
Line Dance Night

Country Line Dance Party

Country Nights in our Trails End Music Hall Club have a long tradition. This year will be no different. We started today with a special Country Night. It was our first "Country Line Dance Party". Our old big barn, the Trails End Music Hall Club was prepared for this special night. We bought a special Line Dance system and was curious about it. We invited our friends and guests to wear the cowboy boots and stetsons hat and come to the barn dance party.

DJ Yezika was our DJ today and together with her Nightwish Family she is always a good choice for a wonderful party. And also today she entertained us very well again with a mix of country and rock music. When she came at 5pm with Ruby and Vanny, it started immediately. And also many guests were there from the first minute on. The line dance attracted some of them, and so the rows quickly became fuller. It was quite funny. Up to 60 people can be controlled from a central pad, and there are predefined lines and double lines for couples. And at least with 26 people it works very stable. And since we will surely repeat this event format soon, we might get it full again.

So the time passed very fast again and we all had a lot of fun. Of course there was also some administrative work. Some came and parked the avatars and were AFK. We also noticed again that the number or the percentage of people who turn on the music is decreasing. So we reminded again that we wish for active participants and it is surely better to pretend at least an interest. We have defined our rules, that glaring body and face lights and flashing clothes and jewellery are forbidden. They make photography almost impossible and disturb other visitors. And also on the topics "Why don't we take action against ALTs" and "Why do we do a contest" I wrote last year. So some were sent home before the end of the event, and of course there were discussions again. But our consistency shows more and more progress and our events gain more and more quality due to the extras. Because that's exactly what some of them are for our events.

In the end, there were almost 40 visitors at our dance evening, but the ones who passed through before were only 32 together. And here 26 did line dance together. We had a couple, Yezika and the Nightwishes used the front stage. Unfortunately one of the Sunshine Girls didn't join in, which I thought was a pity. But it was a really successful evening.

Since we had less than 30 participants in the contest, we kept the original jackpot of 1,000 L$. Unfortunately a neighbour left us again, but the free resources might have helped. The voting for the contest went very smooth and fast and we were able to finish the main event on time at 7:30pm and send our guests home. 

Then it was time again for the after party. And even if it is always short on Tuesday, we didn't miss the chance to strip again. So there was the first topless line dance at the Sunshine Realm. We had 25 minutes of fun before we went to bed. A really nice evening came to an end.

And of course are a lot more pictures taken as I could use here in the blogpost. I have put them into a Google Images Album again and have share it. You can browse through all pictures to get an idea about the fun at this event. The investment into the linde dance system was the Linden worth and we will repeat this soon again. Look at the blogpage "Upcoming events" to read about our next events. And maybe we will write soon about a new Line Dance Night.

And today again the hint for taking pictures. We are happy about all pictures that are shared with us. The Sunshine Realm is a full landscape and offers many nice corners also beside the events. Today I just added some pictures in the garden in front of the Trails End Music Hall Club. And we have our Flickr group, you are welcome to share your pictures taken at the Sunshine Realm or around our events during the preparation.

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