
The Day After

The Day After

We celebrate the Berlin Wall Fall this week. The 8th of October 1989 was the day before the Wall fell. There were many demonstrations and vigils in churches 30 years ago. So we thought about an event with candles. But how can you turn vigils into an event idea? And at the end are our events parties and not vigils. Our event should be called "The Day before" first. 

But, than we had another idea for the event. Mikhail Gorbachev was in Berlin and his positive stance about the world was for many people visible. Even though the Soviet Union was responsible for the Wall. Now stood the government of the former GDR alone, the east part of Germany. How lucky we actually were. Than, who thinks about what could happened if everything else had happened that day? That the regimes weren't so weakened that it wasn't Putin but Gorbachev, and that Germany could be reunited peacefully.

That's why we shot the planned theme completely, and today it's "The Day after". What could have happened? We therefore invite you to an Apocalypse event in which civilization has perished and struggles to survive, as in the Mad Max Movies. We built the Wall and decorated the Street in front of the Sunshiner's Pub with burning cars and tires, and tank traps. DJ Valantine prepared a rocking set and all we needed were guests and friends which would vising us.

After everything was ready, all we could do was wait. Misty was on the way and wouldn't log in. Would that have an effect this time as well? We had met before in the club room, but it was also a small group there. I had been very much looking forward to this topic, on the one hand the fall of the Berlin Wall, but also the Apocalypse idea. So I just kept my expectations lower before, just to be sure if not many people would come. In the end, what matters is what the friends say and how they find the decorations. And it was fun to put an outfit together again. I was also very curious what my friends would do with the theme and of course our guests.

We came to the Sunshine Realm a few minutes earlier. Odette and Phil were already there, and of course they had wonderful outfits. Of course I forgot to prepare some stuff, and Valantine has a new stream that had to be entered into the DJ Board. And why should all work correctly?  So the beginning was a bit trippy, but a few minutes later everything was ready and it worked. Because my friends also felt how important the events for the Berlin Wall Falling this week are for me, there was immediately a donation for the contest, so we started it with 3,000 L$ in the jackpot. DJ Valantine put together a usual rock set and we had a lot of fun together from the beginning.

It quickly became fuller, and most have followed the theme. SO also new guests came, and the alcoves were really too narrow for everyone, so that the street in front of it filled up too. After almost 50 guests were together, there was another donation for the contest, and now there was 5,000 L$ in the jackpot. Would we reach the 50 guests who are together in the Sim this time? The conditions were good. And since we have hardly any neighbours in the region at the moment, there were no problems with the performance. And then there were 50 of us in the region, this goal was at least reached. But was that already the end? There was still enough time. 

And then it got even fuller. In the end there were 69 people on the street dancing together. In total we even had almost 90 guests again, so after the event "Venice at Night" it is the event with the most visitors. I don't think I have to try to explain how I was pleased, but also how surprised I was. If I had wait some minutes longer to close the board for logins we had crossing easy the 70 persons, but some should learn that they come right and not last minute to earn Linden about the contest. As expected the voting went very well. Everything worked without Lag. So everybody could vote in only 15 minutes. Of the original 62 participants in the contest, 58 voted at the end. This was the end of a successful event. We said goodbye to the guests who wanted to leave and of course invited everyone for the event tomorrow with 2 DJs (Yuimetal and Polpeta) and the singer Wolfie Starfire. Maybe we can repeat our good performance of today. We will meet us again here in the Street in front of the Sunshiner's Pub.

Of course there was also a celebration again. And we also used the opportunity again to pull bare and dance topless. It was the apocalypse, who can know what is the next day. So we used the opportunity. DJ Valantine also entertained us very well for the after-party. So we danced together more than an hour longer before we all spread out over the many worlds of SecondLife or the RL.

There are many pictures I collected in a Google Images Album. I would be happy if you browse this time and maybe you get desire to visit us once. 

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