
Butterflies Watching

Butterflies Watching

After our Summer Camp we were looking for a new idea to host another event on the big meadow in front of the Trails End Music Hall Club. We had some good ideas and laughed as we spoke about them. But I always had the image of a naturalist running after butterflies with a small net in his hand. ANd I told Misty about this. Misty laughed when I tried to explain it for her. My English is limited and I missed a few words. But that's how this event was born.  

The idea of this event was to exploring the nature together, as naturalist, with casual and comfy clothes, ready for a longer excursion in the forest or the nature, at the sought for new animals and plants. This maybe with an outfit which brought us back to the life time of David Livingstone or Henry Morton Stanley in the 19th century. And of sure, everyone should wear suitable clothes thats protect them from the mosquitos.

Because its difficult to find new species today, we watched the flying colorful butterflies together and listened the voices of the birds in our Sunshine Garden. We met us at 5pm a to have 2.5 hours of fun together. And its was the last event in July and we were very curious how many people would join us. First guests came slowly but all had amazing outfits. Phil was very special tonight as real blue butterfly who flew about the meadow. With this outfit he would won clearly the contest for the best costum. But sadly we haven't a prize for this.  

Then it got fuller after all. Some of our friends unfortunately couldn't come. Especially these events on Tuesday are more and more difficult. But then we had 40 guests on the meadow during the evening. And at the end there were 33 together and danced. It was fun to watch. Many good ideas to the topic. DJ Yezika entertained us very well as usual and we danced together to the good music at the green meadow.

Of course we had started a contest in split mode again today, but since we didn't have 5 pages full, the starting amount of 1,000 L$ was the  jackpot today. And even if we have some more lag since some days, all guests were reasonable and voted normally. So the main event ended punctually at 7:30pm. And, then the fun usually only begins.

We stayed together for half an hour. And even though most of the guests have already left, the after-parties are really the best. We laughed and danced, and of course we undressed again. So almost all of us danced topless. Okay, Misty had binoculars to hide her tits this time. But on Tuesday we usually end on the right side so that everyone gets some sleep. So we all said goodbye at 8 pm, some disappeared in bed, others went to other Sims. so a wonderful evening at the Sunshine Realm came to an end. 

There are also some more pictures of this event than I can show them here in the blog. That's why I created a Google Images Album again and made the pictures available for you. Have fun when you look through them. And maybe you get desire to visit us also times. On the blog page "Upcoming Events" you will find information about the next events we are planning. And you can also stop by. Here is the landmark of the Sunshine Realm in the grid of SecondLife. 

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