
Odette's Birthday

Odette's Birthday Burlesque Party - "She is one of us!"

Well, we already had the birthday party for Odette on Tuesday. And I really hope we were able to surprise them. And they were all together the first this year to wish her a happy birthday. But we wanted to come up with something special and really surprise her. She is one of us. And actually her birthday was on the 24th of July. So what can you do to organize a very special celebration for her?

I had the idea on Monday last week, when I visited "Babylon Berlin" on Mondays. We ourselves have a rest day and on Mondays there are fantastic live singers in "Babylon Berlin".  And even if they are all very good, Sultry Sonata Masterson enchants me every time with her funny nature and a wonderful voice, and a harmonious set.  I'm a fan, I admit it. And I would visit sets of her more often, but of course I often miss the time. This is the first part of the story.

I found the Club "Babylon Berlin", as I was looking for ideas and inspirations for our Burlesque Event in May. And often the music there also fits to this theme and you are captured in this mood. And this is exactly what happened to me this Monday. Most of the time I am alone there, also on this day. And so I just danced and listened to the stream. And then it happened. I remembered that Odette loves the burlesque theme like no other of us. And that Phil wasn't able to join us for this event in May. And we have still the Burlesque Palace in the Sunshine Realm. And so I asked Sultry if she wanted to sing with us. And she immediately agreed and we quickly agreed. And I am really happy that we succeeded in this combination, and now everyone here can experience how good Sultry is. 

Then we looked for the best date for a surprise party. Even though I would have preferred to surprise Phil as well, we had to include him in the planning to make sure that all Odette's friends would know about it, and above all, that they would both be there. So we agreed he'd send out all the invitations and not mention the place. And of course he didn't know who would sing either. So the Sunshine Realm should remain secret as long as possible.

First we wanted to do it on July 24th, but then we found out that Odette wouldn't log into SecondLife that day. So we postponed everything to Thursday, July 25th and started with the preparations. It was supposed to be a surprise party, so very few were inaugurated. Only I knew the singer, but I was sure she would inspire all the others. Now only the venue had to be prepared. We had everything we needed from our 1st Burlesque Event in May here in our Sunshine Realm. Bic made special banners and posters again. I built a street with stripper bars and whore house in front of the Burlesque Palace and blocked the way to the Sunshine Gym. We decorated all for the event and waited that it would begin.

The last preparations were finished when the first guests arrived shortly before 4pm. Some came, others were stuck in the RL at the beginning. We come from Europe, North and South America. So the time span is also very large, and while it was already in the night for me, others had just afternoon and came home from work. But everyone tried to get home in time. So we waited another 5 minutes until we started the countdown 5 minutes after 4pm and everything was ready for the moment.

The last preparations were finished when the first guests arrived shortly before 4pm. Some came, others were stuck in the RL at the beginning. We come from Europe, North and South America. So the time span is also very large, and while it was already in the night for me, others had just afternoon and came home from work. But everyone tried to get home in time. So we waited another 5 minutes until we started the countdown 5 minutes after 4pm and everything was ready for the moment. Phil came with his Odette and everything was ready for a wonderful party.

And it turned out to be a wonderful party. Sultry enchanted us not only with her outfit that fit 100% to the theme of the party, not only with her voice, but also with her laughter and a perfect set for a burlesque night. Thanks Sultry for this wonderful hour. We were all burlesque dancers that night. She is really awesome. We danced and laughed a lot, and remembered episodes from last year. So time flies by. 

It's nice to see that we made friends very happy and shared an unforgettable moment with them. Odette was visibly touched. It was nice to experience it, and so the work before was worth it. After Sutry finished her set and said goodbye, Valantine played suitable music for another hour and entertained us. So the evening could end slowly and not so abruptly. It was a wonderful evening together with friends at the Sunshine Realm.

At the end I published the links to Youtube videos, which I made with the pictures of Odette at the Sunshine Ream. and since she is always in motion and spreads joy around her, there were some pictures. And since a movie with a normal account can't be longer than 15 minutes, it became 4 movies. But we all said goodbye soon. Did we all know that it will be the next event tomorrow.

And of course there is also a Google Images Album here. Have fun looking at it.

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