
Summer Camp

Opening our Summer Camp "Camp Sunshine"

Today we had a special event. We are always looking for new topics and ideas, and have thought up something new again. Its summer time on the northern hemisphere and in the USA but also in many other countries around the world groups of children go camping in the forest. They sleep in tents and learn how to make fire, go fishing, archery or orient themselves in nature. Maybe you've been to a summer camp like this before. Maybe we can bring back some memories for you then.

We wanted to go to such a summer camp with our guests and friends today. We prepared everything on the big meadow in front of the Trails End Music Hall Club and the campfires burned there aside of a tent and volleyball net. And this place is really special and one of the most beautiful venues in our Sunshine Realm.

For us, an event begins far in advance. Sometimes we use proven formats, such as Country Night, but often completely new events are created. First of all, there is only one idea.  Then we think about where the event can take place. Can we use one of the existing venues, or do we have to build something new? If we build something new, we have to take something else away. All our places are beautiful, but sometimes we have to make room for something new. This time it was different, because we had the place already, but we never used it before. We already had plans for events here last year, but somehow we forgot. We went to the big meadow in front of the Trails End Music Hall Club. 

Then we'll have to figure out what we need to decorate. Sometimes we can use things that we have in the inventory, but it often happens that we buy new stuff for such events. Nobody of us had a Church ruin or a Viking village in the inventory Then we think about what might work and look together in the market place or visiting inworld shops. That's how we create a new place step by step. And we do it together, work hand in hand. Often Bic helps us with textures and banners, so that we have a really unique place in the end. Because there is no second place like this in SecondLife. It will be a part of our Sunshine Realm, the place for the Sunshine Family.

Then also for us the challenge begins, which all our friends and guests have to solve. And especially of course all Sunshine Girls. We have to put together an outfit that fits the theme. And that is not easy, because sometimes there is nothing suitable and we have to improvise. The range is very wide. Or we can't decide and buy several. Anyway, it is an exciting time and we are always very curious what our friends will choose. 

Then the time has finally come and an event begins. But this also increases the excitement. Will the friends and guests accept the event and come to us? What will they wear? How many guests will come? Have we thought of and prepared everything? Will everything work at then end? When the first guests arrive and the first reactions come, we can sit back and breath deeply to relax. Sometimes you know in the first minutes that an event works, and the guests come very early with amazing outfits. But sometimes it takes a while.  

That's how it was today. We met at 4pm and Valantine took over the entertainment and played her stream into our Sim. She had put together a nice set and entertained us very well. So we had a beautiful venue and a good DJ. The Sim also worked very well and we had no lag at all. Our neighbours were not there. Then of course we loaded and opened our contestboard as usual with 1,000 L$ in split mode. Now only the guests had to come, but they came only hesitantly at the beginning. It is summer, many events in RL, some are on vacation. Or were we wrong with the event?

But then the guests came and it became fuller on our meadow. And most of them had thought about it and came up with clothes that fit the theme. It was funny to look at and a stone fell from our hearts. It would be another great event at the Sunshine Realm, even though the summer and the holiday season are slowly reaching their peak. So we raised the jackpot to 1,250 L$ when we reached 6 pages in the contest. We had more than 60 guests in the evening and 51 were together in the sim at the end of the event. 

Among our guests were many of our friends. Of course there were some guests who came more often and others who were not there for a while. And also today new members came to our group, new guests found our Sim. Of course we are happy about every guest, and are happy when we are found. So we still have just over 900 members in the group.

The vote went well, too. The reaction time of the board was less than one second. We quickly had 38 votes, but somehow we lost one. And a guest reported that she could not vote. Why is written in the stars. We gave her one more round of time and overdid it. Whatever was wrong with her, waiting longer would have been unfair against the other participants. Some had already left, others wanted to leave. So we finished the contest at 6:15pm. Of course we invited them to our "Honor France" event tomorrow and wished them all a good way home.

And we had a wonderful after-party again. Some new guests joined us and we had some fun. Valantine continued her stream and entertained us very well for the after-party. 

And of course we took off our clothes again and some of us danced topless. So it is just the After-Party which becomes erotic and interesting again and again. You should stop by and visit us. Also this part of the party is free, it's not a closed party and you don't have to pay admission. If someone wants to tip you, it's because you like her, not because she's there and has a tipjar.

Of course there are more pictures in one of my Google Images Albums today. And we would be very happy if you would stop by our Sunshine Realm. Here the landmark in the Grid of SecondLife. You find informations about upcoming events in my blogpage "Upcoming Events"

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