
Chinese New Year Celebration

Why we don't cancel our Chinese New Year Celebration

We will celebrate the Chinese New Year on January 25th. It will be the Year of the Rat, and unlike the reputation of the rat in most Western countries, it is the first in the circle of the Chinese Zodiac. It stands for presence of mind and versatility. Strong intuitions mixed with responsiveness. It should be a good year.

But we have been thinking about exchanging this event because of the current situation in China today. Due to the outbreak of the Coronavirus, a new virus which has already infected many people and killed some, and which can be transmitted from person to person, not only were the New Year celebrations in Beijing cancelled, but two cities with over a million inhabitants have been cut off from the world. The first cases of illness have also been reported in other countries, with one patient reaching the USA and lying there in hospital. It's like in many a film on this subject, and somehow it didn't work out to contain it all. 

Ok, I have already heard today that China is far away and how they handle the resources, that had to happen. Others sincerely believe that this is God's punishment, because people there might have a different religion. Let me tell you, there are different religions, but most of them believe in the same God. And mine certainly does not want other people to be killed or kill them himself. Conspiracy heroists even think that this virus has "escaped" another research laboratory. They do not understand that nature is the greatest research laboratory. And probably those responsible in China have concealed the problems before and made false statements. But what can people do about it? They need help and support. 

That is why China is everywhere today, and the problems in the world can only be solved together. There is only one world. So we will do this event and we will celebrate it especially. We want to draw everyone's attention to the situation there and wish all Chinese people a happy and above all healthy New Year. Hopefully the problems will be solved and the world community will not simply look away. No wall that your presidents or governements want to build on borders will protect a country. 

We hope that many people will join us on 25th on January at 4pm (SLT). We will have 2 DJs and start a contest in share mode. 

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