
Nightmare on Churchyard

Nightmare on Churchyard

This event was the final of our Halloween Season 2019. We wanted at first go back to the ground where the otherworld should opened complete and the rift should stabled there. But the rift as a new cemetery appeared not in the street. Instead the world parting and the rift consolidated in the swamp aside of the Realm of Shades. All kinds of beings and undead were here now and danced at the Churchyard in front of the Church Ruin for 2.5 hours. 


Halloween 2019 (updated)

Halloween 2019

Like every year, Halloween is an important time of the year. We love this special time. And since last Tuesday we are all again "Children of the Night" in the Sunshine Realm. This makes it the longest Halloween event period we've ever had. It's an eerie time when we can all slip into different costumes. And we've thought about different themes that we'll be doing in different places all over our Sunshine Realm.


Witching Hour

Witching Hour

Tonight was another one of those nights where you can only say, "Wow." It is always possible to experience this very special evening in SecondLife. And whether it is the unique and wonderful group of friends and guests who follow the theme, the choice of the theme that not only appeals to the former but spurs it on to be creative, or the preparation of the venue where it all takes place. I think it all has to come together. We have with the temple on our Mount Olymp in the Sunshine Realm a really unique place. And we have the Sunshine Family, our friends, who not only visit our event, but also take up a challenge every week and contribute to our success with breathtaking costumes. So maybe it was just luck that we wanted to have a formal ball in October too, and that we chose this theme and location. Anyway, today was such a special moment again, and I hope many people could feel it. I can only say "Thank you" to all who helped to make this evening so special.


Festival of Frights

Festival of Frights

Today we celebrated our Horror Movie Festival in Sunshine Realm. Maybe it's the scariest and bloodiest event of the year. Maybe a bad omen? Scared? Well, than were our friends and guests in the right mood for this event. Because we tried it again today with our "Festival of Fright". The scary fun begans, and we hoped that many people would join us? 


Work Off that Candy

Work Off that Candy

Now we celebrate already some days Halloween and have collected thereby also each quantity of sweets. Dressed up as ghosts, witches and gnomes we went through the streets and called out "Trick & Treat" again and again. There were also lots of sweets. Who doesn't know that. And of course we ate most of them and gained weight. So now it was time for a workout together. And we have the right venue and wanted to invite our friends and guests to a workout in our Sunshine Gym. Work Off that Candy was our 7th Halloween event. We asked oour guests and friends to join us in workout clothes that somehow fit to Halloween. Maybe Blood or scary faces, or only halloween patters and colors. It should be a combination of spooky and sporty. we wanted host an unique spooky sporty Halloween event.

Goodbye Chant Lyrics

Goodbye Chant Lyrics

In SecondLife there are always changes. A day in SL is 4 hours long (3 hours day + 1 hour night in the Mainland). Thus SecondLife runs 6 times faster than in the normal world. So it seems to give also changes faster, you loses people from your eyes and wins new friends. And a club holds on the average probably only one three-quarter year. Well, we exist now already nearly 2 years, in December 2017 we opened and are still briefly before Christmas 2017 moved to the present position in the region Deep Lust. But we also reinvent ourselves every week, create new venues and new themes for parties and keep the thrill high. But that's not what it's about today, it's not about the Sunshine Realm. And don't worry, we don't want to change at the moment. But in almost the whole time we had a wonderful neighbour here in the region with Chant Lyrics. She has done many wonderful projects on her land, and even though she had rented less and more land in the region, she was always there. 

Dock in Sunshine Realm, Background Chant Lyrics

We were able to build our land on both sides without border walls, adapted our border areas and there was never a reason to build a wall. Unfortunately you see these ugly separations again and again, and even if it is forbidden in the Covenant, only rarely something is done. Sometimes I had the impression that we had voted. Chant builds in her Sim with great attention to detail and wonderful ideas. Many also somehow unique. And we were able to talk about problems and exchange ideas. 


Mt. Conners Station Winterland

Grand Opening Mt. Conners Station Winterland

Today Odette and Phil celebrated the grand opening of their new winterland "Mt. Conners Station Winterland" and invited all their friends to an wonderful party. Also was it the "Twin Birthday". Well, who looks at the years ;). Polpeta and Phil both have a birthday on this day, so the opening was also a birthday party. And since it was also a birthday party, we were not invited to come with jacket and boots, but in formal dresses and suit. We were all curious. Even though Mondays are actually an event in the Sunshine Family, most of them accepted the invitation.


Blues, Boos & Brew

Blues, Boos & Brew

This Saturday night October 19th invited we our guests and friends for our Blues, Boos and Brews event. This was Sunshine Realm's 6th event in our October Halloween themed extravaganza. This event featured Blues music, Ghostly Halloween costumes and lots of beer and wildness. The idea behind this event was a rocking college party - Halloween style. So we asked our guests to put on a costume, grab a beer and join us at our "Blues, Boos and Brews party for some rocking blues music and great fun. The term "Boos" clearly referenced ghosts so the costumes should be scary and spirited. We looked forwarded to a lot guests who came to spending a fun and exciting evening with the Sunshine Realm gang!


Ghoul's Night at Beach

Ghoul's Night at Beach

The month of October is special in Secondlife due to the Halloween season. Secondlife is a fantasy world and dressing up your avatar doll is only limited to your imagination. There are so many possible characters and costumes. During the month of October Sunshine Realm is holding 10 Halloween themed events to stretch our friends and guests imagination and creativity. In order to keep each event fresh and exciting; each event has a twist. This Friday, October 18th the twist was that the Halloween party is at the beach. "Ghouls Night at the Beach". Halloween and beach, which direction it should went?  Hmmmmmmmm, let thiink about this:  Sexy witches in Bikinis, Zombie Pirates, Creatures from the Sea, Ghostly lifeguards? This was the challenge for our friends and guests tonight. they had to decide and show us again them Halloween creativity to join us at our Caribbean Beach themed Halloween event "Ghouls Night At the Beach!" 

My absolute favorite was really the Zombie Pirates and in my Imagination appears the haunted Pirates of Caribbean. Maybe some make it. I prepared a pirates costume at first too but decided short before the event to go as sexy witch in a wicca bikini. It wasn't easy to find a matching pair of bra and panties, only the bloody body was easy to make. 


Night of Walking Dead

Night of Walking Dead, Zombie Apocalypse 2019

It's time again, the undead come to the Sunshine RealmAgain we didn't manage to prevent the apocalypse. Also this year the undead will be walking around in the Sunshine Realm. Sorry, we didn't pay enough attention, they are appeared yesterday at the cemetery at the Realm of Shades and found their way to the gates. The festival place has been transformed into a ghostly swamp again. It's been a very good hiding place. And between the moor witches the undead are now on their way. 

They try now to reach the new festival place in front of the new Haunted Mansion, where the living have barricaded themselves. We just managed to close off the festival place with a rusty fence, but we don't know if it will last long. So we send a distress call to all survivors of the apocalypse to come to us and help send the zombies back to Otherworld this evening. And who knows if a haunted mansion is the best place to entrench?


Emoting in a virtual life

Emoting in virtual life

I am often asked how and where I learned to emote. And what is important and what everyone should pay attention to. And if I couldn't write some kind of cookbook or rulebook for emotes. Friends sometimes have fun and say that they collect my emotes in a notecard to sell them in the marketplace. I don't even think I'm that good at emoting. I jumped about my shadow only and write what I think and what I'ld do in the real life. And also for me it is a problem to find the right words in a foreign language to describe feelings. But you can learn every day. And I dreamt after some years SecondLife the first time in English. 

In this blogpost I don't want to write about writing Emotes as a dancer in a club or as an escort. It's like real life, it's a service, and it's not really about equality. Nevertheless you can learn to writes emotes in good clubs. And of course everything written here also applies to clubs. Only the guests can sit back and let themselves be pampered and you are the entertainer. Because nobody comes to see pixel dancing, you are the reason.


Costumes & Cocktails

Costumes & Cocktails

We went to our Burlesque Palace tonight. First we just wanted to make another formal Halloween ball. But that was too easy or too general for us, and we can't walk around with bloody clothes for a month. Halloween is the time when we can slip into costumes and be someone else. Costumes & Cocktails. A cocktail is usually a high-proof alcohol mixed drink. So different ingredients are mixed, which then combine to something new. And exactly this is what we wanted for this night.


Night of Witches and Warlocks

Night of Witches and Warlocks

The first beings from the beyond have awakened, and the rift that connects the shadow world with our world begins to open slowly. Since there is a portal to the afterlife at the cemetery opposite the church ruin in the Realm of Shades, the witches and warlocks gather in the church ruin and organize a witch meeting and prepare the arrival with a witch dance. Their goal is to have the portal and cemetery appear on the surface of the Sunshine Realm for Halloween, so the undead can enter the street in front of and into the Sunshiner's Pub to take control of the whole Sunshine Realm. 


Monsters of Rock

Monsters of Rock

This event left many questions unanswered, as we kept a low profile at the beginning. What is this event? Well, we started the Halloween season 2019 and invited alls friends and guests to a Monsters of Rock Event. Yes, Yes Yessssss! It's Halloween Time again.

With this event we wanted to remind all of a bygone time. 


Octoberfest Saturday

2nd Octoberfest Event 2019 @ Sunshine Realm

Today was the day. After the 1st Day of our Oktoberfest at the Festival Meadow yesterday we went out to the meadow in front of the Trails End Music Hall Club today and celebrated the 2nd day of our Oktoberfest at the Sunshine Realm. There should be Bavarian outfits again, we took the Dirndl dresses and trousers out of the wardrobe, and the barrels with beer were already filled up. After the massive general problems with SecondLife the day before and on our 1st Oktoberfest day we were of course very excited and nervous. If everything would work today, or if the technical problems would continue. 


Octoberfest Friday

1st Octoberfest Event 2019 @ Sunshine Realm

The event today really shouldn't be anything special, but most people won't forget it. It all started when I wanted to change my clothes 70 minutes before the event. When it didn't work, my body disappeared, I wanted to save myself with a Relog. There were still no warnings worth mentioning, so it shouldn't be a problem. Then it took 3 minutes until I was logged out. And the registration didn't work anymore. Even with a second notebook with the previous version of Firestorm the login didn't work. A few minutes later I got the status message that some Secondlife services were no longer available.


Video Game Night

Video Game Night

Tonight was our first "Video Gamer Night" at the Sunshine Realm. Now everyone who knows us should be aware of it: We didn't want to make video games, even if they probably exist in SecondLife, too. It was the special theme for the challenge to our friends, the Sunshine Grils and all guests to find suitable outfits. Tonight we were all Nerdy and Gamers, we invited all to come to our video game night in the Sunshiner's Pub.


Review of September

Review of September at Sunshine Realm

It's been another month now. Time flies so fast. And now summer in the northern hemisphere is finally over, it's time for cosy moments around the fireplace and a warm blanket. And at the end of the month it is also time to look back on a beautiful month with many very different and exciting events. Now we had high expectations for the development of the number of visitors, because the months July and August were very successful, and it actually only ever went upwards. But it can't always go upward, and this month was also shorter, we had 2 events less than in the previous month. But that's no excuse. We will try to learn from these experiences. But this month fell short of our expectations. These were admittedly very high, so it is today again complain at a high level.