
Glitter in the Pub Night

Glitter in the Pub Night

We haven't been to Sunshiner's Pub since the "Back to the 70s" party and wanted to do another event in our Sunshiner's Pub. The Sunshiner's Pub is really one of the most important venues. We made some time travels here at last. And we showed that we may celebrate very different Parties here with our Back to 80s and Back to 70s Parties. And our Literature Night or Tartan Day also showed how different parties are here. We had a lot of nice parties here. So we go to the pub again and celebrate with our guests and friends. And we want it colored and bright again. We invited all our guests and friends to our "Glitter in the Pub Night".

Some of us have come before. And since an automatic job of the manager of our landlord ran very late, our Sim had just started. So we could look forward to a successful event. And at 5pm also Yezika and Ruby Nightwish came and opened the event. They had decided for a colorful mix of danceable music and started with the first title into a wonderful set. 

It had already been a lot of fun to decorate Sunshiner's Pub with a lot of glitter. But when our friends and guests came and their thoughts and ideas for a "Glitter in the Pub" night. So it became a nice event. And since it was Tuesdays, and during the week, it was a rather quiet one. And because of the just started Sim everything was very smooth and we had no lag. 

We not only listened to music and danced, but also talked and laughed a lot. It's fascinating what happens to a glitter theme. We had 35 guests that evening. But I already mentioned summer time. And with the coming and going, there were 28 together in the pub at the end. We had started the contest with 1,000 L$, but then increased it to 1,250 L$. 22 had registered for the contest, but since some had to leave earlier, there were only 19 votes in the end. The payout worked then of course.

Then we said goodbye to the guests and again pointed out the upcoming events. On Friday we will do a "Summer Camp" on the big meadow in front of the Trails End Music Hall Club. We are really looking forward to it. And on Saturday we go back to the big stage in the Alkoven at the street in front of the Sunshiner's Pub. And also there it will be colourful again, because we will celebrate Bastille Day, the national holiday of France. We are also very much looking forward to this event. 

Even though it gets very late on Tuesdays, our After-Party was shorter again. But we didn't let it take us to stay together a little longer. Yezika kept us entertained, and many of us took the opportunity to dance naked or topless. The after-parties at the Sunshine Realm are really always something special and often very erotic. Maybe you will come to us and celebrate and dance with us. Because also our After-Parties are public and we are happy about every guest. Around 8pm we all said goodbye and most of them disappeared into the cuddly beds and hopefully dreamt well, satisfied after a nice evening with us in the Sunshine Realm.

I made a lot more pictures like usual. I have save them into a Goggle Images Album and shared it. Maybe you want explore the pictures and we "shoot" you if you was there. Or you want look what happen here at our Sunshine Realm.  If you want visiting us can you find all information about upcoming events in this page. Or you visiting our Sim and looks around. YOu will find a lot nice places and good backdrops for pictures. Here is the landmark to our Sim in SecondLife. 

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