
Class Reunion

Class Reunion (Super Heroes)

Once again it wass time for a class reunion. You don't know what we meant with that? The superheroes and other comic characters meet regularly and this time they came to us to the Sunshine Realm. We prepared the Trails End Music Hall Club and invited our friends and guests to a Comic Night. We asked our guests which one is them superhero or your comic hero.

Also Comic Nights are nothing new at the Sunshine Realm, so we looked forward to a new edition. DJ Valantine entertained us this night. And we were happy to come to the Trails End Music Hall Club again with an event.

We were back in the club room before. I had changed before. I came to the Sunshine Realm just before 4pm, and the first friends were already there. It was really wonderful again how our friends accepted the themes and which costumes they found. And SecondLife is good if you have fantasy to create and share them with others. So from the first minutes it was clear that it would be a good evening again. DJ Valantine also came after she finished the set in the club room and it really started. Everything worked well and the first guests came quickly.

Of course we were curious again. It's really never predictable how many people will come and how our topics will be accepted. After the success of our apocalypse "The Day After" last week we tried not to set our expectations too high. Even if there weren't so many visitors, we could still be satisfied today. It quickly became fuller. Fortunately the Trails End Music Hall Club offers enough space for everyone. And DJ Valantine entertained us once again with a good set.

We had started the contest again with 1,000 L$ in the jackpot. Since soon more than 30 people were registered in the contest, we increased the jackpot to 1,250 L$. But it stayed that way today. Unfortunately some of the guests come more and more to the end. But so it became fuller and fuller. Altogether we had 65 guests today and there were 58 together in the Trails End shortly before the end of the main event. 

Since we are still in a half empty Sim, the voting ran despite the many visitors without problems. We really didn't see any lag in the last events. So 40 participants cast their votes and also the payment of the winnings worked without problems. So we said goodbye to the guests. Of course we pointed out the next events again. And we invited everyone to stay to relax and celebrate with us even further.

Well, the after-parties are almost the best. The sentence "Time for the After-Party" is then also like a signal and many of the Sunshine Girls pull blank, if they have not danced before topless. DJ Valantine continued for quite a while, and so it became a nice after-party again today and there were some nice (pixel-) bodies to see again. And the guests, who are only interested in the contest, leave and mostly. Sometimes it also works to see the men naked. Maybe you'll just come by when it's "time for the after-party" again.

We were all happy to see Misty back after the business trip, so it was a busy evening. Dj Valantine finished her set 7:30pm with a last round of Led Zepelin music. Some had already left us before, for some of us it's doc very late. After that most of them went either to bed or to dinner and it got empty. So we finished the event at 7:50pm and everybody left. Some went to bed or other Sims. Inspired by the night most of them maybe dreamt or had fun. But here ends the report about it and it remains private. It was another nice evening at the Sunshine Realm.

I took a lot pictures again. Not everyone has found a place here in the blog. That's why they are again put together in a Google Images Album. If you want you can have a look into the album, pictures are often more meaningful than text. And if you were there, maybe I "shot" you on a picture. We would be happy if you would stop by. On the blog page "Upcoming Events" you can find all information about the planned events. And of course you can also come by. Most of the time the sim is really empty, but there are many places to spend time with friends. Or you can take pictures and look for a nice backdrop. You can also share them with our Flickr group.

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