
30 yrs Berlin Wall Fall

30 yrs Berlin Wall Fall

We did planned a very special event tonight. It should be the grand finale of our week for the 30th anniversary of Berlin Wall Fall and the peaceful revolution in the east part of Germany. And we had invited the amazing live singer Wolfie Starfire tonight to perform at this event. That's why we started one hour earlier and won the extra time. We started with DJ Yui and took Wolfie Starfire between the set of DJ Yui and DJ Polpeta, our regular DJs for Saturday events. For many Germans is the 9th of November a special day and maybe the secret national holiday here in Germany. And I wanted make an amazing event for this in SL too. We chose our Street with the Alcove in front of the Sunshiner's Pub again as venue for this event. Here stood our small Wall Memorial with some informations about the time of separation across Berlin. 

But let's look back a few years. On 9 th of November 1989 the impossible happened. As the USA president said some months before ... "Mr. Gorbachev tear down this wall" nobody could believe that this really could be possible. But it came on this day to the termination of the separation of the two German states, and all this because thousands of people in many cities in Germany went on the street. Many people went in Churches and burned candles and prayed. Both states were on the front line of the Cold War and belonged to different military pacts. It was a peaceful revolution and ended a dictatorship, liberated half a people from a hostage situation, imprisoned behind this wall. It is possible and all this happened without weapons.

Some month later the reunion would finished at the 3th of October 1990, the National Holiday here in Germany. But all this was only possible because thousands people went to the Streets and demonstrated against the dictorship.

And even if we now live in a difficult time, and in many countries walls are being built again rather than real walls or border fences or even just in people's minds. I wrote in some blogposts about this. The 9th of November will always stand for the liberation of a whole people. And that is why we celebrate it toniht. 

I wrote already that we have prepared a special night and started an hour earlier than usual at 3pm with DJ Yui. She opened her set earlier and right in time first guests came. Now its an unusual time for us. We had a set in the Club Room in this time till 2 weeks before. But without contests it was mostly a more calm event. And nobody of us wanted DJ Yui spinning music on an empty place. Thats why we started a contest for the first hour too, and loaded 500 L$ in it. We promissed that we select the winners if more as 10 people would join this contest. Otherwise we would continue this contest without to select winners and adding 1,000 L$ to the jackpot.

But the worry was in vain. After a few minutes we could announce in the group chat that there would be winners at 4pm. And already in these first hours we had nearly 40 visitors, and of these 33 were together in the alcoves and on the street and danced with us at 4pm and waited for the end of the first contest. And with 2 exceptions, most of them came in semiformal or formal dresses. And also the two changed quickly. Some only stopped by briefly, and unfortunately didn't stay. And of the 26 participants 25 voted. DJ Yui plays a very good set as usual and the atmosphere was very good even before the main event, which was divided this time. DJ Yui continued for another hour before Wolfie Starfire would entertain us.

Even the second hour flew by. Some of the guests had left us after the first contest, but most of them stayed. We started the contestboard again with 1,000 L$ in the jackpot. And more guests came quickly, because 4pm is our usual starting time for our events on Saturdays. And of course some new guests from Wolfie Starfire's fan group came to the Sunshine Realm. So there was also a lot to explain and many wrote me IMs to be invited into the group or to get questions answered. And of course our expectations after the very successful "Day After" event yesterday were very high. But since many came, I paid 1,000 L$ into the contestboard and we had 2,000 L$ as jackpot. 

Then it finally happened. Wolfie Starfire came and we started quickly with the preparations for the gig. We couldn't rehearse before and had to do everything just in time. Since every equipment works a bit differently, it's sometimes an exciting moment. But we quickly reset the DJ Board for Wolfie after we had entered everything, Wolfie could additionally rezzen her own equipment and then it started almost on time. And from the first minute on Wolfie not only inspired the listeners with her voice, but also with her funny manner and an infectious laugh. Thanks again to Leah and GilShalos who asked us to organize this event and invited the Wolfie to the Sunshine Realm. Both support live musicians in SL and we were very happy to be able to help them today. And since everyone also got the list with the songs, Wolfie also sang many songs on request.

And also today it got crowded fast, and during Wolfie's gig there were 60 people in front of the stage. That was another very good event. Its really amazing if so many people filling the alcove and Street, one of our favorite venues. Thanks to the donation of 2 friends we were able to pay 1,000 L$ into the contestboard each time so that in the end it was about a jackpot of 4,000 L$. With the event yesterday and the minicontest at the beginning today we got 9,500 L$. This is only possible because we are supported by our friends. Not only do they come in the appropriate costumes and prepare themselves, this weekend were donations from 4 people who made it possible for us to have such a high jackpot. Also the new guests have quickly inserted themselves today. As far as possible I helped everyone in IMs. And with the good mood that Wolfie spread during her performance, time really flew by. Since we still have few neighbours there were no problems at all. The equipment worked out perfectly, there was no lag and also the voting was problem-free. It is remarkable how big the differences are. And again the proof that despite our many levels and different venues the Sunshine Realm itself works very well. Thanks again for Wolfie Starfire who entertained us wonderfully and fascinated us all with her friendliness. Maybe there will be a gig again.

The vote ran without problems and also the payment worked well. It was now time to say goodbye to Wolfie. A total of 88 guests and friends visited us that evening and there were also some new members in our group. So we reached nearly 90 guest for this events. DJ Polpeta took over the entertainment and most of the guests said goodbye. But this is also the signal for the after-party. So some of us pulled bare and danced topless. It should be a nice end, and some guests also came to us for the after-party. And its an adult sim, why not dancing naked? Its really fun.

DJ Polpeta had also put together a good set and entertained us well. But little by little the last guests left as well. Some went to sleep in their bed, others to dinner or to other Sims. I hope all guests and friends could enjoy the evening like I did. At 8:15pm the After-Party was over. A nice weekend with more than 170 guests is over and it's time to clean up. Thanks to all who helped.

Well, the following text sounds like an often repeated phrase. Of course, I took more pictures today, and they are again put together in a Google Images Album. You can look at them without rush. You can find a lot informations about the next events on the blog page "Upcoming Events". It is also worth saving the page as a bookmark, because we update it again and again and add new events. At the bottom of this page you will also find a list of all events this year. And of course you will find many blog posts about the different events. If you browse through them can you see how many different events we did organized. We always try to implement new ideas and so it is every week a challenge to find suitable outfits. But also a part of the fun here. If you want to come by like this, here is the landmark. The landing point is always at different places, depending on the venue we are using. Within the sim there is a system with teleportners that will take you to most places. You can join our Sunshine Rocker's Group too. We send annoucement about events, and you can join the contests with this.

If we don't have any events, our sim is usually empty. But there are a lot of nice places to meet friends or just go on an excursion. The Sunshine Realm is also a very nice place to take pictures. Some can be found here in the blog, others can be found in my Flickr account. And since many friends use Flickr, we made a Sunshine Realm Group. You are welcome to share your own pictures there, if they were created in our Sim or as preparation for our events.

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