
Guatemala Merengue Night

Guatemala Merengue Night

Our friend DJ Yezika comes from Guatemala. So as a DJ, she's our Latin queen. And we wanted to use this event to thank her And to go with her virtually to Guatemala City for one night and celebrate a hot merenque night together and listen to marimba and other Latin American music. We chose our Sunshiner's Pub for this and decorated it.

We were all looking forward to this night and we found appropriate clothes. When it started we were curious what everybody had chosen. So the first guests arrived quickly. Would the event join the weak Tuesdays or would it profit from the last week and become a crowded event? We would know soon.

DJ Yezika and the Nightwishes arrived at 5pm and we opened this event. The music inspires us all to dance. DJ Yezika had put together a very very good set again.

Unfortunately there was a discussion on the side and it always comes up from time to time. This discussion lasted much too long and took too much energy. Therefore once again the explanation. Our events have themes, and to participate you need something appropriate to wear. This is a bit more difficult at some events than at others. Many see this as a challenge and visit other Sims to get ideas and go shopping. Not everyone wants to do that, and that is a good thing. We don't force anyone to visit us, but we are happy about everyone who really takes part. And for sure we have free space where we decide if an outfit fits to the event or not. It certainly plays a role whether someone just comes to the contest, or visits someone at the event or is even a friend. Also with new visitors we first explain what we expect and most of them are enthusiastic about our concept and come back again. Some new visitors come also only because of the topic, because this is just their thing in SecondLife.

But we also wish from our friends and the friends of our friends an appropriate outfit. Sure we sometimes close our eyes. Only it is difficult at an event, which requires strict evening dress, to miss someone with leather jacket, torn jeans and combat boots, if you send home guests with T-shirt at the same time. And I have already written that it makes a difference if someone comes just to participate in the contest or as a friend to see us. Or just being the friend of the girlfriend. Is it disrespectful to ask him to put on a suit at a formal event? I don't think so, and you can see that with respect from the other side as well. In any case, it can be avoided if everyone also explains to friends and visitors what kind of outfit is required and is ultimately responsible for it. Even if it is a good tipper. Our themes make the events unique, and it only works if everyone's outfit fits to it.  Last year I had already written the blog post "Some about our Events" about it.

And even though we send guests home again and again, our events are very well attended and somehow unique. And also today there were almost 50 guests over the evening. And there were 44 who were together in the pub at the end and many of them were also registered for the contest. So we increased the jackpot again to 1,250 L$. And also the voting worked, we could finish almost on time. Of course we invited everybody to the other events this week.

And even if it is always short on Tuesday, there was also a short after-party today. And even if unfortunately not all Sunshine Girls follow and dance topless, Misty and I are always looking forward to it and some of them follow us too. Thanks to all who join in and strip. And of course especially for the men who join in. But at 8pm it ended, most of us disappeared in bed and some moved on. 

Also today there is a Google Images Album with many pictures. Just have a look and flip through the pictures. Also today the hint to the "Upcoming Events" should not be missing.  

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