
Bahamas Support Day

Bahamas Support Day

Hurricane Dorian has shaken us all in the last few days. And even though it did not hit the USA coast as expected, it left a trail of devastation in the Caribbean. And special the north-west of Bahamas was destroyed by the strongest hurricane of the modern time.

We had some events on our Caribbean beach this year, and that was certainly no coincidence. This is a beautiful corner of the world. That's why we want to take up this topic again. The Bahamas were particularly hard hit this time. It was a difficult step from such a catastrophe to an event at the Sunshine Realm. And we wanted any advantage from this topic. And even if we didn't collect any donations in SecondLife, this is unfortunately more difficult than you think, and you get very quickly into the suspicion of taking advantage of the needy and even cheating. But we would like to sensitize everyone to donate or to pay attention to what is happening in their own countries. These people need our help. So we met us at our Caribbean beach, and perhaps we could persuade some to do something in real life for the victims of this terrible disaster. 

And even if we celebrated on the beach and listened to Caribbean music to dance. No one should forget this background.

We were curious. Would the topic make some people think at the end. And how many people would come? But we always ask ourselves this question. We hadn't really prepared much either. Only torn off leaves and debris lay on the beach. We started a few minutes before and met us at the Caribbean Beach at Sunshine Realm. DJ Valantine had put together a really good set with Caribbean music and made her music stream available in the sim. And first guests arrived quickly. 

I was really surprised. I had some interesting conversations. On the one hand there was of course the question why we would not collect donations. Well, that's easy, the Sunshine Realm exists only in the virtual world of SecondLife and is not a non-profit organization in real life. With some of them I talked about the plight and problems of the people concerned. So some asked me what they could do to help. I pointed them to the national organizations of the "Red Cross" or "Red Crescent", and to the national donation accounts. Maybe it has made a difference, and if some are just more sensitized.

We had almost 60 visitors that evening and in the end 51 of them were still on our beach waiting for the contest to end. As always, we started the contest with 1,000 L(S) in split mode. Since more than 30 guests were registered in the contest, we increased the jackpot to 1,250 L$. So we went into the voting.

Unfortunately the voting didn't run as smoothly as in the last weeks. Some started again series of fast successive clicks on the board. It is always the same. And since I had warned some in the last events, I took them out of the contest today. Of course they couldn't understand that, but they promised not to do it anymore. Well, we had 36 votes at the end and could finish the event. 

In addition, we all pointed out the events of the weekend and wished a nice way home. As always most of the guests left us. 

Then we went to the After-Party. DJ Valantine continued her strem and we danced. And of course we pulled again bare and danced topless. It went on for a very long time until we disappeared into bed one after the other. But it was already after 8pm when the party was over. It was a nice evening. 

Of course there is also a Google Images Album with pictures. Have fun browsing. If you are curious now, you will find the Upcoming Events here in this blog. We update this page if new events planned.

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