
Honor France (14th of July)

Honor France (14th of July Party)

July 14th is the national holiday in France. Since it commemorates the storm of the Bastille on 14 July 1789 and the beginning of the French Revolution, it is often referred to as Bastille Day. On the eve of 14 July, we celebrated this special day with all our French friends and guests and honored the great nation France.

So the street in the Sunshine Realm became the Champs-Élysées again and you saw the Eiffel Tower and the Arc de Triomphe. And the Alcove with the Major Stage was our Place Charles de Gaulle. We were able to use last year's banners, but Bic covered the pavement again with the colours of the tricolour and installed an impressive light in front of the stage. Thank you Bic for your help. So we was ready for an amazing night with our friends and guests from france.

This is also a tradition and we celebrated the Bastille Day 2017 at the Sunshine Cove Beach Club and the Bastille Day 2018 here at the Sunshine Realm SummerlandJuly 2018 was the Soccer World Cup and our soccer stadium was next door.  We rented the right side of today's Sunshine Realm and moved the road here. So the national holiday 2018 was the first party in today's street, even if the left street front was still open at that time.

We met at 4pm. Some of us were together in the Club Room like most Saturdays before, others have waited already. Our DJs had switched, so today DJ Polpeta made their stream available for the main event and entertained us. She had already come to the fairground a little before, so that she would have less problems with Lag later on. Misty and others have also waited. Right from the beginning it was a nice topic and we were looking forward to the next hours. 

Misty and I had a similar outfit independently and decided for a sweater in french colors from Erratic. We both had to laugh when we told each other what we had chosen. So today we came to the event as twins. But Misty is certainly more than a clothes twin. Together we build the Sunshine Realm step by step and hand in hand. It's wonderful when we always succeed in sharing our fantasies and dreams and preparing new events together. And when we can share these ideas in an event together with our friends and guests and it becomes a great event again. So we can certainly be twins at an event, but it also shows the harmony between us.

Most of our Sunshine Girls, friends and guests came with matching outfits, so that it quickly became not only fuller, but also more colorful. The costumes were really very different. And some were more elaborate than others, but they were all wonderful. And the colors of the tricolor blue, white and red determined the picture on the square. Polpeta really played the right music, so we all had fun and laughed a lot.

As it got fuller, we raised the jackpot of the contest a little earlier than usual. It was also a special holiday. After we got to L$1,250, we doubled the jackpot again with a donation from Phil. We are really grateful for the support we get from our friends again and again.

Together they help us make the Sunshine Realm something special. There are many clubs and event places in SecondLife and some are certainly better visited than the Sunshine Realm and others more elaborate. But the many different event places, always new ideas and decorations and with it completely new and temporary venues, this is even in the crazy world of dreams and fantasies something special and perhaps even unique in SecondLife. Therefore I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who supports us again and again. Thank you for your support.

Since there were more than 60 guests the evening before, we were curious how many would come today. At the end there were more than 50 and 46 people who were at the Sunshine Realm at the end of the main event. 36 of them had registered for the contest. During the voting we fired fireworks in honour of the French National Fire Day. 

Of course it was a risk to do this during the voting. But we can't always be afraid that the sim won't work, we have too much lag. Also in SecondLife a fireworks display is impressive, and the play of colours and sounds is also special here. So we had 10 minutes of fireworks with the Eiffel Tower in background while the guests voted. It was a nice ending for the main event.

At the end 35 of the 36 participants voted. We said goodbye to everyone who wanted to leave, and DJ Yuimetal took over the entertainment. Because we had many friends there, and some supported us, we could start another, smaller contest for the after-party and paid another 500 L$ into the board and started a contest in split mode again. So on Bastille Day we distributed 3,000 L$ to our guests and friends via the contest board. Some guests stayed, but many left us. 

But it's the after-parties that become revealing. Of course the Sunshine Realm is a place for adults. But even if we expect an appropriate outfit from the Sunshine Girls at the beginning, the events usually end naked or at least topless. And many of the guests follow the example. They also flirt and provoke. Unfortunately, some of our Sunshine Girls still don't understand why they actually get tips. Some come without preparing themselves with unsuitable clothes. And not everyone follows the example and strips with us, and instead of heating up the air in the local chat, they prefer the IMs. But also here we will continue to set a good example to make the Sunshine Realm even more lively and erotic. 

But it is a lot of fun when friends and guests join in. So we already had the "Chippendales" there and guests stripped. You should also come by when it's "now we starting the After-Party" again. And maybe you will be naked then. 

There are many more pictures in a Google Images Album. Maybe you want explore them. If you want visiting us now, in the blogpage "Upcoming Events" find you informations about our next events. 

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