usually this is the really best part of our events. Unfortunately the evening about problems has already indicated itself. 

And so we didn't have an after-party this time. Fortunately my blog is protected and only for adults. If you're so straight into it, you shouldn't read any more. What followed was anything but pleasant. I really needed to process that for myself. And I decided to write it here, too. To not always just show the shining side. Some can't stop harassing other guests or defaming the club. So it is always remarkably quiet when these guests visit our event.  And it is not always so easy to solve these problems. Misty had left the event earlier, and that only made it worse. 

I felt compelled to intervene. Guests who didn't really get along were too "close" in every respect. Since the verbal attacks were not enough, one then ran into the other, provoking them "physically" as well. And for me there is no doubt in this conflict who is active and who is attacked. At that moment, it was even possible to see this spatially. So the measure for me was full. I solved the problem at short notice with an ejection, and called on the active one, who ran into the others, to stay at a distance from their victims. And that really made it a crazy evening.

Now I'm blonde, and I certainly don't think I'm any better than anybody else. I make a lot mistakes, but friends showed to me here, that is ok. For me is SecondLife a huge world with new experiences, the way to learn more about me, testing new things without fear. But this is my view at SecondLife, some are here to play, and they play with people. Than behind the most avatars are real persons, are souls. And we should treat nobody other as we self want be treated. And you can really cry in SecondLife, or because of SecondLife. 

In the last weeks we had two anonymous attacks in the group chat, in which our club was attacked. One statement for example was "stop giv lindens to alts ... you support feed them they laugh at u ... increase contest, lol be fool, byeeee "Why do others care? Because they want to have the Linden themselves and feel disadvantaged? And even then there was a suspicious temporal connection to other events. Now I could read it first hand.  All this frustration of this person was now directed against me, it seems she sees me as the root of her evil. And I got some reading.  It's really sad how much frustration builds up in some, and how they dump it on others. And I feel sorry for them. I hope they will find help, but i must accept too that we can't help all. And that we must protect our friends and us self. Anyone who knows me will confirm. I also have my moods and can become bitchy. Only then I go into a corner and try not to attack others. I try to treat everyone fairly and think that only in conversation can problems be solved. I try to put myself in the other person's place, to understand him. And I am polite to everyone. All the more the following accusations hit me. And even though I did not appear to be abusive in the conversation, or otherwise struck down, I still had to let it sink in. But this is my diary, so it also belongs here.

I was accused of having ALTs or my club would be empty. Nor am I from Germany. The Germans would all be mean. But they are not stupid. And I am mean and stupid. Besides my English would betray me, this person had German at school after all and knows many Germans. English and German would be both languages with the same roots, both Germanic language. She then asked me if I had ever met Germans before. A German would never admit to a mistake, but I always say I make mistakes. I would be from Brazil. Probably Vic (I think she means Victoria), and also Valantine would be one of my ALTs. It would be a good work for me to spelling into french. Anyway, the Sunshine Realm is a place where I would just put money in a hole to pretend I had friends. Well, that's from someone who really has a lot of ALTs, and is walking around with them at the same time. This time even in the same sim. And we have a saying in Germany: "What I think and do myself, I also trust the others". But how can I use a German figure of speech? I can't come from Germany, I'm just a "stupid piece of fucking imitation German kraut". And Germans always think they are better than others. I've already written that I hate every form of nationalism. And that I have zero tolerance for nationalist statements. I don't think I would better. Nor that Germans are better than others. But I won't be accused of that either.

But she said too, what she think about the Sushine Realm: "you mean the friendly group that doesn't even listen to the stream or all of your alts that you tip yourself so you can pretend you have a real group there?" This seems one of her problems, I know some of her ALTs, and every other must have ALTs too than. And as I said, i would run this club with Misty together she laugh and answered: "I know, you always have to pretend to run the club with someone else ... doesn't matter if its Merah, Vic, Valantine(nice tell by the way, spelling) or Angy, for whatever reason you need to pretend you don't do all this alone"She claims to come to Misty out of friendship, but in the end she doesn't even know that the club she insults so extremely is Misty's club too?

As I said her, that she write IMs to guests and asked for tips and bother them, that she came with ALTs and tried to make her "play" and cheated, and attacked guest, she answered only:  "I treat those as they treat me". But how is this possible? If this persons ignoring her? And the only mistake, I suppose, is to ignore her and not give her tips? So why doesn't she just ignore the guests when she treats them the way she is treated? And I could experience it today very directly, how she treats someone, insults them, defames them. And that only because I told her to stay at a distance and leave our guests alone. I greeted her before, even though I hadn't heard her greet me for a long time. I tried to communicate, even if it was sometimes difficult, and sometimes also against my own principles. And what is the reward?

Well, then she said, if I'm not an ALT, that means the club became a shitty place because of me, she appreciates the place is shitty and boring because of me. The list of insults was long, I really learned a lot of new words. And I'm here to learn.  I'm "are also a piece of shit and a little bitch" and a "fucktard". It took some time for me to translate the word. And this time as an original quote about me: "you're so fucking stupid ...  thats how I know you're not German, Germans are mean but not stupid .... you're just mean and stupid"

And she said I wanted her gone so I could have everything to myself. And the Sunshine Realm is a Zombietown. I couldn't pay HER enough to be there, i would be a "stupid pretending to be German fucking retard morn jackass idiot". In this Zombietown Club have everyone the DJ muted, no one having a real conversation and just people copy/pasting emotes as reaction to tips being dropped into a bucket. As I said, that she was a bad idol with her emotes, she said really to me "I am supposed to churn out paragraphs for 50 cents a piece? why the fuck would I work so hard for so little". Ok, she was dancer and manager in a club, and its shows for me, how she thinks about guests, who bring money into a club. And if one not tipped her for her bad behaver, he started a bad play with her? She was the victim? She started to IM guests if she felt bad treated? And she made a bad feeling for guests, some of this leaved our club for this. 

I wrote this extra. I know, its a bad story and some isn't easy to read or understand. Anyone can be sure that we will solve such problems. Because the Sunshine Realm is a place where friends meet and have fun. We should always focus on the good. The majority is happy, comes to SecondLife to relax and we have made friends. A club-like sim will also always attract the "gamers". They use multiple personalities, create new ALTs and partly talk to each other. Maybe they even tip themselves. It's not my SecodLife, everyone who knows me will confirm that. Also my block would hardly make sense. If we now obstruct the game of these "gamers", they show their true face. And this is not attractive. They know how to manipulate others, make others feel guilty, also play friendship. Maybe they even feel something similar with one of their multiple personalities. But in the end it's a game, the other avatars are just characters. 

We will continue to try to make the Sunshine Realm something special. To a place where friends can meet and everyone can have fun. 

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