Welcome NBA
As already around the 4th of July we have searched again for special topics. And this week is an important holiday in den USA again. Back then we turned a whole week into an American Week. And we ended this week with a roller skate derby. What can we do this time? And we had a lot of different sports events, just as an example some football events and also our baseball event. We have already built some wonderful event locations, which you won't find in SecondLife for the second time and which often react to events. There was also a tennis court for the Wimbledon Women's Final and later the US Open and a soccer field for the World Cup.
We decided to try something new. That's how we do our first basketball event. The idea for our Welcome NBA Event was born and Misty built an amazing court for this.
Belated Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving is a beautiful tradition in our clubs. In 2016 we celebrated it in the old Trails End Music Hall Club (Google Images Album) and we celebrated Thanksgiving 2017 again in a specially decorated skybox with an autumn landscape over the Sunshine Cove Beach Club. We made a second event 2017 too, but with Harvest Celebration more common. And last year we had 2 wonderful days too where we celebrated here at Sunshine Realm in the newly opened Trails End Music Club. There was the event "Let's give Thanks together" (Google Images) and one day later our Naughty Thanksgiving (Google Images).
Thanksgiving is always a special event. And even if we in Europe don't know this holiday at all. But I think we've all heard that even distant family members come home and it's a wonderful celebration in the family. And then it's also a chance to thank our American friends and to organize this day with them. And it is very important to cultivate and share such traditions here in SecondLife, and also to gather the family here. And that we all have a great day together. And that's exactly what we wanted this year and we invite not only our friends, but all members of the Sunshine Rocker Group, and anyone who wants to come by. Everyone is welcome when we "Give Thanks together" again in our Trails End Music Hall Club.
The harvest festival has many names and exists in most countries. In Germany we say "Erntedankfest" and in France its the "jour d'action de grĂ¢ce". We celebrated it as harvest festival some weeks before and invited all to come as native or settler and we will be celebrating Thanksgiving soon, but before that we wanted go back to the origin of the festival and wanted to celebrate our Thanksgiving on the meadow in front of the Trails End Music Hall Club, our beautiful Camp Sunshine.
And because we wanted a different event we chosen a special theme for this: natural spirits, faries, gnome, elfs, .... How could we better say Thank for a good harvest as to say thank to the nature and the spirits.
Sweet November Rain
If you talk with most people who living in the northern hemisphere and ask them about the November they will say "Cold, Gray and Rain". Rain and November seems in a direct relationship. And there is this amazing song of Axl Rose and Guns of Roses. You remember "November Rain"? If I hear it i get goose bumps. This song inspired us to organize this event, and we called it "Sweet November Rain".
After the success of our rainy event "April Showers" will we went to the Sunshine Garden again. Its November and its rainy. But we met us in the Garden for a wonderful party and relaxing time together with friends.
Vegas Nights
After the success of our Casino Royal Event we tried it again. This event brought back us to the Casinos of Las Vegas and we wanted have fun with the colored set of Jazz and Blues with some romantic tunes. We chose again our Burlesque Palace for this. The place was prepared and DJ Valantine had prepared her special set for this night. We were ready to start.
English Invasion of 60s
Today again a new sign hung over the door of the Sunshiner's Pub. As often when we travel back in time. Today we went to the City of Liverpool. And our pub became English, maybe it was really standing in "Penny Lane" tonight. Who of you don't know the song "Penny Lane" of Beatles? Everyone who came through the door into our pub today joined us on our time travel. It led us together with our friends and guests to Liverpool in the 60's, when the British invasion was supposed to change music and culture. Who would have believed that?
Black & White
Formal Night at Saturday Night! Yesss. This is the Sunshine Realm too. And you don't need a mask this night, to make a wonderful formal night. The theme was Black & White and Formal this time. All guests and friends were asked to find a matching outfit and to come to this special night up to our temple mount. We all looked forward for a wonderful night.
Class Reunion (Super Heroes)
Once again it wass time for a class reunion. You don't know what we meant with that? The superheroes and other comic characters meet regularly and this time they came to us to the Sunshine Realm. We prepared the Trails End Music Hall Club and invited our friends and guests to a Comic Night. We asked our guests which one is them superhero or your comic hero.
Also Comic Nights are nothing new at the Sunshine Realm, so we looked forward to a new edition. DJ Valantine entertained us this night. And we were happy to come to the Trails End Music Hall Club again with an event.
Belated Veterans Day
We've been celebrating this day for many years. And especially after last week, when we celebrated the fall of the Berlin Wall, it was more important for me. Since our Sunshine Realm had a rest day on November 11th, we started our Veteran Day Event a day belated. We went to the Street again. The wall was now fallen and away and instead some military vehicles were parked around the alcove. And yes, Misty was back after her long travel and it should get a wonderful event.
30 yrs Berlin Wall Fall
We did planned a very special event tonight. It should be the grand finale of our week for the 30th anniversary of Berlin Wall Fall and the peaceful revolution in the east part of Germany. And we had invited the amazing live singer Wolfie Starfire tonight to perform at this event. That's why we started one hour earlier and won the extra time. We started with DJ Yui and took Wolfie Starfire between the set of DJ Yui and DJ Polpeta, our regular DJs for Saturday events. For many Germans is the 9th of November a special day and maybe the secret national holiday here in Germany. And I wanted make an amazing event for this in SL too. We chose our Street with the Alcove in front of the Sunshiner's Pub again as venue for this event. Here stood our small Wall Memorial with some informations about the time of separation across Berlin.
But let's look back a few years. On 9 th of November 1989 the impossible happened. As the USA president said some months before ... "Mr. Gorbachev tear down this wall" nobody could believe that this really could be possible. But it came on this day to the termination of the separation of the two German states, and all this because thousands of people in many cities in Germany went on the street. Many people went in Churches and burned candles and prayed. Both states were on the front line of the Cold War and belonged to different military pacts. It was a peaceful revolution and ended a dictatorship, liberated half a people from a hostage situation, imprisoned behind this wall. It is possible and all this happened without weapons.
The Day After
We celebrate the Berlin Wall Fall this week. The 8th of October 1989 was the day before the Wall fell. There were many demonstrations and vigils in churches 30 years ago. So we thought about an event with candles. But how can you turn vigils into an event idea? And at the end are our events parties and not vigils. Our event should be called "The Day before" first.
But, than we had another idea for the event. Mikhail Gorbachev was in Berlin and his positive stance about the world was for many people visible. Even though the Soviet Union was responsible for the Wall. Now stood the government of the former GDR alone, the east part of Germany. How lucky we actually were. Than, who thinks about what could happened if everything else had happened that day? That the regimes weren't so weakened that it wasn't Putin but Gorbachev, and that Germany could be reunited peacefully.
That's why we shot the planned theme completely, and today it's "The Day after". What could have happened? We therefore invite you to an Apocalypse event in which civilization has perished and struggles to survive, as in the Mad Max Movies. We built the Wall and decorated the Street in front of the Sunshiner's Pub with burning cars and tires, and tank traps. DJ Valantine prepared a rocking set and all we needed were guests and friends which would vising us.
80s Party
This time it was difficult to find topics. Actually we wanted to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall for one week. But how can you do that with 3 events? What should our guests and friends wear for an event if you say, its Berlin Wall Fall? How can you keep the tension for so long? And perhaps most people don't associate so much with this special day for Germany. But its a great step for the whole world, so we wanted celebrated it too for a week. Well, actually there are now even 4 events, because for many Berliners the American help after the 2nd World War still means a lot. And maybe without the deployment of the many American soldiers in Germany, the airlift that my adopted country Berlin was supplied with and many other moments the later peaceful revolution would not have been possible. And self people in East germany make it with this peaceful revolution, they listened the words of Kennedy and Reagan very attentive. That is why Veteran Day also belongs in this series.

Country Night at Trails End Music Hall
Back to the roots. We wanted make a break after the long halloween season and went back to our old and big barn after the wonderful summer with a lot events at the beach and the halloween season. We celebrated our first "Harvest Festival" the day before and went now in the barn self. This was our first "Country Night" in this fall which we celebrated like usual in our wonderful Trails End Music Hall Club.
Harvest Festival
Its should be an easy event today. It's not Thanksgiving yet, but we wanted to welcome the fall time and say "thank you" as in many places of the world for last summer and hopefully a rich harvest. Therefore we celebrated today our "Harvest Festival". We prepared the meadow in front of Trails End Music Hall for this, our Camp Sunshine.
Some about our Events and Contest
After some long and tiring conversations today I would like to make one thing very clear again.
The Sunshine Realm is private land rented and managed by Misty and me. Here we regularly organize events and have it open to the public. But that doesn't change the fact that every visitor is our guest. On 4 levels there are currently 12 different venues. We are happy about every visitor. Nevertheless we have the house right and reserve ourselves expressly to expel each person also of the place and with repeated offences, carelessness or a fraud suspicion to ban this person permanently or limitedly. And it is also our decision if we appoint managers and grant them appropriate rights. We have the Sunshine Girls, who as hostesses take care of the guests and animate them, and appear as role models at the events. We expect the Sunshine Girls to be polite, welcome the guests and use the local chat. We also expect every guest to treat our Sunshine Girls and guests politely and respectfully.
Review of October at Sunshine Realm
Now it is already for some months in such a way that I write a backbick on the past month. That's what I want to do today. And, I wrote last month that the time flies so fast. And now its again time to write a monthly review. We have finish the golden month fall month october and the halloween season and slowly the winter come closer. Its finally time to take a warm blanket and candles and seek a seat close to a comfy fireplace. The nights are longer as the days and the next month will be a dark month at the northern hemisphere. Maybe a little more time to spend time in Secondlife. But before we start in the new month a last view back at the month which bygone.