
Belated Thanksgiving

Belated Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is a beautiful tradition in our clubs. In 2016 we celebrated it in the old Trails End Music Hall Club (Google Images Album) and we celebrated Thanksgiving 2017 again in a specially decorated skybox with an autumn landscape over the Sunshine Cove Beach Club. We made a second event 2017 too, but with Harvest Celebration more common. And last year we had 2 wonderful days too where we celebrated here at Sunshine Realm in the newly opened Trails End Music Club. There was the event "Let's give Thanks together" (Google Images) and one day later our Naughty Thanksgiving (Google Images)

Thanksgiving is always a special event. And even if we in Europe don't know this holiday at all. But I think we've all heard that even distant family members come home and it's a wonderful celebration in the family. And then it's also a chance to thank our American friends and to organize this day with them. And it is very important to cultivate and share such traditions here in SecondLife, and also to gather the family here. And that we all have a great day together. And that's exactly what we wanted this year and we invite not only our friends, but all members of the Sunshine Rocker Group, and anyone who wants to come by. Everyone is welcome when we "Give Thanks together" again in our Trails End Music Hall Club.

As on most Fridays we were in the Club Room before and already celebrated 2 hours in advance. We were all excited and some of us were still working on their outfits. I had decided for an outfit from Moon Elixir, even if this is primeval. So I added a belt and feather jewellery. At the end a bow, and my outfit was complete shortly before the event. Then I couldn't resist and got my ~*Water Horse*~ horse out again. And if it was only for some pictures.

The Trails End Music Hall Club with the meadow in front of it, our Camp Sunshine, is really a good place for such a celebration. And we had again published the topic Indians and Pilgrims. It should be a nice event and again more than 60 guests came. But we had to throw some of them out of the Sim, because they didn't understand the topic. It might be fun to come to other events in other Sims as a roasted turkey. We expect something more and want events that stay in our memories. Who likes to dance when an Avatar shakes in a turkey right in front of you? And surely it wasn't enough to come in any outfit, but to have a tray with a turkey. But there were also enough guests, and some used the admonition and came back with an outfit matching the theme.

It was a great event and most of us had a lot of fun. DJ Valantine had put together an awesome set and we laughed and danced. There were again more than 60 guests, and shortly before the end of the contest 51 people were gathered in our big barn. So this was also a very well attended event. So it did not remain with the original 1,000 L$ jackpot, we increased it as usual with more than 30 participants to 1,250 L$. Also the voting worked without problems. So we were finished on time and said goodbye to our guests at 6pm. 

Then we went on without a break with the after-party. Most of us were there as Indian girls, and there it was especially sexy. DJ Valantine entertained a bit longer before she went to bed. I also went to bed a bit earlier because I had a busy Saturday in RL ahead of me. Some of them did a bit more and used the sim radio for it.

Also for this event there is an own album at Google Images. You are welcome to browse through the pictures. We would also be happy if you stop by. You'll find the page "Upcoming Events" in our blog which always informs you about the current events. 

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