
Black & White

Black & White

Formal Night at Saturday Night! Yesss. This is the Sunshine Realm too. And you don't need a mask this night, to make a wonderful formal night. The theme was Black & White and Formal this time. All guests and friends were asked to find a matching outfit and to come to this special night up to our temple mount. We all looked forward for a wonderful night.

After the events on Saturday in the Club Room were cancelled, we all came directly to the Sunshine Realm. And we had enough time to choose the right clothes. So we could be curious. I was really looking forward to this evening, but then it was more difficult. Should I wear a white or black dress? It shouldn't look like a wedding dress, although I had already flirted with white. In the end there were 4 dresses for me to choose from, but I decided to wear black finally. And I chose a dress with a lot of tulle and lace, as the more simple and simple dresses I had to choose from. Still the matching makeup and the matching hair to the dress and the evening could begin.

When I arrived at the Sunshine Realm half an hour before, I was still alone for a few minutes. So I could check everything in peace and moved the landing point to the temple. It could start and shortly before 4pm the first guests arrived and with them also DJ Yuimetal. So this time we started a bit before 4pm and already the first guests made me want more. It would surely be a nice evening.

It became fast forward. Of course some guests came today with unsuitable clothes, jeans and a unbuttoned shirt are not really "formal". And lingerie and even a cocktail dress don't necessarily fit. But that was quickly clarified and everyone reacted accordingly. So the temple was decorated in black and white, and the many guests were nice to look at. And DJ Yuimetal had put together a wonderful set with romantic music for dancing, so it was a wonderful evening.

We opened a contest in splitmode like usual. And we paid 1,000 L$ into to board as jackpot. More and more guests came and it slowly became fuller. The temple on our Mount Olymp is big enough and Black & White was a good idea. There were many conversations, we danced and the romantic music of DJ YuiMetal put us all in the right mood. So this time a lot of couples danced together again. Time flew by and soon half the time was up. And since more than 30 participants were registered in the contest, we raised the jackpot to 1,250 L$.

It was really crowded. But we got a donation of 3,000 L$ for the contest. Without hesitation we extended the registration time, and risked that it could get close with the voting in the end. But our Sim is still half empty, and we had no problem with the voting at all in the last events. So we trusted it again this time and hoped that our guests would behave reasonably. So we would only overrun 15 minutes at the end, and could still leave enough time to register for the contest. So we increased the jackpot to 4,250 L$ and inspired all guests to invite friends and invited them again in group chat. But we also knew that it could get critical again in the end, because of course more guests came now, just before the voting. That would burden the Sim, especially new arrivals are critical, and could also have effects on the voting. And with this jackpot, it is already clear that November will be the month with the highest winning amount.

Well, there were a few more. We know that many of our visitors only come to take part in the contest. Then we are in competition with other events. The amount of winnings certainly plays a role, and how many visitors come. Especially people who come with a lot of ALTs can collect higher winnings. Also a reason why we only conduct contests in split mode. So people with many alts can still gain an advantage. But they can't steal the winnings and leave nothing for the real participants. On the other hand, it's difficult or impossible to distinguish a group of friends from a person with multiple ALTs. The topics certainly also have a further influence. Since we consistently pay attention to the topics, try out new topics every week, the effort for the preparation is greatest. We have also reduced the number of participants. And it is certainly one of the influencing factors for our fluctuating number of participants. And now we had awakened some of them, there were still 20 minutes to put on a suit or dress and participate. 

Well, everyone didn't make it in time. But we should almost reach the result of our last weekend. To our apocalypse "The Day After" were 69 together in the Sim, there was also a very high jackpot through a donation. And for the "30th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall" with the live performance of Wolfie Starfire and 2 DJs there were 60 together. Today we were supposed to gather 68 guests and friends in our temple. Altogether there were again over 80 visitors on our event. So it was again a very successful event with a crowd. But this time I shouldn't write "with a good and colorful crowd", because almost everyone had followed the theme and wore black or white clothes, or both colors together. 

At 6pm Yuimetal finished their set and DJ Polpeta took over the entertainment. So it got a little more rocky. And we opened the voting. We paid some attention to the behaviour of the usual problems, but the half-empty Sim which is working really well at the moment enabled a smooth voting. So we were able to complete the planned vote in only 15 minutes despite the 56 participants and 10 pages on the contest board. All participants voted. So we could finish the main event as planned at 6:15 pm and paid the winnings and said goodbye to all guests. Of course we pointed out the upcoming events again and invited everyone to stay at our after-party. Many friends remained and also some guests.

Then the after-party was in full swing. The long clothes were exchanged for lingerie and DJ Polpeta played more rock music. It got hotter in the temple. We laughed a lot and were happy that we finished the event well. So we continued dancing together and also the next 2 hours flew by. Not only the Sunshine Girls danced with naked tits, also our men took part. And at least Lorica then also really naked. We had a lot of fun this evening.

But even the most beautiful time ends. Little by little the guests left and at 8:15pm DJ Polpeta played her last song. It was a wonderful evening. The temple is really special, a formal dance ball, our friends who all participate so beautifully and many guests who followed the theme created unforgettable memories again. In this virtual world that allows us to spend time together, to dream and even make dreams and fantasies visible. Thanks to everyone who was there with a suitable outfit and contributed to the success. Thanks to all of you who get infected and inspired by us every week and who join us in the challenge. Sure, it would be easier to have a club and repeat the same events over and over again. But it wouldn't be so much fun and it wouldn't be the Sunshine Realm.

There are again a lot of pictures from the party and the after-party. I wrote a bit more and used more pictures than usual in this blogpost. But there are a lot more pictures. And I don't want to withhold them, so I put them into a Google Images Album again. There you can have a look at them, if you like. It's a nice insight into this event and often pictures say more than we could ever write. And the pictures are snapshots, my view of this event. And none of the pictures are posed or post-processed with Photoshop. Some pictures of participants can also be found in our Sunshine Realm Flickr group. If you also take pictures yourself, and you come to our event, you are invited to share your pictures with us there. You can also come to the Sunshine Realm, there are many nice corners you can use as a backdrop for pictures. 

If you also want to come to an event, you can find all the information on the blog page "Upcoming Events". We would really love to welcome you to the Sunshine Realm. Of course you can also drop by. Most of the time you will find an empty Sim. But it might be worth it to visit the 4 levels with more than 10 different venues or to chill on the beach or go for a walk in the garden. Soon it will get cold on the ground again, because we will certainly create another winterland and open a Christmas market like last year in the street in front of the Sunshiner's Pub. Here's the landmark if you want to stop by.

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