
Chinese New Year

Chinese New Year

Chinese New Year is the most important traditional Chinese holiday. Chinese New Year's Day, the date of which is calculated according to the traditional Chinese lunisolar calendar, falls on a new moon between 21th of January and 21th of February each year. The current Year of the Earth Pig began on 5th of February and will last until yesterday, while the Year of the Metal Rat will begin today.

And we also celebrated this festival again. Our formal (Chinese) event took place in our Sunshine Temple at 25th of January with our both DJs DJ Yuimetal and DJ Polpeta.

We met on time again. Of course, especially today we were very curious what our friends and guests would make of this topic. The Sunshine Temple was decorated in red and yellow and red lamps floated above the temple. We covered the Greek statues and instead a traditional wooden gate was set up. We had exchanged some of the columns for traditional Chinese columns with dragons and lined the temple with red brocade fabric. Everything was ready and we waited.

Then the first guests arrived and DJ Yuimetal opened their set. She had arranged Chinese pop music and entertained us with a wonderful set. The Sunshine Temple got crowded faster and most of the people had simply put together breathtaking outfits. Some had changed their avatar and now really looked like they came from Asia, others had used make-up, and of course many only came with appropriate clothes. 


But it was really beautiful. And the atmosphere in the temple was breathtaking. So many wonderful outfits. 

Of course there were again discussions with some guests. We clearly formulated our rules. No flashing shoes, jewelry or other accessories, no ultra-bright facelights or glaring hair. Since some of them had parked their avatars only for the contest, we also threw some out. It disturbs the atmosphere and makes it almost impossible to take pictures without such a pain in the eye. But in the course of the evening we were able to sort it all out and it turned out to be a nice night for everyone who was still present. 

The temple bathed in red light, the costumes and also the music. 

We had started the contest as usual with 1,000 L$. But then we increased it to 1,250 L$ because more than 30 guests registered for the contest. With a donation of a friend we could raise the jackpot to the final amount of 2,000 L$. So we could thank our guests, who came in such great numbers and with such great costumes and helped us to create an unforgettable evening.

And also the voting worked out very well. Most of them behaved wonderfully so that everything went very smoothly and we collected a total of 43 votes on time at 6pm. We then wished all guests who wanted to leave us a good night and of course we also pointed out the "Upcoming Events". But then it was time for the after-party.

DJ Polpeta had taken over the entertainment and made us available to their stream. She had also prepared a very good set and we started to move out. Some of us changed our clothes for lingerie and danced topless or naked. It was a nice ending and we had once again a lot of fun. After-Party at Sunshine Realm is hot and erotic, sensual and lascivious. It is pure eroticism. You should come to our place and watch the Sunshine Girls. 

But shortly before 8 pm DJ Polpeta finished her set this part was over and most of us disappeared into bed. Maybe some of us were still dreaming and the party continued like this. Others moved on to other Sims. A wonderful night was over. We reached round 7,000 traffic points again with this 2 hours main event and After-Party.

I took a lot of pictures today and as usual I put them together in a Google Images Album for you. Maybe you browse through the pictures to get a better impression. If you also want to drop by, our parties always have a theme and you should try to follow it. All information about upcoming events can always be found on my blog page "Upcoming Events".

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