
Flight School

Flight School

This was our first event around the topic "Airport - Flying" and we built a runway in the Sky aout the Sunshine Realm. The Sunshine Airfield was born. Then there landed aircrafts and we had a wonderful event. We know that airplanes and flying are a big topics for many people in SecondLife, and that there are also some functioning airports. We are sure that some of our guests are also active pilots in SecondLife. Well, as usual this was just an idea for a party, and a challenge to find a suitable outfit. And we hoped that a lot people would following our invitation to this special event. 

So, everything around the theme was allowed. Guests could come as a pilot or flight attendant, as a pioneer of aviation or there is another well-known reference to aviation. Perhaps also as a pilot of the Air Force. 

Misty had found a runway and assembled it in the sky above the Sunshine Realm. In addition a few airplanes that have just landed, respectively a helicopter. We brought the boards there and then everything should be ready. We now prepare event locations every week, but we also forget something over and over again. And if it is the right group for the tipjars.

Like all started  the event for me days before as I started my seeking for proper clothes tot he theme. I had decided for a fighter pilot uniform of the Navi and had decided for a corresponding cap. The hair should become the most difficult. Hair and hats or caps are not really the best combination. But that was also found soon. Since I often use an event to select and explore other Sims, I went on Excursion. This not only helps to get into the right mood, you also get new ideas. So the 2 days before the event were already exciting. And I think most of us were looking forward to this event.

Then it finally was time. The event was just around the corner, the invitations had been sent. Fortunately I was there a few minutes before. Because I had forgotten the normal tipjars for the Sunshine Girls. So I quickly jump to our Sunshine Gym in the old warehouse and packed up the tipjars there. Then fast back to the runway and unpack them. I almost forgot to assign the tipjars to the right group. That would have been a mess. Then the first guests and friends came. I was very happy about Bic, who came today as a member of the ground crew. The event was really special from the first moment on. Many of us also took part this time and contributed to the success with suitable outfits. 

At 5pm came DJ Yezika and she had brought Vanny with her today. They both came in a wonderful outfit to match the theme. However, this time there were starting difficulties with Yezika's music stream. Sometimes that happens, and since we have 2 boards in the Sim it can come to overlaps.  So I took the stream from Yezika quickly and assigned it directly to the Sim. I could take care of the receiver and the board later, as long as it could start for the first time. And then it worked, and the event started with "Leaving on a Jet Plane". But while I was taking care of the stream, the question of the INTAN dance poles came up to select the dances. I had forgotten them, too. But then that was made up quickly, quickly two were reenacted, and now everything could really start. The music worked and everyone could dance. Sometimes events start a bit bumpy.

Then our friends and many guests came one after the other. And it was worth seeing again, some came as ground crew we Bic, others as veteran or pilot like Phil, Alric, Misty or me. And others came as flight attendants like Odette, Chloe or Koneko. And all the others I don't count now came with wonderful outfits and helped to make this event something special again. Vagnnut, Polpeta, Miumiu and Cintia were there as Sunshine Girl and had wonderful outfits as pilots. I've put a lot of pictures together in a Google Images Album, maybe you'll just have a look at them. 

Even though we all had fun, this event unfortunately lagged behind our expectations again. We had a total of only 40 visitors this evening, and 29 of them were together at the top of the runway which was only built for this event. 

Thus it follows the series of the "craftsman Events", like the "construction worker", "Thank you Service Worker" or "Lumberjack Day" - Events. Perhaps it lies on Tuesday. But we also had well attended Tuesdaysevents, like the Heavy Metal- Event last month. We will probably never find out. Maybe it was just too expensive for some of the guests to find a suitable outfit. But in this case we prefer a moderately attended event, where everyone contributes to the success with matching outfits. than a well attended one, where many believe to get a few Linden in the Contest without effort. In this respect this event was a great success today.  

The 2.5 hours flew by again. We also had another contest, which we started at the beginning as usual with 1,000 L$ in the jackpot. Since we were never more than 40 people, that is mostly the critical limit where it gets more difficult with the voting, we had also no problems and the voting was still 10 minutes actually already finished. In the end 21 people had voted. We said Goodbye to the guests. We pointed out the events tomorrow in the Club Room and Friday at the Sunshine Realm out and the main event was over.

Then there was a short after-event again. As always we had fun. And we also pulled up our tops or worn lingerie and danced again together. But also this is repeated every Tuesday. We all look for our beds and have to sleep urgently. The next day most of us have to get up early and so we all said Good Night around 8 pm. 

More pictures in a Google Images Album for you.

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