
Rainbow Colors

Rainbow Colors

Rainbow Colors! This was our 2nd event of our PRIDE Days 2019 at Sunshine Realm.  And we have invited our guests to join us in making the world a more colorful place. Nobody needs to be ashamed of being or feeling what he or she is. And the opposite of shame is in this week PRIDE. No one should hide and, as is still customary in some countries, fear for their lives. Everyone is more than their sexual orientation, and should be proud of it.

The Sunshine Realm stands for openness and tolerance. This applies to people from all countries, all religions and cultures, but also all sexual orientations. We are an open world without prejudices and without excluding anyone. And so the PRIDE Days are something special for us every year. Together we make the world more colorful and richer. 


Today we are all PRIDE!

Today we are all PRIDE!

This weekend we celebrate PRIDE Days at Sunshine Realm. Today was the first day. We started our big street festival for the PRIDE Days 2019. It's not about gay or lesbian, it's about diversity of life and that everyone has the right to choose their (adult) love partner. 

I am what I am! We follow the theme month in SecondLife and the LGBT movement in the real world. We are committed to ensuring that every person, regardless of gender, race and orientation, can be who they want to be. Than Love is never wrong! And this in every country of the world and of course also in our common virtual home SecondLife. And every adult should be allowed to love the adult person she or he loves. 

We wanted a colorful festival with many guests and a ocean of rainbow colors. We have decorated the street and the stage, now it's was the turn of our guests. We invited all and asked to set a sign with us, because today we would be all PRIDE! 


PRIDE Days 2019

PRIDE Days 2019

We started the preparations for our #PRIDE Days 2019 at Sunshine Realm. This week is always something special. Already last year we used this topic before the PRIDE Days 2018 to draw attention to the problems that people in many countries have on our earth. That there is discrimination and persecution, that media are used to rush against those who are different, and that in some countries even the death penalty threatens. In other countries, reactionary populists are trying to reverse the successes achieved and ban same-sex marriages again. So it is also a very important issue in 2019. 

And it is very important for us to draw attention to this important topic. So we hope this weekend of course for many visitors who celebrate the #PRIDE Days with us. The concept for the days is ready, we have two very good themes and will celebrate the weekend at the Alkoven of the street in front of Sunshiner's Pub. A street festival seems best for the #PRIDE Days, which are also often street parades in RL. 


Back to the 70s with Disco

Back to the 70s with Disco

After the great successes of our last time travels we wanted to try it again today. And since we celebrated our "Back to the 80s" party at Sunshiner's Pub, we wanted to use it again as a time machine. This time we went back a decade more with our friends and guests and celebrated a night in the disco fever of the 70s. 


SL16B Party

Prepare Second Life Birthday (#SL16B)

On 23th of June 2003 the first version of SecondLife was released and with it this wonderful virtual world was created, which we residents often only call the "Grid". That was reason enough to celebrate the 16th birthday of SecondLife on this day and to thank Linden Lab. All of us would not have met, there would not be these friendships around the world, if it wasn't for SecondLife. There are a lot of different events around this birthday and we also wanted to have our #SL16B party. And SecondLife + summer, you think about beach, sun and fun. So we went to our beach again, but this time to the Beach Club. There we had prepared everything to celebrate this day together with our friends and guests.


Summer Welcome Party

Summer Welcome Party

Summer begins on 21th of June in the northern hemisphere. We wanted to welcome it with an Party on our Caribbean Beach and invited everyone to a cheerful night at the beach. The sound of the breaking waves mixed with the shouting of seagulls making our beach so realxing. After our swimming lessons and the event about tanned skin and sunbathing in May we were all well prepared for this special event. And the beach is really an amazing place for a wonderful party with friends.

We didn't have to prepare much this time either. Probably everyone has a bikini or a bathing suit, and the beach is what it should be, a beach. So after the set we met in the club room at 4pm and opened the party.


Savannah Rain at New Santorini Temple of Thera

Savannah Rain at Calas' New Santorini Temple of Thera

Today I got an invitation to Savannah Rain's performance in the new underwater world of Calas and I was curious. Those who know me may also know that I like Savannah very much, she has a wonderful voice and a very open, funny way. And I like underwater worlds in SecondLife and sometimes I'm a mermaid too. I like the colors, but also the "flying" through the water. And a new world in Calas that connects everything, the possibility to go as a mermaid to a Savannah Rain concert, that made me forget the time, because 7pm in SecondLife is 4am for me. Around this time the sun almost rises here.

In the invitation was written that the New Santorini Temple of Thera is a breathtakingly beautiful sunken temple filled with amazing under water life and colors just off shore from New Santorini. Everyone was invited to come and dance as a mer or sea creature tonight! I was really curious about this new world. I'm always surprised when some people tell me they've never been underwater in SecondLife before. Some don't even know that there are beautiful and colorful underwater worlds here.


Lingerie Party for Father's Day

Lingerie Party (belated Father's Day)

The 16th of June is Father's Day in many countries of the world. And like the Mother's Day we wanted celebrate it with our Sunshine Family. Because we are closed at Sundays celebrated we it today belated. How could we make the father's a special favor to say thanks? We decided to make a lingerie party. All women were asked to come in sexy lingerie, the men were of course free, and could also come with a suit or tuxedo. Only it was supposed to be festive.


Asian Paradice (Oriental Formal)

Asian Paradice (Oriental Formal)

Today we wanted go with our friends and guests to the temple at the Sunshine Realm's Mount Olymp. And when we choose this place, we also want to celebrate a special event. Because this place is really something special. And we wanted another formal dance ball, and since we always mix themes from different cultures, we wanted to organize an Asian night this time. Asian Paradice, the name was found. An aisiatic night mixed with a formal dance ball. That was the plan, and we could be curious what happen.


Pride in your Counties Flag

Pride in your Counties Flag

Friday the 14th of June is the Flag Day 2019 in the USA. We come from a lot different countries and wanted celebrate a special event with our friends. Pride in your Countries Flags

And we were curious which flags we would see today, that we would get to know something more about our guests. We thought about from which countries everyone came. Besides the USA, France, Italy, Switzerland, Croatia, Argentina, Guatemala, Brazil, Great Britain and Mexico we had forgotten the Netherlands. Sorry Skye, this will not happen again. 

It is really impressive that SecondLife offers us all a common home and that we can meet each other even though we are really spread all over the globe. And so friendships develop.


Back to the 80's night

Back to the 80's night

After the last time journeys to the dinosaurs,  the excursion to the pirates of the Caribbean and our journey to the time of prohibition we wanted to make today again a journey through time, back to the 80s. It was a shrill and colourful time, and we already had a lot of fun in the run-up, when we prepared the Sunshiner's Pub, or put together our own outfit. And we knew from many of our friends that they were just as enthusiastic and excited. We were curious about what to expect this evening.


Casino Royal

Casino Royal

Who wouldn't dream of it? Splendid rooms, big cars driving up and bellboys receiving the guests in a correct uniforms. In the room a lot waitresses and waiters in black and white clothes with trays of champagner and treats in the hand. The women wear beautiful and elegant gowns and pieces of jeweleriy. The men in tuxedos or at least a chic suit with tie. Some of the guests drink champagne and otheer whisky or cognac. The men smoke expensive cigars. 

You can hear the rolling ball on the roulette table or the dealer's commands. We're at the Casino Royal with you. And don't forget, the Martini is drunk shaken, but not stirred ;-).  

This is the atmosphere in which we wanted to take our friends and guests today. Take a seat at one of the game tables or dance, laugh and chat with friends. 

We have with the Burlesque Palace the perfect location for this event, and after we were here with our "End of Prohibition / Speakasy" event, we had to rebuild quickly. So we removed some of the burlesque stuff and set up gaming tables instead. But it was quickly prepared, the ballroom was just made for this event. 


End Prohibition / Speakeasy

End Prohibition / Speakeasy

Today we wanted to travel back in time with our friends and guests. After we went back to prehistoric times last weekend with our "Dinosaurs Day" and celebrated as pirates on Tuesday with "Buried treasure / Pirates", we wanted to go back to the time of prohibition today. Or better, the end of this era, when the Speakeasies formed a flourishing subculture in the USA. This follows Burlesque, which was popular in the USA in the first third of the 20th century, in terms of time and content. Since Burlesque and Prohibition overlap, we have chosen our Burlesque Palace for this event. This is a new venue, which we had planned for our first Burlesque Night, and which was supposed to be deleted afterwards.

Odette during our first Burlesque Night

But also our Jazz Night with the "Mobster & Molls" theme follows this theme, because Al Capone and the Chicago Mafia belong to this time, got rich with alcohol smuggling and ran establishments and hotels. So jazz belongs firmly to this period. So we could be curious which music Valantine would choose.

Misty & Bic during the "Mobster & Molls" Event

So we could be curious and looked forward to this event. But everything starts with the preparation. We had to deal with the topic in terms of content, learned some new things, and prepared the venue.


Buried Treasure / Pirates

Buried Treasure / Pirates

Something very special happened today. It's still hard to understand, and many of those who took part in our event tonight probably felt it too. We had invited to a time travel, and then it really happened. We are together at a beach in SecondLife, there are many. But we really were together there, together with friends, and together as pirates gals and wenches and pirates.

But let's start chronologically, at the beginning is an idea. Couldn't we do a pirate event? And what name do we give it? That was more a spontaneous idea to call it "Buried Treasure / Pirates", and to set the Caribbean beach as the scene. 


Dinosaur Day

Dinosaur Day

For the dinosaur day there are various dates and triggers. But June 1st is also one of the dates, and on that day the Dinosaurs will come back and take possession of our Realm of Shades. We all love dinosaurs, and are already curious what will happen that day. We prepared this place and hoped that many guest would follow our invitation to our prehistoric event. We know that there were no humans at the time of the Dinosaurs, and maybe that's was better for humans. But we hoped to see many people with explorer look or loincloth.  A little bit of Fred Feuerstein and prehistory and caveman look.

Review of May

Review of the May 

Another successful month lies behind us. And it's time to look back. However, there have been some problems this month that we have solved finally. These have brought us even closer together and have cleared up the two groups.

And yet, or perhaps because of that, a very successful month lies behind us. But let's look back together.