
Mythical Creatures

Mythical Creatures

We've been talking for a long time about making another "Mythical Creature" event. Some of you may remember that we built the Sunshine Garden in March 2018 just before Easter and opened it with the event "Mythical Creature". Because unfortunately some of our friends couldn't be there, we repeated it a few days later. At that time the Haunted Garage which we used to bridge the time after closing of Sunshine Cove Beach Club became the Sunshine Realm. Somehow it was the beginning of a new area for the Sunshine Family. The garden is thus the oldest area, even if it is a little bigger today and the water feature and gate on the right side have been added. And we all love this place.

So we were happy to sent our guests back to the mystical world and invited them to the event "Mystical Creatures". We all were excited. We were all very excited and many of us prepared very well. So everything was ready and we hoped for a special event. But would our guests accept this theme as well and come? We started to tighten the rules and asked everyone to choose appropriate outfits. And we don't shy away from kicking the incorrigible ones who destroy the mood with jeans or swimwear out of the sim. And, its summer time and a lot are in vacations.

We were in the Club Room before and danced and prepared ourselves. When I came to the Sunshine Garden at 4pm, the first guests were already there. Odette was a mythical creature with horns and animal legs who rode on Phil as a centaur. Both looked really wonderful, special in this combination. But also all the others came with awesome costumes. So Lily was there today as Hobbit, and the hairy feet weren't missing either.

Although some had to be admonished first, and I also kicked two guests out of the sim as they refused to change their outfits and I could hear a stupid saying, it was just a wonderful event with colorful and imaginative costumes. I hope it really captivated everyone and was fun for everyone. For me it was certainly a highlight this month and I always like to be in the Sunshine Garden with the special atmosphere and the beautiful trees around it.

We know from movies and discussions about them that a small price tag on a pirate's headscarf is discussed as a catastrophe on the Internet, or the contrail of an airplane in the sky above Troy destroys the whole scene of an elaborate film for the fans. But we experience it again and again the guests and sometimes also some of our friends with totally inappropriate outfits come to the events and stand between the guests. I don't understand that they don't feel uncomfortable themselves, and out of place. 

That's why we now pay more attention to the clothes and talk to the guests. Many use the events to take photos and look forward to the special atmosphere. They come prepared with amazing outfits. And they deserve it that we react here when guests destroy the mood with inappropriate outfits. And we publish the events before on the blog page "Upcoming Events", so everyone can prepare. And everyone can bookmark the site and regularly check out what's planned. But we also send group notes before the events and use the chat, so that everyone can be informed. And nobody has to change his clothes at the event, this is also a bad habit.

We'll add at least $1,000 into the contest's jackpot in every event. But it was also 5,000 L$ in one evening. Sometime we add L$ or friends of us donate an amount for the contest.  This year we distributed more than 125,000 L$ to our guests and friends. All we expect is that the guests come with an outfit that fits the theme.  Yesterday a guest told me he wouldn't come back to a place where he would be kicked out. Well, we also don't want people with pimps outfit in jeans and leather jacket with flashing necklace and sparkling sunglasses to come to us and think they are irresistible when we have an event about mythical creatures. 

But back to the event. DJ Valantine had put together a good set and entertained us very well. It quickly got fuller in the garden. As always we filled the contestboard with 1,000 L$ and started the contest in split mode. As more than 30 people were registered in the contest, and really all participants were there in matching outfits, we increased the jackpot to 1,250 L$. That was also the final amount. We had 55 guests that evening, and by the end of the main event there were 44 together in the sim. A good result, even though we lagged behind the events of our "moon landing" week (Launch to the MoonIn the Moon's OrbitThe Arrival on the Moon). We could also win new guests again, so the number of group members in the Sunshine Rocker Group rose to 922 and reached an all time record.  Also the voting went well, even though I went out empty again. The response time of the board remained stable and we finished quickly. In the end 36 participants had voted and we paid out the winnings. 

Of course there was an after-party again. After all, this is always the best part and some of them stayed together this time. We danced topless again. DJ Valantine continued to play for some time and even new guests came. So this part was very nice again and we had a lot of fun together. It's nice to spend time with friends. We talked and laughed a lot.  

And also today there is again an Album at Google Images which you can explore. Some of the pictures are also in this blog. Some have used the opportunity today to take pictures. If you have a Flickr account, you're welcome to share pictures you've taken in our Sim with the Sunshine Realm Group at flickr. The Sunshine Realm had some beautiful spots that can be used as a background for pictures, but the Sunshine Garden is certainly one of the most beautiful.

If you also want to stop by, you can find all information about the next events in the blog page "Upcoming Events". Of course you can bookmark the page, we'll update it continuously, add new events or notify you of changes. But you can also stop by. A system of teleporters allows you to get to most of the active places, so you can explore everything in peace, spend time with friends, or just take photos. Here is the landmark that brings you to us in the grid.

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