
Coats and Gloves

Coats and Gloves

We met on the frozen pond in our winterland for a (semi formal) winter event. So our guests should really put on warm clothes. In any case wear a coat and gloves, the theme of our event tonight. And maybe boots and also a scarf and hat extra. We wanted to start the year 2020 with a very special event, after our first event was a Hangover Breakfast yesterday. But already yesterday was suddenly different as planned, because the cosy and manageable Hangover Breakfast in our Sunshiner's Pub became the most visited event we had here at the Sunshine Realm so far. We had more than 100 visitors that evening. And also our number of groups clearly exceeded the 1,000 mark, so that we now hope to keep more than 1,000 members permanently. Therefore we will have a formal ball in our Sunshine Temple next Saturday.

We had planned a special event, so besides DJ Yuimetal and DJ Polpeta we also hired Mavenn. She is a singer from Canada and performs with her spirited voice from Country to Jazz but also Rock & Roll. We were all curious about this main act of our tonight. 

But also today DJ DJ Yuimetal should start at 4pm with a fresh mix of Rock, Blues and Country. She heated us all up for the main part of the evening. We had already announced that we would start the contest today with 1,250 L$ and opened the board to join at 4pm. And the guests came quickly today.

Already after one hour there were more than 40 guests on our frozen pond. So we increased the jackpot to 1,500 L$. Then also the first visitors from the fan group of Mavenn came so that it became even fuller. And also Mavenn came some minutes before. Actually we had prepared everything, but we had to reconfigure the music stream again. So we had the time to sort everything out before. So at 5pm the gig of Mavenn started and she enchanted the guests from the first moment on with her spirited voice. 

Then there was another donation for the jackpot and we now had 2,000 L$ to distribute. But because it was Laggy again, a new neighbour and this time a shop for these breedables, we didn't want to do a voting while Mavenn was singing. 

It was a really nice show and we were glad that so many of their fans came to our sim. During the gigs we had the maximum of visitors on the frozen pond. We could not quite reach the record of the previous evening. But without this it would have been a new one, we had 70 friends and guests at that time listening to the music and dancing. Thank you Mavenn for a wonderful gig tonight.

And welcome for all new guests who joined us tonight. We hope you enjoyed the time in our sim and maybe you will come back again to one of our events here at Sunshine Realm. We were happy to host Mavenn and her fan group tonight.

Then it was time for the next part. At 6pm DJ Polpeta took over the entertainment. Many of the guests said goodbye. But for us the After-Party started and we replaced the warm clothes with lingerie. After everything was sorted, we also started with the voting. 

During the live gig we had 47 participants registered for the contest, but some of them had already left. Since it was unfortunately noticeably laggy, despite the fact that there were only 58 of us in the sim now, we appealed to everyone to press the contest board only once and wait. The latency of the board was already more than 5 seconds at the beginning of the voting, and this could quickly double or triple if the first people would start voting. Especially when people start clicking several times. But a praise to our guests, they behaved really well and so we could finish the voting in 15 minutes. In total 38 people voted this evening, due to the delay some of them left us before. 

DJ Polpeta had again put together a good set with atmospheric music. We stripped and partly danced topless or even naked. Luckily you don't freeze so fast in SL. As always it is the time for the after party and who knows the sun kingdom also knows that it is our naughty event time. 

We stripped and danced in lingerie or topless on the frozen pond and had a lot of fun. So we ended a wonderful evening. And together we also looked back on this incredible weekend. Today there were again almost 100 visitors at the Sunshine Realm. During the whole weekend almost 200 visitors. This is really an indescribable experience. So the traffic value of 10,260 was again well over 10,000 and thus higher than most 24/7 clubs with a permanent staff currently achieve.

And of course there are also a lot of pictures which I have put together in a Google Images Album. Since pictures always say more than words: Maybe you just take a look. And if you want to come by, you should have a look at the blog page "Upcoming Events". There you will find the events of the next 3 weeks. We update the site regularly, so it's worth to bookmark it and check back again. 

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