
Odette's Birthday Party

Odette's Birthday Surprise Party

We've thought of something special. We wanted to organize a surprise party for Odette, but knew she wouldn't log in on July 24th. What could we do? So we used the time difference between SecondLife and Buenos Aires.  Here the 24th of July starts at 8pm. So we turned our After-Party into a surprise party.

But how could we prepare everything unnoticed? It should be a private party with friends. We prepared something special for the after-party and prepared a beach landscape with walkways in our private sim. In addition we added the sound of waves and seagulls and we could decorate it. Finally we prepared the fireworks and the party could begin. We hired Joaquin Gustav for a special set only for Odette. 

We only told our friends shortly before that there was going to be a secret surprise party, and I jumped into our sim a few minutes earlier to send Joaquin a TP and get him. We put his stream directly into the sound properties of the sim, he quickly swapped the suit for the swimsuit, and everything was ready. So I sent Odette and Phil a TP, and when they both came, Misty brought our friends. The surprise was a success and we were able to start the party at 7:30pm.

Joaquin had a wonderful set. It's always nice to be able to make friends happy. And this was such a moment. Everyone felt that, and so time flew by. At 8pm we all wished Odette all the best for her birthday. Joaquin sang the "Happy bithdy for you" song and we started a big fireworks display. Our Odette is now one year older. When we look back on the last months, on the development she has made, from a baby girl to a multi-faceted young woman who loves to play with styles, but always stays herself true, we can all look forward to the next year together only with her. 

Happy Birthday Odette, all the best in the new year of life for you. We wish you a lot healthy, fun in both worlds and a lot stunning adventures. You are one of us! Stay like you are!

Thanks to all who helped to prepare and to all who participated. And thanks to Joaquin for the wonderful set for Odette's birthday. It was wonderful that we could all together create this special moment for Odette. 

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