
Review of the June

Review of the June

Like in the review for may I may do opening this post with the words "Another successful month lies behind us". And for sure it's time to look back. After the cleanup in our groups last month were the mood very well and we can really look back at a successful month. So we were able to take care of the planning and preparation of the event instead of mediating the arguments of some Sunshine Girls with group members. And there were some special parties in June. 

Our first event in June was a bang for the bucket. We had invested a few days of preparation and transformed the Viking village into a primeval world. The dinosaurs came back. So we started a time travel and went back to the Jurassic World with our guests for the event "Dinosaur Day". There were not only dinosaurs, many came with interesting outfits and we all had a lot of fun.

And also the next event on the 4th of June should be a journey through time. Who doesn't dream of being a pirate bride or a pirate captain and making the Caribbean unsafe? And we had our Caribbean beach. So we decorated everything, put up a treasure map, the chest and old cannons, and brought a wreck to the beach. So everything was ready for the journey into the world of pirates and our guests, friends and we only had to find matching costumes. Our event "Buried Treasure / Pirates" was a lot of fun for everyone, and we had more than 50 guests on one Tuesday. DJ Yezika and the Nightwish family entertained us with great music. 

The next two events should bring us back to a classical environment of the last century. For this we went to our Burlesque Palace. On June 7th we went to a Speakeasy and the time of Prohibition. A subculture had formed in these etablishments, and the mafia had become powerful with the smuggling and serving of alcohol. With the event "End Prohibition / Speakeasy" we wanted to go on the journey into this time. It was a lot of fun to deal with this topic and a nice event. DJ Valantine entertained us with a breathtaking set, she was so good that evening. So this party will surely stay in a very good memory for many of our guests and friends.

And at the next event we stayed connected to the topic. Gambling and casinos are part of the Mafia and the subculture, and so we borrowed the title of a James Bond movie as the name for an event "Casino Royal" in which we wanted to go to a casino with our guests. So we converted our Burlesque Palace into a casino. But what do you wear when you go to a casino? We could all look forward to an elegant and formal evening and DJ Yuimetal entertained us well. Of course there was also an after-party with DJ Polpeta where we all had a lot of fun.

And we have continued our time travel. This time we went into the bright and colourful world of the 80s. We decorated the Sunshiner's Pub for it, and beside Michael Jackson the Ghostbusters were there, and we traveled "Back to the Future" with the DeLorean DMC-12. Our event "Back to the 80s" was fun for everyone and DJ Yezika entertained us with music from that time. 

Friday the 14th of June is the Flag Day 2019 in the USA. We come from a lot different countries and wanted celebrate a special event with our friends. Pride in your Countries Flags. We decorated the alcove in the Street in front of Sunshiner's Pub with many flags and could only hope that we had not forgotten any. Sorry Skye, we had forgotten the flag of the Netherlands. That won't happen again. But it's also difficult because our friends come from so many countries around the world. 

This event has really shown this impressively.  We were all looking forward to this event and were curious from which countries our guests came and whether they would show the flag directly or indirectly. 

Since we haven't been to the Sunshine Temple on Mount Olympus for a long time, we were looking for an idea. And we had built the temple on Valentine's Day and inaugurated it with the formal event "Hearts On Fire". We all love the dance balls in beautiful dresses and our men in chic suits and tuxedos. So it should definitely be a formal event again. And in the temple we tried again and again to bring our guests closer to other cultures. So we went to the "Garden of the Gods" in Greece into the world of myths or dedicated an event there to the four elements with "Air, earth, water or fire". Here was also our Passover Celebration to Easter and the Holi celebration, which brought us to India. Now we wanted to go with our guests back to Asia. 

Already during the preparation it developed more to a Japan event, we had temple bells and a Torii at the entrance. Japanese room dividers on the outside and Japanese lamps instead of fire bowls. Our event "Asian Paradice (Oriental Formal)" on June 15th was surely one of the most colorful.  

On the 18th of June we went back to the Sunshine Garden. We were already here for Mother's Day. Well, Father's Day was on the 16th of June in the many countries around the world. But our Sim is closed on Sundays, so we celebrated this day a little late. And we wanted to congratulate all fathers in our group, but also all who could have been fathers. And how can you do men a special favor? We organized a "Lingerie Party".  

Summer begins on 21th of June in the northern hemisphere. We wanted to welcome it with a wild "Summer Welcome Party" on our Caribbean Beach and invited everyone to a cheerful night at the beach. The sound of the breaking waves mixed with the shouting of seagulls making our beach so relaxing. After our swimming lessons and the event about tanned skin and sunbathing in May we were all well prepared for this special event. And the beach is really an amazing place for a wonderful party with friends.We were here for the "Buried Treasure / Pirates" some days before too. 

This days are special in SecondLife. In many sims are #SL16B Events. We celebrated our "Prepare Second Life Birthday" event on 22th of June. On 23th of June 2003 the first version of SecondLife was released and with it this wonderful virtual world was created, which we residents often only call the "Grid". That was reason enough to celebrate the 16th birthday of SecondLife on this day and to thank Linden Lab. All of us would not have met, there would not be these friendships around the world, if it wasn't for SecondLife. There are a lot of different events around this birthday and we also wanted to have our #SL16B party. And SecondLife + summer, you think about beach, sun and fun. So we went to our beach again, but this time to the Beach Club. There we had prepared everything to celebrate this day together with our friends and guests.

We did decorate the Beach Club aside of the Beach for this special Birthday Party. Bic created new Banners for this and we had wonderful hours with our friends and guests. And of course with an After-Party like usual.

On the 25th of June we went on another time travel. This was really a month with some traveling through the time. After we already travelled "Back in the 80s" at the beginning of the month, we wanted to try again. This time we went back to the disco time, so "Back to the 70s". And we chose the Sunshiner's Pub again. 

Again we had a lot of fun to prepare everything. The disco ball with the dance floor, bright spotlights and lots of pictures from the time. We also bought new disco dances, because the provider "Abranimations" has a special offer. We were looking forward to the event. Unfortunately we have a new neighbour with a lot of horses in a skybox since a few days. So we have been struggling with problems for a few days, today the "INTAN" system had failed. But that didn't stop the good mood at this wonderful event.  

This weekend we celebrate PRIDE Days 2019 at Sunshine Realm. And we started at the 28th of june with "Tonight we are all PRIDE!" on the Street before the Sunshiner's Pub. We had all prepared and the street with the alcove painted with rainbow colors. The stage was prepared and flags aside the street moved in the Wind. A lot guests followed our invitation and we had a wonderful event.

Rainbow Colors! This was our 2nd event of our PRIDE Days 2019 at Sunshine Realm at 29th of June. Its was the last event in June and we finished the month. And we have invited our guests to join us in making the world a more colorful place. And because we can't paint the whole world we went to the Street again. 

Nobody needs to be ashamed of being or feeling what he or she is. And the opposite of shame is in this week #PRIDE. No one should hide and, as is still customary in some countries, fear for their lives. Everyone is more than their sexual orientation, and should be proud of it.

It was a wonderful event and many guests came. Sadly it was a difficult event because the sim just in a bad state, maybe is a neighbor with a lot horses the reason. Why are breeder in commercial Sims for Clubs? And our region have not only the Sunshine Realm, with Chant's "Lyrics" is a wonderful other club here too. 

The month in facts 

Of course you can also describe the whole month in facts and figures. More than 660 friends and guests came to our events in June. That makes on average more than 50 guests at each event. So many visitors we hadn't so far in a month of 2019. Thus the Sunshine Realm is surely one of the successful places in SecondLife and we can inspire many again and again. And our guests do not only visit our events, they also follow our themes creatively again and again. We started with 869 members in the Sunshine Rocker Group in May, and in the end there were more than 900. So we have grown further. We distributed 18,250 L$ over our contests to the guests. That is 4,000 L$ more than in the previous month. This was only possible through donations, which have increased the regular jackpot often. And all this at a time if  there are fewer people in SecondLife because of the summer in the northern hemisphere, and where there are many events and free gifts in SecondLife with the #SL16B and the #PRIDE Days.  

We are all looking forward to July now and hope that we can continue the successful month of June and offer our guests and friends some nice events again. We will start with special events and an American week. You can check "Upcoming Events" in my blog too. 

List of all events in June

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