
The Arrival on the Moon

The Arrival on the Moon

Our special week for the 50th anniversary of the moon landing  achieved its climax today. The Apollo 11 mission also reached its destination 50 years ago on July 20th. The lunar landing module "Eagle" successfully landed at 20:17 UTC in the Mare Tranquillitatis on the lunar surface and Armstong's words went around the world "Houston, Tranquility Base here. The Eagle has landed". This is 1:17pm here in our common virtual world. As we started our party at 4pm, and we looked back at the mission 50 years ago, "Eagle" was already standing on the lunar surface. We have added a small lunar landing place with the model of the lunar Apollo 11 Eagle lander placed to our set. And the Apollo 11 Service Module with the Command Module flew about the walkways.

We followed the mission. We started with "Launch to the Moon" at the 7/16 and continued with "In the Moon's Orbit" at 7/19. Now we had our "Arrival on the Moon." It was a really wonderful week here at the Sunshine Realm.

Then what happened 50 years ago? In Europe it was July 21st already, but we in SecondLife know how crazy it is with the time shifts. So the parties we do here at the Sunshine Realm are always on the "next day"  for Europe. But on 21 July 1969 at 2:56 UTC the first human entered the moon. This is the 20th of July in SecondLife at 7:56 pm. During Polpeta played her last 2 songs at after-party, all could say the famous words: "That's one small step for 'a' man, one giant leap for mankind!". We finished the evening and our special week for the tribute of moon landing at 8:05 pm. But enough history now. This week was a wonderful experience and very successful for the Sunshine Realm. We had al lot fun. 

Our Events were planned before and independent of the actual SecondLife Challenge (#Apollo50th, #Apollo50, #Apollo11, #SecondLifeChallenge). But visitors were able to use our Sim and events to make really fantastic pictures and take part at the Challenge. Again and again, guests come to the events thoughtlessly and assume that they can participate with unsuitable clothing. But People with improper clothes and conduct oust the special mood for all and inhibit the chance for great pictures. We have therefore begun to invite guests to dress accordingly. And if they didn't follow the invitation and didn't respond to eject them from our sim. nd even though we lost some guests, it was worth it for everyone else.

I was in the sim a little before to prepare the landing site. Also Yuimetal was there early and the first guests arrived a few minutes before. Our sim is going very well at the moment, but it's always a good idea to come something before the start so that everything can rezzing and all textures are loaded before the onrush starts. We started the party at 4pm and DJ Yuimetal streamed music into the Sim. And also the guests came quickly again. Some of them went to our moon station for the first time and had a look around, but most of them came straight to the walkways. 

So began a wonderful party, DJ Yuimetal entertained us well and it was a lively conversation in the local chat and we could laugh a lot. Everyone came with wonderful and imaginative costumes that fit the theme. We had some positive surprises, and today there was really no reason to criticize. We can only thank everyone who made this place so unique and colourful and helped to make the party unforgettable. 

It got full very quickly. As always, we opened the contest with a jackpot of L$1,000. But soon we increased the amount to 1,250 L$. And because more and more people came, it got fuller and fuller on our walkway, we raised again and the jackpot was 1,500 L$. It's also a way of saying thank you. 

In the end 62 people were together again, and since some had to leave before, while others came later, there were again more than 70 guests at our party. We only started from 61, but the evaluation showed that we were actually 62 for a moment. So we exceeded the very good result of the day before once again. 49 of the visitors registered for the contest. And the voting also went very well. On the one hand the Sim was really very stable this week, on the other hand our usual guests, who probably use ALTs, were missing again today. So also today the number of listeners in the stream was very high again, which makes me happy for the DJs. So 48 voted and we could finish the main event punctually at 6 pm and start with the After-Party.

Anyone who has ever been with us or read my blog regularly will know that it's the after-parties that are going to get very hot. DJ Polpeta has taken over the entertainment program and started with music that fits the theme. Later she redirected to country music. It was really a very good set again. We had a lot of fun and some of them stayed.  Some think that it is a closed event or they have to pay something to participate in these after-parties. But no, it's public and we have fun with it. So of course you can tip the favorite girls, or DJ and host. But nobody has to do it. So, come to one of our After-Parties. 

As always, we have begun to undress. We exchanged the heavy spacesuits for lingerie and had a lot of fun together. It's just nice to stay together after a successful event and spend time with friends. After Polpeta had finished her set a few minutes after 8pm we all left. Most of us disappeared into bed, others found another place to party.

So the special week for the moon landing came to an end. We had more than 200 visitors at the 3 events, and 5,000 L$ were distributed over the contest. Everything worked very well. And we had new members in the group again. Very few of us were born then and were able to remember this time. But we wanted celebrate and honor this achievement. And everything is badmouthed. So there are also nonsensical conspiracy theories that deny the moon landings. Especially at a time when national interests are regaining the upper hand. It is all our moon. And our special week ended with this event and the space station disappears again from the Sunshine Realm.

As always there are many more pictures from this event. I put them all together in a Google Images Album and published them. So you can stop by and see what happened. Of course you can also visit us, our next event will be a Reggae night on the beach. All information about this event, but also the following events can be found here in the blog on the page "Upcoming Events". Of course you can also drop by, and maybe you want to take pictures. Only the moon may have disappeared already. Here is the landmark in the Grid of SecondLife.

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