
Tea Time Party

English Tea Time Party in the Garden

Tonight we wanted to be very British. We invited our friends and guests to an English tea time party in the Sunshine Garden and looked forward to 2 relaxing hours with DJ Valantine. We wanted deance and relax together. And because it wasn't just a BBQ with friends, we expected semi formal and formal clothes from our guest. With this we started a challenge, most of us had difficulties to find a good outfit and the imaginations were very different. I used Google like usual if i haven't a direct connection to a theme, and decided: "I need a hat".

On Friday we are always in the Club Room before and have an event there. Today I had a lot of work to do, I had decided at very short notice for a new outfit, that I had found while searching for a SockHop 50s outfit. So I was already a few minutes too late. But also during the party I had to answer a lot questions because some of us were looking for a good outfit until the last minute. Since I had to sort a lot for myself as well, I came 10 minutes before to finish it to the Sunshine Realm and get dressed. As I arrived at Sunshine Garden, Odette and Phil were already there and changed. Both had chosen beautiful outfits, which fit very well together as usual.

Shortly after me came the others from the Club Room and so some were already there before the beginning. Once again I had made a mistake with a date, and had written down Bic's Rezday wrong. Instead of the 9/21 I had noted the 9/12 and had prepared everything for his RezDay today and also tried to make sure that Bic would come to the party. We all gathered in the corner I had decorated for RezDay. Valantine logged in again to avoid problems, and when she came just before 4pm she played her stream into our sim and took over the entertainment with rock music. All of us came with wonderful outfits and the party picked up speed right from the start. 

And it got full very quickly. As always we had also started a contest with 1,000 L$ in split mode. Some of the guests believed again that they didn't have to follow the theme of the event. But these were really individual cases and I quickly sorted it out and asked them to leave the event. They would be free to come back if they had an outfit to match the theme. In two cases I also had to help out, but that's also part of organizing such events. You can't be everyone's darling. But this is the only way to ensure the atmosphere and environment for all those who make an effort beforehand. And even non-human avatars like dragons, dogs, cats and fantasy creatures don't necessarily belong to one of our theme parties, unless it's another mythical creature event. It got full so fast and already after one hour there were more than 50 visitors, 48 were already together in the garden. So we raised the jackpot to 1,250 L$ early on. 

Then came Bic and I was happy that he made it possible and that we could congratulate him on his RezDay. But then we all laughed when the first of us noticed my mistake. Well, what the hell. It happened. So this year we can celebrate the RezDay of Bic twice, everything is prepared. Sometimes mistakes happen.

At the end there were 60 visitors and at the end 50 of them were waiting together for the end of the main event and the contest. The voting went well. Some had complained about Lag, but this was not due to the execution of scripts. But unfortunately there were problems loading the textures again, and many guests, new clothes, that also means many textures. But the voting worked without any problems and the 38 participants all voted in the time.

So we could say goodbye to all the guests. Of course we pointed out the next events this weekend. Tomorrow we will all meet again at the Sunshine Realm for a SockHop 50s party. Therefore we will go to the Sunshiner's Pub. You can find all planned Upcoming Events by following the link. And also in the Club Room there will be events again this weekend. Tomorrow DJ Vanny will entertain at the pool for 2 hours at 2pm, before everyone moves to the Sunshine Realm. Then I wished everyone a good journey home, but also invited them to stay at our after-party if they wanted to.

Then our After-Party began and also today it became a bit more revealing. Many of us pulled bare and showed their sweet tits. DJ Valantine entertained us even more before we switched to the radio. In our Sim mostly "Star FM Berlin" is playing. Who now thinks, I would have selected this, far missed. I actually only got to know this radio station in SecondLife because my friends from France and the USA heard it. And today this radio station runs in a car and on the radio when I do my chores. SecondLife can change our lives in many ways and make it more interesting. 

We still danced and laughed together. After another 2 hours most of us left and we finished the event. Most of us disappeared into bed, some are back with their own Sims to have some more time to finish, others moved on and looked for other Sims with action. That's SecondLife too, we come from so many different countries from all over the world and spend time together. That's what makes SecondLife so unique and wonderful. Another beautiful night at the Sunshine Realm has come to an end and it was another successful event.

Of course there are more pictures of this event today. And I also saved and shared them with Google Images Album, so that you can have a look at them in peace. If you feel like it, and you are also a SecondLife resident, you can find the next events on the blog page "Upcoming Events". It's worth saving this page as a bookmark because we update it regularly. So we have just this week again some new events planned and published. 

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