
Some about our Events

Some about our Events and Contest

After some long and tiring conversations today I would like to make one thing very clear again.

The Sunshine Realm is private land rented and managed by Misty and me. Here we regularly organize events and have it open to the public. But that doesn't change the fact that every visitor is our guest. On 4 levels there are currently 12 different venues. We are happy about every visitor. Nevertheless we have the house right and reserve ourselves expressly to expel each person also of the place and with repeated offences, carelessness or a fraud suspicion to ban this person permanently or limitedly. And it is also our decision if we appoint managers and grant them appropriate rights. We have the Sunshine Girls, who as hostesses take care of the guests and animate them, and appear as role models at the events. We expect the Sunshine Girls to be polite, welcome the guests and use the local chat. We also expect every guest to treat our Sunshine Girls and guests politely and respectfully.

To our events. At first, read please the blogside with the rules for events too. We organize themed events and make a contest with usually 1,000 L$ as jackpot in splitmode. This amount is usually increased by 250 L$ if more than 30 people participate in the contest. But there is no entitlement for the start contest or the raise. It is a voluntary benefit that is not guaranteed by us. Sometimes during the contest we receive donations from our friends or guests, which we pay 100% into the contest. This can result in significantly higher jackpots, last month the maximum was L$5,000 and the average was more than L$1,800. These are all voluntary benefits. Our events are usual

  • tuesday between 5 - 7,30pm
  • friday between 4 - 6 pm
  • saturday between 4 - 6 pm
We prepare these events and decorate or build new event locations. We do not only invest time, but also L$. And we do all this without having to pay entrance fees for the events at a later date. We make it available to our friends and guests. But the events only become a unique experience when they are accepted by our friends and guests and many visitors come with an appropriate outfit. That's why there is a dress code for all our events. And we decide whether or not a person is in keeping with these rules. We decide if we make exceptions and don't have to explain this to anyone. This is a matter of course, which also applies in real life. As hosts and hostess we can decide, and none of our guests acquires any claims to which he could later refer. Or threaten us with Linden Lab and the TOS. So even in real life it is not allowed to visit a restaurant in beach clothes or a dance ball in everyday clothes. And nobody will probably go to an official reception in jeans with a crumpled shirt. 

We expect more from the Sunshine Girls than from the guests. And when they invite friends, they are responsible for telling them beforehand that our events always follow themes and every visitor has to adapt to them. You can also use the blog where you can find reports about almost all events and links to Google Images albums with thousands of pictures of our events. 

We expect guests not to interfere with the events, including inappropriate clothing, no protruding sex organs, or general appearance without clothing. Also, everyone should inform themselves about the topics beforehand, and not change at the event itself. Sometimes it happens that clothes are not properly dressed, or parts of the body or clothes are not displayed. Then we talk to guests and try to help them.

Meanwhile a large part of my event consists of admonishing guests and asking them to follow our themes. There are four reactions. Some are AFK and do not respond. They come uninspired and unprepared and then go AFK to park until the end of the event to get a share of the winning amount. These are then often the people who stand out by reckless behavior in the vote and click several times in quick succession on the board. If there is no reaction after a few minutes, they are sent off and thrown out of the country. Some react excitedly and moody later, but we don't want sleepers in events that don't even contribute to the overall picture. Of course, there are other cases where the second and third categories respond, and while some change and adapt, others say goodbye. Some do this politely and understandingly, others become rude and even cancel again. Nobody really has to come. We are happy about the guests, are open and cordial. But nobody has to come to us, nobody acquires rights to us, our country or our events. And nobody has to pay admission to derive rights from it. And also the membership in our group is free of charge. But some also explain to us what they thought with their outfit and why they are wearing it. And then we often decide to let them at the event and in the contest. Because that's what we want. We want to inspire people and encourage creativity. And often our ideas have been different, but we are happy with the ideas.

Then there is a fourth group. And this is the most extreme. They discuss for hours and become unobjective. They derive from the behaviour or outfit of others to also break the rules themselves. They "observe" this very closely and "clarify" us. They want to decide and derive any claims. We have to tell them: As long as we pay the rent, organize the events and finance the jackpot, we decide if we allow our guests and whom we ask to leave. And if he doesn't want to go, out of defiance or because he is AFK, we will kick him out of the country. And if that person needs a break, we will ban him for a limited time. And if we get cheated, insulted, or repeat offences, we will also permanently block people. And it would be new to me what Linden Lab and the TOS would prescribe otherwise. 

And for sure its an adult place. You can wear sexy and naughty clothes if it match with the event themes. And we have our very special after-parties where the rules much more loose. Sunshine Girls and we dance often in lingeries or topless or complete naked and you can follow this. If we animate you to wear off your clothes can you follow this without problems.

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