
Sockhop 50s Party

Sockhop 50s Party

Tonight was SockHop party at the Sunshine Realm.  And it was really so amazing. We already had an 80's and a 70's party this year in the Sunshiner's Pub, and we went back to the time of prohibition in our Burlesque Hall. Also this time we went back in time and had a sock hop party with our guests and friends. We went back to the time when Rock&Roll was born and became more and more popular. And many of the casual dancing evenings took place in sport halls, all guests had to took off their shoes and danced on socks so that no ugly stripes were made on the expensive floor. 
All the flat top cats and the dungaree dolls, are headed for the gym to the sock hop ball,The joint is really jumpin', the cats are going wild,The music really sends me, I dig that crazy style

We already had a lot of fun preparing. Again it was Misty who redesigned our Sunshiner's Pub and created the right atmosphere for the coming party. But also while looking for the outfit we could laugh a lot and I learned a lot again. That's what makes these events so exciting. With the right information I could search in the market place of Secondlife for a "poodle skirt". When I later decided on a wide rock with music notes on it. But of course a scarf on the neck was not missing. And if you go to a sport hall and don't want to dance on socks, you should put on sneakers. And what kind of hair we should choose? It was fun. But we already knew before, no matter how this event would run and how many visitors would come, we would have a lot of fun.

We were really looking forward to this evening. And after an event in the Club Room we came to the Sunshine Realm just before 4pm. DJ Yuimetal was already there and had already provided her stream. I quickly made the last preparations and the first guests arrived. And when we officially started the event in 4pm, there were already 8 people in Sunshiner's Pub. After sending the message in the chat of the Sunshine Rocker group it quickly got even fuller. The first tension has gone so fast.

DJ Yuimetal had put together a wonderful set. Not everything was from the 50's, some from the 60's and 70's was also in it. But it was a frivolous and danceable mix. And already while listening to the music we only wanted to move our butts and dance. So everyone really had fun and it got fuller and fuller. The feedback between them was very good, so we will soon have a SockHop again. But we will probably go to our Sunshine Gym, because it doesn't only fit better than a sports hall, we simply have a lot more space for the guests.

But today the Sunshiner's Pub had to be enough, even if more and more guests came. So it got fuller. But there was still enough space for everyone. At the end we counted again more than 55 guests and 45 were together at Sunshiner's at the end of the party. And all were there in wonderful outfits. We had again asked some of them to look for suitable outfits, and those who didn't follow had been "asked" to leave. Others try hard, and they want to make a suitable mood or want to take pictures. So it was a well attended evening, even though we sometimes have more visitors. But it is always very difficult to predict. And with this good mood it was one way or the other a mega party.

And we also had another contest in splitmode. As always we started it with 1,000 L$ right at the beginning. But when more than 30 participants were registered, the jackpot was increased to 1,500 L$. The 250 L$ we filled up more were our thanks to the guests for so many fantastic outfits and that so many weren't just there, but really took part in our time travel. Again a big "thank you" to all of you. We waited a bit longer and went into the voting only 10 minutes before the end. But also that went very well, everything worked. At the end 32 participants had voted. So we could say goodbye to everyone. Of course not without pointing out the upcoming events and wishing everyone a good journey home.

Then we had our after-party and of course most of us pulled out. It's always great fun, and everyone is invited to stay. We really don't take any admission, even though you might see more than in most clubs in SecondLife. DJ Polpeta had taken over the entertainment and also entertained us with a fantastic set of good music from the 50s. We still had fun and even when DJ Polpeta finished her set at 8pm and we turned on the radio, some stayed together. For me until dawn. And again an amazing event in our Sunshiner's Pub.

As always, many more pictures have been taken, and I've put them together in a Google Images Album. So you can look through them in peace. Events at the Sunshine Realm are already something special, and maybe pictures show that better than my diary. If you'd like to come, we've added a lot of events to our planning just this week. Just have a look at the blog page "Upcoming Events" and maybe we can welcome you soon. By the way, you can create an avatar on SecondLife for free, and simply look into this virtual world if you are not a resident. 

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