
Belated Veterans Day

Belated Veterans Day

We've been celebrating this day for many years. And especially after last week, when we celebrated the fall of the Berlin Wall, it was more important for me. Since our Sunshine Realm had a rest day on November 11th, we started our Veteran Day Event a day belated. We went to the Street again. The wall was now fallen and away and instead some military vehicles  were parked around the alcove. And yes, Misty was back after her long travel and it should get a wonderful event.

We met shortly before 5pm and since everything was prepared at the Street, we could start right away. At 5pm came Yezika, Ruby and Vanny and after the Nightwish family was there, Yezika started right away. As usual she put together a very good set. It is always something special to have the Nightwish family with us. And also the guests and our friends came quickly. Some had put together wonderful clothes. It was fun, and uniforms are often very sexy. Unfortunately the picture was ruined by the guests who only saw "American holiday", and therefore from the set of their contest clothes they picked out American flags. But when you see other really imaginative and beautiful outfits, it already feels like "cheating". But we can be happy, because nobody came without a related outfit.

After the experiences of the last weeks we did not expect so many guests. Only 35 people came to our 80's party last week, and of them only 24 were together in the sim shortly before the end. What could we expect today? It would be a very good event anyway. Many of our friends were there early and there were some amazing outfits to see. And I already wrote it. After her long business trip around half the globe Misty was back. So it was a very good mood.

But once again our expectations were exceeded. There were more than 50 visitors and 42 of them were also together with us on the street and in the alcove. We had started the contest as usual with 1,000 L$ in the jackpot. But since more than 30 people took part, we also adjusted the jackpot and now there was 1,250 L$ in the contest. The people behaved reasonably, and since we still have an empty sim after Chant unfortunately left, everything worked very well tonight. Also the voting should work later without problems and be finished quickly.

I have already written that the voting was very fast and without problems and of the 33 participants all cast their votes. Before we said goodbye to the guests at 7:30 pm, there was some advertising for the upcoming events. You can read all this information on the blog page "Upcoming Events" here. Then the winnings were paid out and the main event was over. It was a very nice evening and we were happy with the result.

Even though we were all tired and Yezika had stopped the stream shortly after the main event, we stayed together for a few minutes. We just used the Sim Radio. And as always there were naked tits to see and we undressed. It was a nice but short After-Party. I went to bed earlier than usual, because I have to pay a little more attention to my night sleep at the moment. Some were still there, but I am sure that 10 minutes later all of them left.

As always this is a Google Images Album with more pictures. Maybe you'll have a look. Informations about next events at the blogpage "Upcoming Events".

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