
Fitness Class

Fitness Class

We've come up with something special for today. We haven't been to our Sunshine Gym since spring and wanted to go for a workout in the Warehouse, which was converted into a huge fitness studio. But how could you organize a special workout on a Tuesday? As always we expected DJ Yezika and the Nightwishes who would entertain us. 

Now is Zumba a protected kind of events and we don't wanted give the impression that it is a regular Zumba event. So we called the event tonight "Fitness Class". But everyone should know that our themes only an event idea in SL and you can't make a physical workout. But back to topic. A strenuous physical work-out composed of Latin American dance movements. So Latin American music fits very well. 

And DJ Yezika is our Latina Queen, she showed us this with some special events like "Salsa Night", "Havana Night" and "South of the Border Music Festival". We were sure that she would let us sweat with fast Latin American rhythms that can be danced. We invited all friends and guests  to put on workout clothes and sneakers and come to our workout. 

Just a remark at the beginning. Some might be surprised that Misty and I chose Seahawks's  fan clothes for this event. Some may remember the former football events here at the Sunshine Realm and that we had Bengals clothes on. Of course nothing has changed and we're still Bengal's fan. But we had a bet with Phil if the Bengals had made the wonder last sunday, and after such a long journey they would have defeated Seattle Seahawks as clear favorite, Phil would have worn Bengals clothes at the next event. But the other way around we had to put on the Seahawks' fan clothes in case it didn't work out. 

Well, we all watched the game on Sunday, and know who played more courageously and freshly, and that it could have turned out differently in the end. It was really a good game for the Bengals who could have won in the end. But the luck helped the Seahawks about the end of the game with only one point and a betting debt is a debt of honor. So we wore blue and green today. 

We met before 5pm. I forgot to bring the equipment to the venue today. It was still in the Burlesque Palace after our "Hollywood Night". But since I was there sooner I was able to get everything out of the Burlesque Palace, it is fortunately on the same level. So we could start in time at 5pm when DJ Yezika came with Ruby and Vanny Nightwish and DJ Yezika started her stream in our sim.

Of course we were curious again how many would come. It was actually a simple event. But also in the week, too late for most Europeans, too early for some from the USA, especially if they come from the west coast. But then we were really surprised. There were 84 guests that evening, because not everyone could stay until the end, we were 61 people together in our Sunshine Gym. We were speechless because nobody had expected it. So it was a great evening and most of us had a lot of fun.

Of course we had another contest tonight. As usual we had started it with 1,000 L$, and after more than 30 participants were registered it was increased to 1,250 L$. With the very good mood and because so many people came, Phil donated another 1,750 L$ for the contest, so that the jackpot ended up at 3,000 L$. Unfortunately the voting didn't go so smoothly today. I had already guessed, because I saw some of the guests after the summer break the first time again. Unfortunately a few of them made it harder for everyone and to get an advantage they clicked on the board in quick succession. So I had to interrupt the voting and even threatened to cancel the contest on the basis of our rules and add the complete amount to the normal jackpot on the following Friday.

But then we could still finish the voting and 51 of the participants voted. With a little delay we finished the event and said goodbye to our guests. Not without drawing attention to the following events. So we started a short after-party. Of course we took off some of the clothes and danced topless. But like every Tuesday we went to bed soon and finished the After-Party at 8pm.

There's another Google Images Album. You can explore it.  And also today as last the reference to the Upcoming Events. If you've become curious, maybe you'll stop by. Here is the landmark

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